Welcome to SpinningHillsMiddle School Chorus!

I am looking forward to working with your child in choir this school year! Learning and performing the music in choir can increase and improve study habits, which transfers to all subjects. The discipline applied and reinforced during rehearsals are skills everyone can use!

Your child's chorus grade is earned by performing at the concert. This is 33% of the grade. Participation, quizzes, homework, and class work make up the remainder of the points.

Performances/Concerts (33%)

Participating in the final performance after months of practicing is a large part of the musical growth experience. The concerts are such an important and exciting event and

only occur once per semester! There are only two performances the entire school year that are outside the school day. Attendance is required at all performances. An absence from a performance will result in your child's grade being lowered by one-third of the total possible points. A student's improper behavior at a concert will not receive full credit for their attendance.




Holiday Concert @ StebbinsThursday, December 4, 2014 *6:30 PM *7:30 PM

Spring Concert @ StebbinsMonday, May 4, 2015*7:00 PM *6:15 PM

*Times may be subject to change and students will be expected to arrive at least 15-20 minutes prior to the performance.


Excused absences will be given an opportunity to make up the absence by an assignment that is time/effort equivalent. Unexcused absences will not have that opportunity. Your child can be excused if a written note from the parent is given to Mrs. Naill before the concert date explaining an inflexible obligation. It is understood that some emergencies arise that can not be given prior notice. In such cases, only death, family emergency, and illness constitute an excused absence. Lack of transportation, baby-sitting, poor planning, etc. is not considered excused absences. All other absences fall to the discretion of the director and Spinning Hills’administration.


For our performances, we ask that the students dress up and look nice. Black pants or a skirt of a modest length (not above the knee) and a white top are preferred. No tennis shoes, T-shirts or shorts please.

Participation, Quizzes, Homework, Classroom Assignments

The Participation grade is a daily grade based on the student's behavior, attitude, preparedness, attendance and their effort. If they are lacking in any of these areas, they will lose points from their participation grade. Participation progress can be tracked through Class Dojo.

Students may also be given written work and evaluations to reinforce musical concepts. It is always important to come prepared to learn with the needed materials and a learning attitude.


Mrs. Naill's Classroom Expectations

Students should participate to the best of their ability in everything we do.

Students should learn and sing using good posture and solid eye contact.

Students should control themselves and their noises so as not to distract others from learning.

Students should follow the school wide behavior plan and treat others and the equipment/supplies with respect.

M.U.S.I.C. C.L.A.S.S

Make good choicesCome prepared

Use kind wordsLearn on Purpose

Show respectAllow Others to Learn

Involve yourselfSpit Out Your Gum (in the trash)

Care for our roomStay Focused and Try Hard


  1. One 1” 3-ring binder with pockets (Personal Use, bring EVERY day)
  2. One large EXPO dry erase marker (Classroom Supply)
  3. 3-5 #2 pencils(Classroom Supply)
  4. 1pair earbuds/headphones with 1/8” jack (3.5 mm) (Personal Use)

Headphones should be turned in having been opened (out of package) and stored in a ziplock bag.

Inside the ziplock bag should be a card or paper with student’sFIRST and LAST nameandMusic class period clearly written.

Students will need a set of headphones/ear buds that can stay in the music classroom. These will be used when we go to the computer lab to learn from our music software. It is much easier to hear the lessons if each student has a set of their own headphones/ear buds. These will be returned to your child at the end of the year. If a student withdraws before the end of the school year, it is the student's responsibility to come to me to take their headphones home.

Please turn in the headphones/ear buds to Mrs. Naill in the smallestZiploc bag possible labeled with an index card that has the child's FIRST & LAST NAME and music period clearly written on it.Students will receive a positive for bringing in their set properly labeled, package opened, and in a ziplock bag! Each student needs to have their headphones turned in to me ASAP;positive will not be given after August 29th!!

Keep this page so you have a copy of the concert dates for your homecalendar. Fill out the form on next page and return to Mrs. Naill by the next choir class period. Feel free to contact me via E-mail () or by calling the school at 259-6635 x5303. I look forward to working with your child this year! Please send me an E-mail with your name and your child’s name, along with which music class they’re in so I can add you to my contacts.

Thank you,Dawn Naill


Please fill this out completely and return to Mrs. Naill by the next music class period.

Today's Date______My next music class is on

Child's First & Last Name______Music Class Period____

Grade Level_____

We are aware of the concert dates and understand the concert attendance, grading policy, and expectations for Chorus. We understand this policy applies to all performances throughout the school year.

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Please fill out the form below by printing.

Name / Name
Relationship to Student / Relationship to Student
Home # / Home #
Cell Phone # / Cell Phone #
Work # / Work #
E-mail / E-mail

If needed, can I contact you during the school day?

How & when is the best way to contact you?How & when is the best way to contact you?


Is there anything outstanding or special about your child that you would like me to know?





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