Grading Plan Waivers 2017

Effective June 7, 2017, the Building By-law 2012-019 was amended to include Section 4.06 which removes the requirement for a professional survey for the lot grading and drainage planprovided certain conditions are present.

The above amendment does not, however, remove the requirement for a lot grading and drainage plan to be submitted as part of the application package for a building permit. The applicant or their qualified designer must still prepare a lot grading and drainage plan for review by the Building Division.

Where this applies

Where an application to construct a single detached, semi-detached, townhouse or row house, relates to a property with a lot area greater than 0.4 hectare (1 acre), the requirement to submit a lot grading and drainage plan based on a survey is waived if the placement of the dwelling meets all of the following:

  • the dwelling is located such that the minimum setbacks are equal to five times the required setback, as regulated by the applicable zoning by-law;
  • except an exterior/flankage side yard is only required to meet a minimum two times the required setback; and
  • a minimum setback requirement of 30mwill be deemed to satisfy the above.

What must be included on the plan

Site location information

  • Civic address or street name and legal description
  • Owners names
  • Property roll number

General information

  • North arrow
  • Legend – if using symbols
  • Key plan – if not showing entire lot
  • Location of any easements or rights-of-way
  • Plan of the property with dimensions
  • All proposed and existing buildings and structures to be shown, complete with dimensions shown from lot lines and other buildings
  • Location of entrance(s) to property
  • Location of Hydro Lines, overhead or buried
  • Private septic system location
  • Well location

Grading information

  • Existing site conditions - indicate drainage ditches, ponds, treed areas, wetlands, streams, etc.
  • Spot elevations surrounding the structure and throughout the property to give a general indication of the current and proposed conditions
  • Direction of flow of proposed and existing drainage, particularly along property lines
  • Proposed swale locations and direction of flow within swales
  • Any other information that may assist in the evaluation of the request

How is the plan reviewed?

Submissions will be reviewed against:

  • aerial photography mapping;
  • topographical mapping; and
  • applicable conservation regulated area mapping

If the property falls within a regulated area, the Conservation Authority will review the proposal with respect to lot grading and drainage prior to issuance of their permit, which then forms part of the overall building permit file.

All private drainage generated as a result of construction relating to a building permit must comply with the Ontario Building Code. Grading plans must clearly demonstrate how the drainage post construction will be positively graded away from the structure and not adversely affect adjacent properties.

Should drainage issues arise during the course of construction, the Chief Building Officialmay request a professionally prepared grading planto ensure adjacent properties are not adversely affected.

General Notes

Drainage shall be self-contained on site by the construction of swales or drain to a protected outlet. Drainage shall not impact adjacent properties.

Interim grading measures may be required during building construction to ensure that drainage does not adversely affect the neighbouring properties. Rough grading of the property shall be completed such that drainage is contained on site or controlled to a protected outlet.

All downspouts and other drainage discharge points shall discharge onto a splash pad or approved equivalent.

Sump pump discharge points must be contained within private property or be connected to city storm sewer. In no case may storm drainage be directed to or connected to a sanitary sewer.

The owner/builder must obtain a road occupancy permit from public works prior to any work within the municipal road allowance.

Sample Grading Plan

The following is an example of a lot grading and drainage plan:

A larger format copy of the above sample drawing is available from the Building Division, please contact the Administrative Assistant at 705-324-9411 extension 1288.

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