RFT N706/13

ActewAGL East Lake Zone Substation 11kV Feeders: Trenching, Directional Boring & Conduiting

TENDER No. N706/13



Form of Tender

Schedule AGeneral Tender Requirements

Schedule BFinancial Capacity to Undertake the Scope of Works

Schedule CSchedule of Insurances

Schedule DPrice

Schedule ERelevant Experience of Project Personnel

Schedule FTenderers Health, Safety & Environmental (HS&E) Management System Questionnaire

Schedule GDemonstrated Track Record in Delivery of Similar Products

Schedule HTraffic Management Plan

Schedule ILicence to Operate Earth Moving Equipment

Schedule JProposed Methodology for Delivery of the Project

Schedule KChecklist of Schedules

Please ensure:

Any Schedule with pricing or financial information has been separate in a pricing folder.

All Schedules are clearly marked for ease of reference

RFT No: N706/13
Tenders Close:
2pm Friday 4th October 2013 / Please return documents to:
Tender Email:
For Technical and Contractual Enquiries please refer to Section One of this RFT for contact names and telephone numbers.
Tender to perform the Works for the trenching, boring and conduiting from the Eastlake Zone Substation to Fyshwick area for ActewAGL Distribution in accordance with the terms and conditions of ActewAGL Request for Tender N706/13 and the attached tender Schedules A to H and other supporting documents.

I/We offer to provide the specified Works to ActewAGL at the price tendered in Schedule C and in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in these tender documents.

Tenderer’s Full Name: / ABN:
Tenderer’s Postal Address:
Signature of Tenderer
or Authorised Representative: / Date:
Name of Representative:
(In Block Letters)
Position of Representative:
(In Block Letters)
Phone No: / Fax No:
Mobile Phone No: / Email Address:
RFT No: N706/13


Compliance with Section 4: General Conditions of Contract.
Provide statement of acceptance or areas of non-compliance. / Insert details
Compliance with Section 5 & 6: Particular Contract Conditions and Statement of Requirements.
Provide statement of acceptance or areas of non-compliance. / Insert details
Validity Period.Tenderer accepts the 90 day validity period, or details of period offered.
(Section 2 Clause 11) / Insert details
Quality System Certification
Tenderer to provide details of Quality System certification in place or progress towards certification (Provide certificate number if available).
(Section 2 Clause 13) / Insert details
Performance Security Election
Tender to elect the form of performance security to be provided.
(Section 5 Clause 2) / Insert details
Tenderer to provide:
  • 5% of Contract sum
  • 1% of Contract sum followed by retention of moneys.
(Indicate preferred)
Accounts Receivable Contact and Details for EFT Payment / Tenderers Account Contact
Postal Address (Address to forward payment remittance advice or correspondence):
Email Address (For remittance advice):
Payment Details for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Name of Tenderers Bank:
BSB (BankState Branch Code-6 Digits)-
Account Number:
Name of Bank/Financial Institution Account (to which funds are to be credited):
Tenderers Preferred Method of Receiving Remittance Advice for EFT
Post:  Email:  Fax: 
Tenderer’s Contact
Tenderer to nominate name of a Contract Manager should contract be awarded. / Contract Manager
Contact Name:
Site Post Office Box No Address (for orders and correspondence):
Site Physical Address (If same, insert “As Above”):
Equipment Warranties
Tenderer to provide details of warranties offered for all equipment installed as part of the Works / Insert details

Tenderer’s Name: ______

Tenderer’s Signature: ______

Date: ______

RFT No: N706/13


The tenderer shall provide details of its financial capacity to undertake the scope of works.

Financial Capability Details (Reference may be made to attached documents)

Company Profile & Resources Available to Undertake Work

Tenderer’s Name: ______

Tenderer’s Signature: ______

Date: ______

RFT No: N706/13


Certificates of currency for all insurance policies shall be provided by the tenderer to ActewAGL at the time of tender.

Company: / Company:
Policy Number: / Policy Number:
Expiry Date: / Expiry Date:
Amount Insured: / Amount Insured:
Other (Insert Details) / Other (Insert Details)
Company: / Company:
Policy Number: / Policy Number:
Expiry Date: / Expiry Date:
Amount Insured: / Amount Insured:

Tenderer’s Name: ______

Tenderer’s Signature: ______

Date: ______


RFT No: N706/13

PRICE (including cash flow, bill of quantities, day work & variation charges)

The tenderer offers to provide the specified Works for the lump sum tender price of: (to include all provisional sums and provisional quantities as specified) / GST Exclusive:
$……..………...... …………
GST Inclusive:
$…………………...... ……..

This is a LUMP SUM CONTRACT not a Schedule of Rates contract


The tenderer is to provide details of the monthly cash flow from the commencement date of the contract to the date of practical completion, ie what sum is expected to be claimed and paid each month. This should add up to the total tender price. The cash flow statement is to be provided as a GST Exclusive amount.

