Mrs. Ford’s Class Information

MUN World History

E-mail: (preferred method of contact)

Phone: (949)766-6000 x4014

Office Hours: Room G218

Daily 7:10am–7:40amor by appointment

Things to bring everyday:

  1. Textbook: Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction
  2. Notebook – 3 ring binder w/dividers and paper



  1. Agenda
  2. Pencil and Pen (black or blue and red) – don’t even come to school without these!
  3. Color Pencils (12 pack is fine)
  4. A “USB” or “jump” drive
  5. This set of rules

 Failure to bring school supplies will result in negative consequences and could affect your grade because you won’t have the supplies you need to complete the class assignment. You may not go to your locker to get supplies. Just bring them with you.

Grading– Students receive grades that they earn. Grades reflect the work over an entire quarter or semester. Students should not expect the opportunity to bring their grades up the last week of the quarter or semester.

A+ 99–100%A 92-98%A-90-91%

B+ 88-89%B 82-87%B-80-81%

C+ 78-79%C 72-77%C-70-71%

D+ 68-69%D 62-67%D-60-61%F 59% and below

The overall Semester gradewill be rounded - .5, .6,.7,.8, and .9 will be rounded up and .1, .2, .3, ,4 will be rounded down. 89.4 is 89.

Semester Grades

15% Homework/Classwork

15% Essays

20% MUN Conferences

30% Quizzes and Tests

20% Semester Exams

Simple Rules –

  1. Follow all School rules at all times
  2. Be on time. A tardy will result in a dean’s detention. Students late to the first class of the day must receive an A.M. tardy pass from the dean's office before being allowed into class.
  3. No Cell Phones or any other electronic devices in class (such as but not limited to Ipods, MP3 players, PSP, etc…) in class. Any phone or electronic device seen or heard will be taken and you will be given a dean’s detention. (Phones will be taken to the Dean’s office)
  4. No food or gum in class. If I see it I will make you throw it away and give you a dean’s detention. (bottled water is fine to have in class)
  5. Stay seated and quiet during ETV and intercom announcements
  6. Be seated, quiet, and working on your agendaswhen the bell rings. If you are not you will receive a dean’s detention. Raise your hand if you wish to speak, but do not talk out of turn. Excessive talking and disruptions will result in a dean’s detention.
  7. Class time is not the proper time to discuss your grade. Please see me during office hours or make

an appointment. I am happy to address your concerns then.

  1. All students must be in dress code or a Dean’s Detention will be issued
  2. Be respectful of others
  3. Keep the room clean.
  4. Students should use the restroom before or after class time. Please do not ask to go during class time. Students will be given two bathroom passes per semester. Any unused passes may be turned in at the end of the semester for bonus homework points.
  5. Students must all stand when an adult enters the room as a sign of respect.
  6. Do not enter class unless I am in the room. Line up in the hallway.
  7. I dismiss you from class, not the bell. The room must be clean before the class is dismissed.
  8. All work should be typed whenever possible. Typed work should be single-spaced (unless told otherwise), have 1” margins, and be in Times New Roman 12 point font.

Paper Headings – All papers should have the student’s name, date, and period number in the upper right hand corner of the paper. The correct assignment title should be on the first line of the paper in the center.

Homework – Every week there is a list of the homework assignments for the week posted on my webpage. You must copy this down into your agenda. This is how I announce homework so if you don't read the webpage you will miss out! Copy this down your first day in class so you know what to expect for the week. Please have your name on your assignment, all pages stapled, etc. before you enter my classroom. I reserve the right to add/drop and or change homework assignments. If there is a difference between the homework posted on the internet and what I tell you in class, the correct assignment is the one I give to you in class. The first student to email me to inform me of any discrepancy will receive bonus homework points. Homework is due at the beginning of class in the tray on my desk. Any homework submitted after that will be counted as late.

Test Retakes- Students who earn below a 70% on an essay test may retake the test under these conditions:

Students can rewrite only the essay(s) on which they earned below a 70%.

Students’ new grade will be an average of the original and retake scores, but may not exceed 70%.

Students who wish to retake a test must first meet with the instructor to review the material.

Students must retake the essay test before school within one week of when the teacher returns the graded tests. It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to schedule the retake.

Grades –I will be publishing grades on ABI. Please make sure to check your grade once a week. Any grade “disputes” must be brought to my attention within a week after the grade was issued. After one week, grades will not be changed on any assignment for any reason.

