Waiting corner activities

Stef Berghmans

Pair exercise phonetic symbols (speaking + writing + listening):

Formation objectives:

Learning strategies:

-  The pupils know that phonetics are useful regarding pronunciation.


-  The pupils aim at accuracy when speaking.

Personality formation:

-  The pupils are able to work in pairs.

-  The pupils are able to help someone when they don’t understand something.

Pupil A tries to read exercise 1. Pupil B has to write down what pupil A says. If you experience any problems, use the help chart. When you have finished, have a look at the correction. Then change roles.

Pupil A

ðə - ˈpjuːpəlz- ɪn - ðə - striːt - lʌv - tʊ - pleɪ - ˈfʊt.bɔːl.

ˈevri- deɪ - ðeɪ - pleɪ - ˈsʌm.weə - ɪn - ðə - ˈneɪbəhʊd.

bʌt - təˈdeɪ - ðɛə - ɑː - nəʊ - ˈtʃɪl.drən- ɪn - ðə - striːt.

ɪt - ɪz - reɪnɪŋ.

The pupils in the street love to play football.

Every day they play somewhere in the neighbourhood.

But today there are no children in the street.

It is raining.

Pupil B

juː - ˈkænɒt - steɪ - hɪə - bɔɪ.

jɔː - ˈmʌðə - wɪl – biː - lʊkɪŋ - fɔː - juː.

gəʊ - həʊm – ænd – tel - jɔː - ˈmʌðə - weə - juː - hæv - biːn - təˈdeɪ.

ˈprɒmɪs - miː - ðæt - juː - wɪl - ˈnevə - rʌn - əˈweɪ - əˈgen.

You cannot stay here boy.

Your mother will be looking for you.

Go home and tell your mother where you have been today.

Promise me that you will never run away again.

Now try to make a short sentence (max. 5 words) and your partner has to write down the sentence in phonetics. You may use the sheet to do this.


I like football

I am going to the cinema.

p / pen, copy, happen
b / back, baby, job
t / tea, tight, button
d / day, ladder, odd
k / key, clock, school
g / get, giggle, ghost
tʃ / church, match, nature
dʒ / judge, age, soldier
f / fat, coffee, rough, photo
v / view, heavy, move
θ / thing, author, path
ð / this, other, smooth
s / soon, cease, sister
z / zero, music, roses, buzz
ʃ / ship, sure, national
ʒ / pleasure, vision
h / hot, whole, ahead
m / more, hammer, sum
n / nice, know, funny, sun
ŋ / ring, anger, thanks, sung
l / light, valley, feel
r / right, wrong, sorry, arrange
j / yet, use, beauty, few
w / wet, one, when, queen
/ Vowels
ɪ / kit, bid, hymn, minute
e / dress, bed, head, many
æ / trap, bad
ɒ / lot, odd, wash
ʌ / strut, mud, love, blood
ʊ / foot, good, put
iː / fleece, sea, machine
eɪ / face, day, break
aɪ / price, high, try
ɔɪ / choice, boy
uː / goose, two, blue, group
əʊ / goat, show, no
aʊ / mouth, now
ɪə / near, here, weary
eə / square. fair, various
ɑː / start, father
ɔː / thought, law, north, war
ʊə / poor, jury, cure
ɜː / nurse, stir, learn, refer
ə / about, common, standard
i / happy, radiate. glorious
u / thank you, influence, situation
n̩ / suddenly, cotton
l̩ / middle, metal
ˈ / (stress mark)

Difference British/American English (reading + writing)

Formation objectives

Learning strategies

The pupils are able to use a dictionary efficiently.


The pupils notice the difference between languages that look the same but aren’t the same (British and American English).

World view

The pupils notice the difference in word-choice between American and British English.

There are 10 British English and 10 American English words. Put the British English words in one column and the American English ones in another column. Match the British word with the correct American word. If you don’t understand the meaning of a word, use a dictionary. Afterwards use the correction key.

Crossroads / Railroad
Flat / Apartment
Holiday / Subway
Crisps / Cab
Taxi / Intersection
Trousers / Pants
Shop / Vacation
Underground (railway) / Store
Railway / Chips
Roundabout / Traffic circle

Correction key

British English / American English
Crossroads / Intersection
Flat / Apartment
Holiday / Vacation
Crisps / Chips
Taxi / Cab
Trousers / Pants
Shop / Store
Underground (railway) / Subway
Railway / Railroad
Roundabout / Traffic circle

PowerPoint exercise: verbs (listening, reading, writing)

Formation objectives

Learning strategies:

-  The pupils are able to listen to a native speaker.


-  The pupils can revise a tense individually (with some help).

World view:

-  The pupils become a bit interested in British and American music.

Personality formation:

-  The pupils can work individually with correction keys (without cheating).