Month / Period of Claim / Amount to be Claimed
(GST Exclusive)
$ / Cumulative Monthly Total
(GST Exclusive)

Tenderer’s Name: ______

Tenderer’s Signature: ______

Date: ______


The priced Bill of Quantities will be used to assist ActewAGL to assess tenders and does not form part of the contract except as provided in the document. The description of work in the Bill of Quantities is not necessarily complete in all respects and reference shall be made to the Contract Terms, Specifications and Drawings.

Description / Est. Quantity / Rate
(excl. GST) / Total
A–F: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, spoil disposal, reinstatement and all other related charges – 79m open trenching
  • 1 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduits (electrical use).
/ 79 m
A–B: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, spoil disposal, reinstatement and all other related charges – 66m open trenching
  • 1 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduits (electrical use).
/ 66 m
B–C: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 46m open trenching.
  • 9 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduit (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 46 m
C–D: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 49m open trenching.
  • 6 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduit (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 49 m
A–G: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 62m open trenching.
  • 9 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduit (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 62 m
G–I: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 421m open trenching.
  • 9 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduit (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 421 m
I–K: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 130m directional boring.
  • 9 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduit (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 130 m
K–P: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 251m open trenching.
  • 9 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduit (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 251 m
P–Q: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 138m directional boring.
  • 6 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduit (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 138 m
Q–R: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 35m open trenching.
  • 6 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduit (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 35 m
R–T: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 126m directional boring.
  • 6 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduit (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 126 m
T–U: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 5m open trenching.
  • 2 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduits (electrical use).
  • 1 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 5 m
T–V: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 264m directional boring.
  • 5 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduits (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 264 m
V–W: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 93m open trenching.
  • 5 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduits (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 93 m
W–X: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 43m directional boring.
  • 2 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduits (electrical use).
  • 1 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 43 m
W–Z: Supply & installation of UPVC conduits, draw rope, approved backfill, sullage containment & disposal, reinstatement and all other related expenses – 267m open trenching.
  • 4 x 150mm ID UPVC orange conduits (electrical use).
  • 2 x 50mm ID UPVC white conduit (communication use).
/ 267 m
Provide HV electrical cable jointing pitshaulage pits, including approved backfill and topsoil reinstatement. / 22
Carry out a Dial-Before-You Dig investigation to confirm location of all other underground services and alignment of proposed conduits. / Item
Provide 1.8m high mesh infill temporary fencing for all jointing & haulage pits plus all open excavations along the new conduit route in accordance with temporary fencing standard AS4687. / Item
Expose existing conduit ends at the East Lake Zone Substation and at the suburban poles where the conduits end, including reinstatement and all other related expenses. / Item
Pre-construction Plans & Reports:
  1. Work Health & Safety Plan
  2. Environmental Management Plan
  3. Condition Assessment Report
  4. Temporary Traffic Management Plans
/ Item
Post-completion inspection of Monaro Highway Bridge by certified structural engineer. / Item
Survey and Work As Executed plan with GPS coordinates of cable jointing pits, haulage pits and directional changes in AutoCAD format. / Item
Total (excl. GST)


1.This is a “Lump Sum” contract, not a “Schedule of Rates” contract. The above Bill of Quantities is provided to assist with the evaluation of the RFQ.

2.Add details of additional items when they are identified

3.All quantities are subject to a count or measurement on completion of works.


The tenderer shall state the hourly rate for all trades and labour (which rates shall include hand held tools), major tools and equipment required in the event that the Project Manager orders work to be performed under day work, including rates for trenching and directional boring in shale and rock. The hourly rate shall include administration costs, site supervision, establishment costs, profit, overheads, operator’s costs and all other charges. These rates shall also be used in determining the value of contract variations. The contractor shall also list the standby rate for major tools and equipment.

Item / Description / Units / Unit rate
(Excl GST)

Tenderer’s Name: ______

Tenderer’s Signature: ______

Date: ______

RFT No: N706/13


The tenderer shall provide an organisational chart and job description and requirements for key management and project personnel and shall state the names and particulars of personnel, including Curriculum Vitae (limit 1 page per staff member), to be assigned to this project. Should the tender be accepted, the personnel listed shall not be varied without prior written approval of the Project Manager.

Name / Position / Years in Position / Education / Qualifications / Relevant Experience

Tenderer’s Name: ______

Tenderer’s Signature: ______

Date: ______

RFT No: N706/13


This questionnaire forms part of ActewAGL’s tender evaluation process and is to be completed by tenderers and submitted with their tender offer. The objective of the questionnaire is to provide an overview of the status of the tenderers HS&E management system. Tenderers will be required to verify their responses noted in the questionnaire by providing evidence of their ability and capacity in relevant matters.

The information provided in this questionnaire is an accurate summary of the Company’s HS&E Management System.
Company Name:......
Signed:...... / Name:......
Position:...... / Date:......