Prayer – We start each class period with a prayer. Students are encouraged to lead prayer. Please raise your hand at the beginning of class when I ask for volunteers.

Absences – Students are responsible for finding out what they missed from a classmate or my webpage. Students have the number of days they are absent to make up work. All absent work should be turned into the homework tray and marked “absent”. If a student misses a test the day they were absent, they are expected to take that test the day they return. If the student is in class the day the test is given they are expected to take the test that day. Any exceptions to this must be pre-approved by the instructor at least a day in advance. If you miss my class but you were on campus for any part of the day (sports, ASB, drama, field trip etc.) you must turn in your assignment that day before class. Students missing class for sports, ASB, drama, field trip etc. on the day of a test, should make an appointment to come in before school that day take any quiz or test and pick up any work that they will miss that day. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements inadvance.

Long-term projects are due on the assigned date at the beginning of the period regardless of whether you can come to class that day. If you are not sure what is considered and "long term project", ask me.

Group work – Group Activities will be graded individually. An appropriate amount of class time will be provided for the students to work.

Late work - Students can turn in any assignment late for half of the credit earned. The deadline for late work is two weeks after the assignment was due. NO late work is accepted after that deadline – NO exceptions. If you are worried about missing the deadline you may A) turn all assignments in on time

B) do the make up work before the deadline. Computer malfunctions are not an excuse for late work. Late work should be turned into me marked “Late”.

Plagiarism - All work turned into me should be the student's own work. Plagiarism is unacceptable and I will write an automatic referral in any situation in which I have reason to believe the work is not the student's own. This is a school rule and I will report any violation that I see. (Even if the assignment is not for my class) Plagiarism includes but is not limited to: copying someone's answers on a test, homework, or other assignment; letting someone copy answers on a test, homework, or other assignment; copying information from a book, magazine, encyclopedia, web site, or other source and portraying this information as something you have written. Working with someone else should not produce identical answers to every question. Students should not collaborate on assignments unless instructed specifically to do so. Most nightly homework is simple enough that students should be able to complete it without any assistance. (An upcoming class period will be dedicated to covering plagiarism.)

Computer Use - All computer use at school must be for educational purposes only. No student should alter or damage a computer, computer hardware, or computer software. No student should access or attempt to access inappropriate web sites. Students should not access or attempt to access any disk drives, CD Roms, network printers, software, or network locations they were not specifically given instructions to access.

Bonus Points–Bonus pointsmay be available on tests along with some quizzes and homework. Bonus points will not be given the last week of any marking period.

Extra Credit – TBA

Athletic Eligibility - Athletic eligibility is determined at the end of each of the four official grading periods. I cannot change grades to make students eligible. The end of the grading period, is the end of the grading period.

Videos - When students are watching a video or movie they are expected to engage in active listening. That means that they are expected to sit upright and be focused on the video or movie. Students are not permitted to sit on the floor, put their head down, or engage in other work.

Never throw anything away! – “I didn’t think we’d need it anymore.” WRONG! Sometime I make an error recording grades. If you do not have the graded work to show me as proof that I made an error I cannot fix the problem. I try to be as accurate as possible but over the course of the year I correct, grade, and record hundreds of assignments so an error is sure to occur at some point.

Rubrics – Rubrics are used to grade student work. I often distribute these to students before I collect the assignment so they are aware of the criteria that I will be looking for.

Steps to Success – Wow! That seems like a lot of rules. True. However, not getting in trouble in my class is simple if you follow three simple steps to success. They are:

  1. Come in the room immediately sit down
  2. Be quiet & respectful to your teacher & classmates
  3. Do your work

Syllabus 2011-2012

First Semester Topics

The Rise of Democratic Ideas

Enlightenment and Revolution

The French Revolution

The Industrial Revolution

Nationalists Revolutions/Age of Imperialism

The Great War (WWI)

Second Semester Topics

Revolution and Nationalism/Years of Crisis

World War II (w/ focus on the Holocaust)

Restructuring the Post War World and the Cold War

The Colonies Become New Nations

Struggles for Democracy

Global Interdependence

Unresolved Problems of the Modern World

Each student will complete a research paper in World History. Information on the research paper will be on a separate hand out at a later date.


