Taylor Coniglio




Background Statement:

For my midterm project, I am designing a website for a client whose organization is titled Go Green. Go Green is a grass root organization whose goal is to assist individuals, businesses and corporations in living a greener life, by promoting a cleaner environment. The website will cover a section on ways to promote a clean environment, green resources, contact information, ways to make donations, information about products to help clean the environment, news about the environment, and a form to request an appointment.

The major user group I am serving with this website, is a 35-60 year old American who is not that knowledgeable about ways to live a greener life. The website will serve as a first touching point to capture the audience, by conveying several simple little ways to incorporate greener practices into his or her life. A goal of my website will be to disseminate such knowledge and to give readers a sense that living a greener life does not have to be overwhelming or difficult.

Site requirements:

The Go Green website has three pages. Page one is the master or “HOME” section, which introduces the organization and what green means. The second page is titled: “Green Resources”, the third page is titled “Green News”, and the four page “Get Involved”.

Description of Users:

Several groups will be targeted with this website. These groups include: students, general adult public (ages 35-60), and small businesses. The primary emphasis will be on the audience of the general public, community members, and students through the display of how he or she can individually contribute to a cleaner community, thus making going green a individual effort but also an impactful community practice. Going Green’s website will offer more ways in which individuals can take action to greener lives, rather than a large emphasis on legislation and tax breaks (which would be necessary for corporations or larger groups). Information that will be included on the website includes, but is not limited to:

·  Food practices

·  Green household cleaning products

·  Ideas for ‘green’ community events

·  Energy/resource consumption and carbon footprints

Most importantly, these sections will be supported by the homepage, which will entail why going green is important and ways to promote going green as a lifestyle. At the bottom of the “Get Involved” page, there will be a section where website visitors can request an appointment with a Going Green consultant in order to gain more knowledge, brainstorm, and implement personalized green lifestyle approaches.



·  Main Heading:

·  Nexa Rust Sans Black 160px

·  Body Text

·  Geneva 18px

·  Heading three

o  Blair MLTC 36px

Color Scheme:

For this project, I created my own color scheme on Adobe Color CC from a picture of trees. Below is my color swatch for the website.

Color numbers in order from left to right:

·  RGB: 54, 83, 2

·  RGB: 63, 106, 4

·  RGB: 147, 167, 2

·  RGB: 241, 247, 163

·  RGB: 182, 213, 240


For my website, I used a 5 column grid.