There will be a special election to fill a vacant Director at Large position on the Region X Board of Directors (BOD), the current term will expire in May 2017.The Region X BOD will appoint a successful candidate to fill the vacant position for the remainder of the term. Qualified candidates must submit all required paperwork on or before the posted deadline.

Qualifications to be elected or appointed to the Board of Directors: To be nominated, elected, or appointed to the VPPPA Region X Board of Directors, an individual must be employed at a site considered to be a Full or Corporate member in good standing of the VPPPA Association at the time of said nomination, election, or appointment. No more than two (2) Directors employed at the same entity, such as a corporation, shall serve at any one time as voting members of the Board of Directors. No individual shall be named or elected as a Director without her/his prior consent. Individuals running for the office of Chair and Treasurer shall be bondable and in addition individuals running for Chair, Vice-Chair or Treasurer must have one year of previous Region X VPPPA Board experience as a Board of Director or in a Board of Directors position from another Region or National Board position to qualify for these positions.Individuals running for other offices on the Region X VPPPA Board of Directors must have at least one year's previous active experience on a Region X VPPPA committee or a National VPPPA committee. Active experience shall be considered attending in person or by teleconferencing at least a majority of the scheduled meetings and shall be validated by the Secretary through the minutes of the meetings.

Each person wishing to run for a position on the Region X VPPPA Board of Directors should bear in mind that with the position comes a commitment of time and travel expenses on the partof theindividual and his/her company. This commitment includes support to attend a minimum of 4 Board of Directors meetings, the Region X VPPPA Conference and the National VPPPA Conference to participate in the Region X networking session. This commitment can only be modified with the approval of the current Board of Directors in relation to extenuating circumstances during a person’s term on the Board.

A letter of support and commitment from the nominee and their company is required.

Deadline for submittals is November 30, 2016, nominations received after this date will not be considered.

If you wish to nominate yourself or someone else for a Board position, fill out and sign the nomination form and election protocols and return with support letters to:



Max VanValey

Region X VPPPA

Nominating Committee Chairperson

Work Phone: 253-271-3256

Cell: 253-313-8261