Events in history are not “G” rated. Your child will be viewing historical media that is PG, PG-13, and R rated (Schindler’s List and 9/11 documentaries). By signing the form on the next page, you are consenting to your child watching this media. If you would like further information on the movies/media your child will be viewing this year, please email me at:

I’m here to help – If you have problems or questions, I am here to help. See me during my office hours or make an appointment. I want you to succeed. This also applies if you have any concerns about the way I am conducting class. If you are unhappy with me, I want to hear about it from you.

MUN Grades – Sophomore MUN students must attend four conferences. (see list below) These conferences will be worth 50 points each to the student’s grade. Students must turn in a conference self-evaluation form online the Sunday after each conference. If students attend all of the conferences listed above and then attend extra conferences, these conferences will then count as part of their grade as well. Signing up to attend a conference is a commitment to attend that entire conference. Failure to fulfill that commitment will result in reduction of the student's academic grade and possibly other consequences at the MUN advisor's discretion. Don’t let the title “optional” fool you! These conferences are optional until you sign up for them; they then become required for you! Students will receive a grade of 100% for a gavel or best delegate award, 96% for outstanding, 92% for commendation, and 88% or lower for no award or research award only. When there is no distinction between the levels of the award students will receive a 92%. If the student misses part of a conference their grade will be reduced proportional to the amount of conference time missed. (If the student misses one hour of a ten hour conference their grade will be reduced ten percent. A grade of 88% would be marked down to 78%) Lunch time is not counted as conference time but the awards ceremony is considered conference time. If the student can win an award despite having missed part of the conference they will still get points off but will still receive a grade of “A-“. Students must attend the entire day of school the day prior to and the day after a conference. MUN students are not to take a day off to catch up on their school work. Make sure that you plan ahead and get your homework for other classes done BEFORE you go to the conference. DO NOT ask your teachers for extensions or special consideration because you spent the weekend at an MUN conference. These rules apply for all conferences. (Especially long weekend conferences and extended away conferences such as UC Berkeley and London) Students who do not win any award during the school year are not eligible to continue in MUN the following year.

Missing a required MUN conference – It is best not to miss a conference for any reason. However, illness, injury, and other commitments do sometimes stand in the way of accomplishing this. If you must miss an MUN conference you should get your MUN teacher’s PERMISSION before sign-ups for that conference. Your MUN teacher must give his/her permission for you to miss the conference. If this permission is given then you must do all of the required class work for the conference that you miss (write the papers, participate in roasts, etc.) You must attend another “make up” conference to take the place of the conference you missed. If you miss a required conference and fail to attend a “make up” conference you will not be eligible to participate in MUN. If you will only have to miss one day of a multi-day conference you must attend the day(s) you can make the conference, and also complete a “make up” conference. You must arrange with your teacher beforehand what conference you will attend as a make-up. You will be required to pay an extra fee for this conference. You will also be required to complete any papers, etc. that this additional conference requires. You must attend the entire make up conference even if it is longer than the one that you missed. You may not use “Head Delegate” or any “invitational” conferences in the place of required conferences. Those are considered privileges and should not be used as a “way out” of a required conference. If students miss a required conference and do not complete a make-up conference, their academic grade will be penalized. The penalty will be determined by their MUN teacher and may be a zero. Students who miss a required conference are ineligible to letter in MUN or attend invitational conferences with the program the following year even if they attend a make- up conference. Students who wait until late in the school year to recognize schedule conflicts may have no make-up conference available and may have to accept a zero for the MUN conference that they miss. This is also true for students who may miss more than one MUN conference. Students who miss more than one required MUN conference during a school year will be ineligible to enroll in MUN the following school year.

Fundraising – Students are expected to participate in MUN fundraising activities. Students are never required to donate money, but must be willing to donate time and hard work to these events. We ask that all families help in any way that they can with these events.

Honors Placement – World History/MUN is an honors level class. In order to be recommended for any social studies honors courses next year it is expected that students receive a grade of “B” or better in each semester of this year. Any student receiving a grade of “C” or lower will not be recommended for any honors level courses next year. In order to stay in MUN students must win at least one award during the school year.

Tentative SMCHS MUN Conference Schedule 2011-2012

Month#of daysConferenceLevel

September 241SOCOMUNAll

October 11CerritosSoph Optional

October22-23*2Edison AdvancedSoph., Junior, and Senior