Part A: Applicant details
  1. Company Name: ......
  2. Company registration number (if applicable): ......
  3. Registered address:
  1. Principal Operating address:
Part B: Evidence of satisfaction of admission criteria (please answer only one)
  1. Green Deal Provider: GDPA......
  2. Electricity Supplier:Party to the Master Registration Agreement? ......

Part C: Affiliation
  1. The applicant is/is not* affiliated to any existing or proposed new party
  2. Where the applicant is affiliated to any existing or proposed new party, list the names of these companies:
  1. Where the applicant is affiliated to any existing or proposed new party, will the applicant act as the Nominated Payment Party for that Party Group? Yes/No*
*Delete as appropriate
Part D: Contract Manager Details
  1. Name: ......
  2. Address: ......
  1. Telephone/Mobile: ......
  2. Email: ......

Part E: Requirements applicable to Finance Parties
  1. By its signature in paragraph 14 below, the Applicant hereby confirms to the best of its knowledge and belief, its intention to enter into a Notice of Transfer with a Green Deal Provider within six (6) months of its date of becoming a party to the Green DealArrangements Agreement.
  2. Evidence being (a) a bank or financial institution or a trust, fund or other entity which is regularly engaged in or established for the purpose of making, purchasing or investing in loans, securities or other financial assets; or (b) a Green Deal Provider who is engaged in orestablished for the purpose of making, purchasing or investing in loans, securities or otherfinancial assets.
Part F: Confirmation
  1. The Applicant hereby applies for accession to the Green Deal Arrangements Agreement in the capacity of [Supplier] [Green Deal Provider] [Finance Party]*
Signed on behalf of the Applicant by:
Name: ......
Position / capacity: ......
Signature: ......
Date: ......
  1. Evidence of signing authority(if not signed by a Director or signed by a third party, i.e. solicitor):
For GDAA Panel Use Only
Approved / Rejected
Reason: ......
Date and minute number of GDAA Panel Meeting: ......
*Delete as appropriate

To be considered by the GDAA Panel a duly authorised signed application must be sent by email, fax or post to the GDAA Panel Secretary ().

Released on 5thNovember 20151