2013 100,000 Homes Campaign Registry Week Timeline

  • Determine final count date & Register Week Schedule
  • Develop volunteer recruitment plans
  • Create new materials for 2013 Count & Register Week
  • Update website with 2013 information
  • Compile contacts list for October mailer
-Service providers
-Township offices
-Police departments
-Other locations
  • Recommend HACC set-aside vouchers/public housing
  • Set a goal for number of people housed through Campaign
  • Decisions about gift cards, gift bags, referral cards
  • Mailer #1 to service sites
-Count description
  • Design volunteer flyers
  • College & faith-based email campaign for volunteer recruitment
  • Create wufoo to capture volunteer info.
  • Identify training sites
  • CBSA Meetings
-What is new for 2013
-Team Leaders
-Volunteers & Consumers
-Hot Spots
-Gift Bags
-Referral Cards
  • Determine locations for focus groups & interviews
  • Modify Vulnerability Index
  • Create partnerships
-Police depts.
-Local agencies
  • Discuss housing options with service providers, HACC, etc.
  • Outreach hospitals & police for frequent users
  • Create confidentiality paperwork for
participants (HIPAA)
  • Create volunteer confidentiality & release forms
  • Email updates to volunteers
  • Donation requests to local businesses for Gift Bags
  • CBSA Meetings
-Progress Report
-Establish meeting spot for Registry Week
  • Conduct focus groups & interviews with consumers
  • Create press release
  • Research Hot Spots
  • Post information on volunteer websites
  • Draft MOU for agencies providing housing for 100K Homes
  • Get mapping help (CMAP)
  • Secure facility for debriefing
  • CBSA Meetings
-Progress Reports
  • Finalize contact list for Mailer #2
  • Submit press release
  • Finalize Hot Spot list
  • Finalize volunteer & consumer list
  • Finalize Gift Bags
  • Finalize Referral Cards
  • Create Count Teams
  • Begin mapping Hot Spots
  • Schedule volunteer trainings for next month
  • Submit information to free websites & calendars
  • Sign MOUs with agencies providing housing for 100K Homes
  • Mailer #2 to Service Sites
-Survey & VI
-Helpful Hints
-Community debriefing information
  • CBSA Meetings
-Distribute regional list & materials
  • Conduct volunteer training sessions
  • Create volunteer IDs & badges for team cars
  • Finish mapping Hot Spots
  • Finish Count Teams with assigned Leaders
  • Have outreach teams inform participants of upcoming survey
  • Purchase supplies for Registry Week
  • Compile data
  • Send Thank-You notes to all volunteers, sites, donors, etc.
  • Create & distribute feedback survey for volunteers & sites
  • Analyze 2013 Count data
  • Map data
  • Host community debriefing