Certificate of University Teaching
Duquesne University

Applicants must meet with a CTE consultant before beginning the Certificate of University Teaching program. This form has been designed for electronic completion.


Completion of TA/Adjunct Teaching Orientation or equivalent

  • Date Completed:
  • Documentation submitted to CTE:

2 semesters of teaching at Duquesne University by the time of program completion

Course Number / Course Title / Semester Taught

Mastery of Basics of Teaching: Workshops

Graduate student attended one CTE or departmental session that fills each of the following six general categories:

Preparation & Clear Communication

  • Title:
  • Date Completed:
  • Documentation submitted to CTE:

Assessment and Feedback on Learning

  • Title:
  • Date Completed:
  • Documentation submitted to CTE:

Engagement of Students in Learning & Student-faculty interaction

  • Title:
  • Date Completed:
  • Documentation submitted to CTE:

Teaching Portfolio OR Teaching Philosophy

  • Title:
  • Date Completed:
  • Documentation submitted to CTE:

Instructional Technology/Media/Information Literacy

  • Title:
  • Date Completed:
  • Documentation submitted to CTE:

Academic Integrity & Classroom Management/Ethics

  • Title:
  • Date Completed:
  • Documentation submitted to CTE:

Feedback on Teaching

Graduate student asked two different faculty members from Duquesne University to observe him/her. Each faculty member completed a written observation and engaged in a follow-up discussion with the graduate student. Observations from two different semesters recommended.

Observation #1 with follow-up discussion

  • Name of Professor:
  • Date Completed:
  • Documentation submitted to CTE:

Observation #2 with follow-up discussion

  • Name of Professor:
  • Date Completed:
  • Documentation submitted to CTE:

Professional Interactions about Teaching and Learning

Graduate student completed ONE professional interaction about teaching and learning:

Voluntary participation in a formal departmental function that centers on teaching

Service as an “Experienced TA” at TA orientation

Formal mentorship of other TAs (serving as Head TA or Mentor)

Documented mentorship by a faculty advisor

One-page reflection on class observation of a faculty member, which includeda preliminary meeting and follow-up discussion with the faculty member

Consultations with CTE staff on the topic of teaching (e.g., a consultation on specific teaching techniques, effective grading, student evaluation scores, etc.)

Leader of CTE workshop

Departmental leadership

  • Serving on a departmental committee that centers on teaching
  • Formal discussions with TAs or adjuncts in your department about teaching
  • Leadership in regular TA meetings
  • Assistance in course development or contribution of teaching ideas to department

Presentation on university teaching and learning at a conference

Publication on university teaching and learning

Involvement in service learning and/or learning communities at Duquesne University

Membership in a professional organization, including one-page reflection indicating how you have used their resources to inform your teaching

Writing a Teaching and Learning Tip for CTE

Writing a teaching-related post for CTE’s blog, “The Flourishing Academic”


Title/Description of Professional Interaction:

Date Completed:

Documentation submitted to CTE:

Final Project

Graduate Studenteither attended a Teaching Portfolio Review Session or met individually with a CTE staff member to discuss the portfolio. Graduate student completed a teaching portfolio that includes:

  • A statement of teaching philosophy
  • Two observations by faculty members (completed through Certificate program)
  • One carefully selected instructional material
  • A one-page reflection on the instructional material
  • A working list of professional interactions about teaching

Attended Teaching Portfolio Review Session or Consulted with CTE Staff

  • Date Completed:
  • Documentation submitted to CTE[*]:

Completion of Teaching Portfolio

  • Date Approved by CTE Staff:


Updated April 2015

[*]Documentation is not required for an individual consultation with a CTE staff member.