Tenderer’s Name: ______

Tenderer’s Signature: ______
Date: ______

Tenderer HS&E Management System Questionnaire

Yes / No
1 / HS&E Policy and Management
1.1 / Is there a written Company HS&E policy?
If yes provide a copy of policy.
Comments...... ………...... ………………………………………………………………...
1.2 / Does the Company have any HS&E Management System certified by a recognised independent authority?
If Yes provide details ...... ……………………...... ………………………………………………………………...
1.3 / Is there a Company HS&E Management System manual or plan?
If yes provide a copy of contents page(s).
Comments...... …………………………………………………………..
1.4 / Are HS&E responsibilities clearly identified for all levels of staff?
If Yes provide details: ...... ……………………...... ………………………………………………………………...
2 / HS&E Practices/ Work Method Statements and Procedures
2.1 / Has the company prepared safe operating procedures/work method statements or specific safety or environmental management instructions relevant to its operations?
If yes, provide a summary listing of procedures or instructions.Comments...... …………………………………………………………….....
2.2 / Does the company have any permit-to-work systems?
If Yes, provide a summary listing of permits:...... ……………………………………...... …………………………………………………………...
2.3 / Is there a documented incident investigation procedure?
If Yes provide a copy of a standard incident report form.
2.4 / Are there procedures for maintaining, inspecting and assessing the hazards of plant operated/owned by the company?
If Yes, provide details: ...... ……………………...... ………………………………………………………………..
2.5 / Are there procedures for storing and handling hazardous Substances or dangerous goods?
If Yes, provide details ...... ……………...... ………………………………………………………………......
2.6 / Are there procedures for identifying, assessing and controlling risks associated with manual handling?
If Yes, provide details: ...... ……………………...... ………………………………………………………………....
3 / HS&E Training
3.1 / Describe how HS&E training is conducted in your company...... ………...... ……………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………
3.2 / Is a record maintained of all training and induction programs undertaken for employees and sub-contractors in your company?
If Yes, provide examples of safety training records: ...... …………………………………………...... ……………………………………………......
4 / HS&E Inspection
4.1 / Are regular HS&E inspections at worksites undertaken?
If Yes, provide details: ...... ……………………...... ……………………………………………………………….....
4.2 / Are standard workplace inspection checklists used to conduct HS&E inspections?
If Yes, provide details or examples: ...... ……………………………………...... ………………………………………………………………….
4.3 / Is there a procedure by which employees can report hazards at workplaces?
If Yes, provide details:...... ……………………...... ………………………………………………………………..
5 / HS&E Consultation
5.1 / Is there a workplace HS&E committee?
5.2 / Are employees involved in decision making over HS&E matters?
If Yes, please provide details: ...... ……………………...... ………………………………………………………………….
5.3 / Are there employee elected HS&E representatives?
Comments...... …………………………………………………………....
6 / HS&E Performance Monitoring
6.1 / Is there a system for recording and analysing HS&E
If Yes provide details: ...... ……………………...... ………………………………………………………………..
6.2 / Are employees regularly provided with information on company HS&E performance?
If Yes, provide details: ...... ……………………...... ………………………………………………………………...
6.3 / Has the company ever been convicted of an HS&E, offence, received an ‘Improvement’, ‘Prevention’, ‘Prohibition’ or ‘Penalty’ Notice, or Abatement ‘Direction, or ‘Order’?
If Yes, provide details: ...... ……………………...... ………………………………………………………………....
7 / Company References
7.1 / Please provide the following information for the three (3) most recent contracts completed by the company:
Contract 1 / Contract 2 / Contract 3
Number of lost
time injuries
Number of person
days on contract
Total days lost
due to injuries

Tenderer’s Name: ______

Tenderer’s Signature: ______

Date: ______


RFT No: N706/13


The tenderer shall provide evidence of success in delivery of similar work completed during the last five (5) years. Maximum 1 page for this response.

Projects or Work Performed
(Please List) / Name of Company Contact and Telephone Number / Contract Value $A

Tenderer’s Name: ______

Tenderer’s Signature: ______

Date: ______


RFT No: N706/13


The Tenderer is to provide details of their Traffic Management Policy, and Temporary Traffic Management Plan for the works, meeting ACT Regulatory requirements (TAMS).

Tenderer’s Name:______

Tenderer’s Signature:______



RFT No N706/13


The Tenderer is to complete the table below and provide details of any licences required, or likely to be required, for the works [Works/Services/Supply of Goods]including whether the licence is current.

The Tenderer is to provide an undertaking that the required licenses will be taken out by the Tenderer at no cost to ActewAGL, if the Tenderer is successful in the RFT.

If required by ActewAGL, the Tenderer should provide evidence of the licence.

Licences required by individuals

Name and other details of Licence / Holder / Number / Any relevant conditions or restrictions / Date of Expiry

Tenderer’s Name:______

Tenderer’s Signature:______



RFT No N706/13


The Tenderer shall submit a proposed methodology and capability for delivering the project, including but not limited to the management of resources, schedule, scope and risks, and sub contractors proposed to be used.

J.1 Proposed Sub Contractors (if applicable)

The Tenderer shall indicate all sub-contractors and their extent of work to be performed on this project. Should the tender be accepted, the list shall not be varied without the prior written approval of the Project Manager.

If ActewAGL considers any proposed sub-contractor unacceptable, ActewAGL may request a substitution be made by the Tenderer. Should the Tenderer be unable or unwilling to make any acceptable substitution, ActewAGL may decline to enter into a contract with the Tenderer.

Name / Address / Description of Work / Services / Trades to be Performed

J.2 Project Plan