Sandhills Center for MH, DD & SAS

Consumer and Family Advisory Committee

November 15, 2011

Present: Stephen Cohen, Loida Colonna, Elaine Hayes, Ron Huber, Marianne Kernan, Chris Laughlin, Allen Little, Lori Richardson, Irma Robledo, Ronald Unger and Ashley Wilcox.

Excused Absence: Michael Ayers, Debra Collins, Carol DeBerry, Leann Henkel and Anthony Pugh

Unexcused Absence: Edward Daniels and Libby Jones

Sandhills Center Staff Present: Mike Markoff, Customer Outreach/Advocacy/Coordinator; Eric Fox (Division Representative), and Joni Nall; Customer Service Representative

Guests: Lori Thayer, Regulatory Compliance Officer

Presenter & Topic / Discussion / Outcome/Follow-Up Plan /
Ron Huber, CFAC Chairperson – Call to Order / Ø  The meeting was called to order at 6:25 p.m. / The October 18, 2011 minutes were reviewed and a motion was made by Marianne and seconded by Stephen Cohen to accept the minutes as written.
The motion carried.
Lori Thayer, Regulatory Compliance Officer
*  Strategic Plan FY 11-12
QMC Executive Summary 1st Qtr. FY 11-12
Quarterly Incident Report 1st Qtr. FY 11-12 / Ø  Lori reviewed the Assessment of Service Needs, Gaps, and Provider Capacity: Strategic Plan – July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 outlining the following:
·  Executive Summary
·  Local Management Entity
·  Community Service Needs/Gaps Assessment Process
·  Accomplishments 2010 – 2011
·  Strategic Plan to Address Identified Service Needs and Gaps
Ø  Lori presented the 1st Qtr. FY 11-12 Quality Management Committee Executive Summary covering:
·  Compliance with Performance Indicators
·  QMC Highlights
Ø  Lori presented the Level II and III Quarterly Incident Report for the 1st Qtr. FY 11-12 as follows:
·  The total number of Level II and III incidents received was 140. There were 126 Level II reports and 14 Level III reports submitted.
·  Types of Incidents included:
o  Consumer Behavior – 58
o  Allegations of A/N/E – 31
o  Consumer Injuries – 19
o  Consumer Deaths – 11
Suspension, Expulsion & Fire – 3
o  Medication Errors – 1
o  Restrictive Interventions - 17
·  The following information was outlined in Lori’s presentation including Number by Type and Level, Unduplicated Count of Consumers and Highest Number of Reports for
a Single Consumer:
o  Consumer Deaths
o  Restrictive Interventions
Consumer Injuries by Cause of Injury
Allegations of Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation by a Provider or Caregiver
o  Consumer Behavior
o  Medication Error
o  Other Incidents
·  Detailed charts and graphs were provided detailing Level II & III Reports by County and Number of Incidents Received over Time. / Mike suggested the 2nd Qtr QMC Executive Summary include the participation of the CFAC committee.
Mike Markoff, Customer Service Coordinator – Quarterly Complaint Report 4th Qtr. (April-June 2011) / Ø  Mike reviewed the 4th Qtr. (Apr - June) - Quarterly Complaint Report outlining the following:
·  Summary of Complaints Made
o  46 received by LME
o  42 By or On Behalf of a Consumer
o  4 Not by or On Behalf of a Consumer
·  Re: Primary Nature of complaints
o  7 Quality of Care
o  25 Access to Services
o  2 Payment/Authorization/Billing
o  4 Service Coordination Between Providers
o  2 Administrative Issues
o  6 Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation
Information was provided outlining: person making complaint, age of consumer, disability of consumer, primary nature of complaint and type of services.
·  Summary of Actions Taken and Final Disposition
o  9 Resulted in an Investigation
o  37 Did Not Result in an Investigation
o  2 Investigations were Substantiated
o  2 Investigations were Not Substantiated
o  5 Partially Substantiated
Information was provided outlining: complaints not investigated final dispositions and number of working days from receipt by LME to completion.
·  Total # of working days to resolve – 0-30 days (45)
·  Total # of working days to resolve – 31-60 days (1)
Ø  Examples of how the LME is analyzing patterns and using complaint data including, were presented :
o  Analyses (patterns)
o  Strategies Developed
o  Actions Taken
o  Evaluation of Results of Actions Taken
o  Next Steps.
Ø  Charts and graphs were presented detailing each complaint received for the quarter.
Ø  No consumers have suffered lasting physical or psychological effects due to the complaints
Ø  Mike provided comparison data from same quarter last year.
Mike Markoff, Customer Service Coordinator – Consolidated Balance Sheet & Income Statement (October 2011) / Ø  SHC Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement dated 10/31/11 indicated the following:
·  Total Revenues (YTD)……….…….….... $ 11,589,429
·  Total Expenditures (YTD)………….….....$ 11,438,166
·  Change in Fund Balance (YTD)...... ….$ 151,263
Ron Huber, CFAC Chairperson
*  Wake CFAC Ground Rules
*  Update CFAC By-Laws
*  Review/Update CFAC Membership Terms / Ø  Ron reviewed the CFAC By-Laws, ARTICLE 8: Meetings – SECTION 9. Conduct of Meetings with the committee. Following reviewing Wake CFAC Ground Rules, the committee members decided to remove the following sentence: Meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order insofar as such rules are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and replace it with:
Meetings shall be governed by the following Ground Rules:
à  We Share Responsibility for Following the Ground Rules
