Minutes for the Joint Board of Jefferson Academy,

A Colorado Nonprofit Corporation

May 17, 2016

Immediately following Annual Meeting

Secondary Library

I. Preliminary A. B., C., D., E., F.

Ms. Berg called the meeting to order at 6:52 p.m. The guests were welcomed. Roll call was taken and the following Board members were presented: Mr. Grell, Mr. Haynes, Mr. Humphreys, Ms. Lewis, Mr. Linton, Ms. Smith and Ms. Berg. The following ex-officio Board members were present: Ms. Grantham and Mr. Nolan. Ms. Smith led the guests and the Board of Directors in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Ms. Berg presented the agenda. Ms. Lewis requested that Boosters be removed from the Consent Agenda. Mr. Linton requested that in the Consent Agenda, Policy and Governance Committee be moved to the General Agenda as item A. Mr. Grell requested JCSC be removed from the Consent Agenda. Mr. Grell requested that Approval of Bond Appropriation in the General Agenda be tabled. Ms. Berg requested that Sign District Annual Financial Addendum in the General Agenda be removed. Ms. Lewis requested that Board Training Date and Resolution to Elect Officers for JA Building Corporation in the General Agenda be removed. Mr. Humphreys requested that Election Outcome and Next Steps be added to the General Agenda for discussion. Ms. Smith requested that in First Reading, Police 1.3 and 7.2 be removed. Mr. Grell moved that the agenda be approved as amended. Mr. Linton seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. There was no Public Comment.

II. Consent Agenda

Ms. Berg presented the Consent Agenda. Ms. Lewis moved that the Board approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

III. General Agenda

A. Facilities Committee

Ms. LaBerge provided an update about the construction at the Elementary. Ms. LaBerge reported that the concrete slabs have been poured and the steel work complete. Ms. LaBerge noted that abatement in the library is finished, and there are two additional abatement jobs with the floor tiles. The construction crew will not work tomorrow due to the three scheduled graduations, but will work on Saturday. Ms. LaBerge reported there is two percent of the contingency fund remaining. Ms. LaBerge stated that the substantial completion date is July 29, with Certificate of Occupancy a week later. It was noted the first day of school for teachers is August 10.

B. K-12 Budgets/Financial statements

Mr. Grell reported that the committee did not meet this month, as it was determined that a meeting was not necessary. Mr. Grell stated that everything looks well for the end of this school year.

C. Charter Annual Addendum

Mr. Nolan referred to the document in the Board packet. Mr. Nolan explained that this contract is completed each year except when there is a full charter renewal, which then it is completed every five years. Mr. Linton moved that the Board accept the Charter Annual Addendum as presented for Jefferson Academy K-12. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

D. Board Self Evaluation Workshop set date

It was noted that this was previously scheduled.

E. Debrief with Principals – Set Date

This will be set with the Principals at a later date.

F. Ad Hoc HR Committee

Mr. Humphreys suggested creating an ad hoc HR committee, with the committee reviewing current policies and procedures and comparing them with best practices. Ms. Berg explained that a HR director has the knowledge of strategies, procedures, unemployment, discrimination, disputes, etc.; whereas a HR coordinator is one who handles more of the paperwork. Mr. Nolan suggested that Jessica Johnson with the Colorado League of Charter Schools be contacted for guidance. Mr. Nolan stated that he will be posting a job opening for a coordinator to work two days a week. Ms. Grantham stated that with only 50 employees, the HR responsibilities are split among her current staff. Discussion ensued with two Board members and two administrators to make up this committee, and one other member with HR experience. Mr. Humphreys moved that the Board develop an ad hoc HR committee to be comprised of two Board members, two administrators, and one additional member to evaluate current HR policies and procedures. Mr. Linton seconded the motion. Mr. Linton made a friendly amendment that Mr. Humphreys chair this committee. Mr. Humphreys accepted the friendly amendment. The motion passed unanimously.

G. Set Board Strategic Planning Date

This was scheduled for July 19 at 6:00 p.m. in the Secondary conference room.

H. Set Date for Secondary SRC

This was scheduled for May 24 at 7:30 a.m. in the Secondary conference room.

I. HOPE Renewal

Ms. Grantham reported that their working relationship has improved and recommended that the contract with HOPE be renewed. It was determined that the item needed further discussion in Executive Session. Mr. Linton moved that the Board add this item to the General Agenda after the Executive Session. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

J. Secondary Parent Review

Mr. Humphreys reported that there were 159 responses to the survey, which was down from the Fall survey, which had 250 responses. Mr. Humphreys reviewed the findings with regard to curriculum and instruction. Ms. Grantham requested that she receive the open ended responses with regard to curriculum, and the survey results. Mr. Humphreys noted that overall parents have confidence in the Board, communication is effective, and parents would recommend JA.

Mr. Haynes requested that the Board take a five minute break at 8:13 p.m. Ms. Lewis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

K. Elementary Parent Review

Mr. Humphreys reported that this was the third survey and 111 parents responded. The first survey had over 200 responses. Mr. Humphreys noted that most parents attended conferences; indicated that their children feel safe; students seem prepared for the next school year; and would recommend JA. Discussion ensued with Jag Care and extra-curricular activities. Mr. Nolan pointed out the activities that are currently offered align with the Mission and Vision, such as Destination Imagination.

L. School Activities for May/June

The activities in May activities previously noted. Ms. Grantham mentioned they would be participating in state track.

M. Election Next Steps

Mr. Humphreys suggested that the Board review the election procedures and how they could be improved. Discussion ensued about additional communication to registered voters and setting up voter registration in August at registration. It was determined that a workshop will be scheduled at the June meeting. Mr. Humphreys will draft a letter with the results of the voting to be sent out to the community.

N. Debriefing of Board Agenda and Action Items

These items were reviewed and revised.

IV. First Reading

A.  Policy 5.10, Policy 4.5

Ms. Berg presented Policy 5.10. Revisions were made. Mr. Grell moved that the Board approve Policy 5.10 on First Reading. Mr. Haynes seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Berg presented Policy 4.5 Revisions were made. Mr. Linton moved that the Board approve Policy 4.5 on First Reading. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

V. Second Reading

A. None.

VI. Miscellaneous Board Items

A.  Approval for Minutes April 19, 2016

Ms. Berg presented the Minutes of April 19, 2016. Revisions were made. Ms. Lewis moved that the Board approve the Minutes of April 19, 2016 as amended. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Haynes abstained.

Mr. Grell moved that the Board move into Executive Session at 9:13 p.m. for the purpose of Personnel Issues C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(f). Mr. Linton seconded the motion. The motion passed with the following roll call vote: Mr. Grell – yes, Mr. Haynes - yes, Mr. Humphreys – yes, Ms. Lewis – yes, Mr. Linton – yes, Ms. Smith – yes and Ms. Berg - yes. The required 2/3 vote to move into Executive Session was met.

VII. Executive Session

Ms. Lewis moved that the Board end Executive Session at 10:47 p.m. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

VIII. General Session

Mr. Linton moved that the Board renew the HOPE Homeschool program for the 2016-2017 school year on a probationary basis. Mr. Grell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

IV. Adjournment

Mr. Grell moved that the Board adjourn at 10:50 p.m. Mr. Linton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Shelly Cohen, Clerk

Jefferson Academy Board of Directors