à  Debate and Dissent here; Be United in Public
à  Everyone Participates
à  Start and Finish on Time
à  Stick to the Agenda/Stay on Topic
à  Give Constructive Feedback
à  Avoid Being Defensive
à  One Conversation at a Time
à  Listen without Interrupting
à  Respect Different Viewpoints
à  Challenge Ideas, NOT People
Ø  Ron reviewed the Consumer & Family Advisory Committee Terms with the members whose terms expired in November 2011.
The following members extended their term for an additional 3 years (2014):
·  Carol DeBerry (sent word via Lori Richardson)
·  Stephen Cohen
·  Ronald Unger
·  Irma Robledo
·  Debra Collins
·  Lori Richardson
·  Ron Huber as his term goes from (2011 – 2014)
The following membership terms will be reviewed again in November 2012:
·  Elaine Hayes, Loida Colonna, Marianne Kernan, Christopher Laughlin, Michael Ayers and Edward Daniels.
The following membership terms will be reviewed again in November 2013:
·  Allen Little, Ashley Wilcox and Anthony Pugh / A motion was made by Marianne Kernan and seconded by Chris Laughlin to accept the revisions to the CFAC By-Laws, Article 8: - Meetings – Section 9: Conduct of Meetings as presented.
The motion carried.
**Post meeting: An email was sent to Leann Henkel and Libby Jones requesting their renewal of terms decision.
** Leann Henkel replied
Eric Fox, Division Representative / Consumer Empowerment Team Update
November 2011
1.) The new DMH DD SAS Website has been launched. The Quick Tour is a great place to start to get an overview of features of the site. This brief introduction will help you find the information that is important to you.
2.) DMH DD SAS Communication Bulletins
These reports are located on the DMH DD SAS Website Reports page at the following link:
3.) DMH DD SAS Implementation Updates:
Implementation Update #91 published October 10, 2011
Notice of Rate Reductions
Health Choice Transition
Payment on Professional Crossover Claims
Outpatient Behavioral Health Services Seminars
E-mail Updates on Medicaid Alerts
Hard copies of these documents are available upon request. Electronic versions of previous Implementation Updates can be found at the following link:
4.) State and Local CFAC info: The State CFAC website has all of the approved minutes, bylaws, contact info, etc at:
Local CFAC info can be found on the DMH website:
5.) Information on Critical Access Behavioral Health Agencies (CABHAs) can be found at the following link:
6.) 1915 (b)(c) Waiver info:
Division Waiver Info Web page:
DMA web page with Waiver info:
7.) Volunteer Opportunities for Consumer and Family members:
There are no current listings at this time.
8.) Upcoming Conferences:
NC TIDE Conference (formerly NC FARO) November 13-16 2011 Crown Plaza Resort Hotel Asheville, NC Visit for additional info. Questions may be sent by email to or by phone at: 919-740-9435.
NC Council of Community Programs
2011 Conference and Exhibition
December 5-7, 2011 Pinehurst Resort & Country Club, Pinehurst, NC
Brochure and registration available at:
9.) To be added to or removed from my general e-mail list please send an email to I can be reached by telephone at 919-715-3197 ext 235.
10.) Be In The Know – Know your acronyms matching game provided.
Committee Reports
Announcement/Handouts / Loida Colonna shared with the committee a Thanksgiving Quiz – How much do you know about Thanksgiving Day? Holiday fun was shared as the committee attempted to answer the 10 questions!
Ø  The following CFAC member volunteered as “Monitors” for the Pinehurst Conference on December 5th – 7th, 2011:
December 5, 2011 Monitors December 6, 2011 Monitors
1.  Carol DeBerry 1. Marianne Kernan
2.  Lori Richardson 2. Carol DeBerry
3.  Ronald Unger 3. Lori Richardson
4.  Chris Laughlin 4. Ronald Unger
5.  Ron Huber 5. Anthony Pugh
6.  Anthony Pugh
7.  Irma Robledo
Ø  The Stakeholder Advocacy Group Meeting on 11/16: Carol DeBerry, Lori Richardson and Ronald Unger. CFAC has been approached to spearhead the outreach efforts and make plans regarding people in our community regarding the future of MH/DD/ and SA services. The information shared will assist people to understand the LME’s transition to a waiver site.
Ø  The Community Stakeholder’s Breakfast in Harnett County is scheduled for Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 8:30 a.m.
Handouts in this Month’s Packets
à  SHC CFAC Meeting Minutes dated 10/18/11
à  SHC Strategic Plan – July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2112
à  SHC Quality Management Committee Executive Summary – July, Aug., Sept. 2011
à  SHC Level II & III Quarterly Incident Report – 1st Qtr FY “11-‘12
à  SHC Quarterly Complaint Report – 4th Qtr. (Apr. – June 2011)
à  SHC Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement October 31, 2011
à  Wake CFAC Ground Rules
à  CFAC By-Laws
à  CFAC Terms FY ’11-‘12
à  CFAC Members Roster
à  Community Stakeholder’s Breakfast Flyer – Harnett County 11-30-11
à  National Core Indicators – NC Interviewers – Job Responsibilities
à  PBH CFAC Minutes – August 16, 2011
à  Mercer – Operations/Readiness Review of SHC dated July 6, 2011
à  SHC Chief Executive Officer’s Report – November 8, 2011
à  SHC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - October 11, 2011
Adjournment / The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Future Meeting / The next CFAC meeting will be held on January 17, 2012 at 6:15 p.m.
Submitted by: Joni K. Nall