Writing Activities

7th Grade

Activity One

I feel ______about this school year, because I ______. I always get ______about the first day of school, because, ______. Unlike last year, this school year I am going to ______. I really hope that I get to learn (more) about ______this school year.

Work with a partner and/or thesaurus to create a list of synonyms for the words you added above. Once you have created a new list of words, circle the word that best describes your feelings and ideas.

Activity Two

Where is one place you wish you could have gone this summer? What would you have done while you were visiting? Who is one person you can think of that you would have wanted to have gone with you? What is the one thing that you could absolutely not leave home with out for this trip? Why?

Below circle the correct verb tense.

If I (could/can) travel anywhere in the world, I think that I would really like to (visiting/visit) the jungle. I (is/am) not very familiar with jungles, so I am not sure which I (would/will) enjoy visiting. My sister is a great travel companion, so she would (has/have) to come with me. While in the jungle, I (would/will) love to take pictures of all the crazy animals I would probably (saw/see). Besides a camera that I would (needs/need) to take pictures, I would also want to bring some bug spray, because I (hear/heard) that the jungle (has/have) enormous bugs!

Activity Three

If you won a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would buy? Who would be the first person you would call? How much of the money do you think you would invest (put in the bank)? Do you think you would rather win the million dollars, or earn it? Why?

Below there are blanks for you to add appropriate words. Think of each letter of the words you select to be worth one dollar. The bigger the word you use, the more money it will be worth. Who will have the most money?

If I did win a million dollars, I would be so ______. I would first go and______a convertible Cadillac. I think those are the most ______cars on the market today. I would want the color of the car to be ______. After ______this new automobile, I would not call, but ______over to my friend Carlos’ house. I might not have the time to go the bank ______, but I think when I did go, I would invest at least half of my winnings. I really wouldn’t matter to me if I won the money, or earned it because either way I am ______.

Activity Four

If someone were to make a story about your life, what do you think would be a good title for the story? Why do you think this title would summarize your life? What are some things that you hope to accomplish that would be included in the book?

Read this excerpt from the nonfiction book Enrique’s Journey. As you read it, pay attention to the word choice the author uses in order to make it easy for the reader to picture the event. After you are finished, write a response. Is this a book you think you would like to read? Why or why not? Where do you think this story takes place? How do you think this story might end?

For months, as I traveled in Enrique’s footsteps, I lived with near-constant danger of being beaten, robbed, or raped. Once, as I rode on top of a fuel car on a rainy night with lightning, a tree branch hit me squarely in the face. It sent me sprawling backward. I was able to grab a guardrail and keep from stumbling off the top of the train. On that same ride, I later learned, a child had been plucked off the fuel tanker car behind me by a branch. His train companions did not know if he was dead or alive.

Activity Five

What is something you wish you had? If you were to get this object, how do you think it would change your life? Do you think you will ever be able to obtain (get) this item? Why is it that you want this item so much? How long have you wanted this item?

One thing that the main character Raspberry Hill in the book Money Hungry has always wanted is money. As you read the excerpt notice the grammar mistakes. Why do you think the author wrote the book that way? After you’re done reading the excerpt, correct the paragraph using formal grammar.

We wasn’t always broke. We was renting us a nice house, in a half decent neighborhood, till Daddy started hanging out. Coming in with the sun, Momma used to say. I still don’t know how it happened. One day he was Daddy. Going to work all day long, and hugging me good-night before I fell asleep at night. The next day it seemed like he was somebody else. Arguing about money all the time. Walking off with our TV, or Momma’s old fur jacket. Dragging home friends that looked like they just got out of lockdown. Meeting me after school with his hand out……..begging for whatever change I had.

Example of Corrected Paragraph

We weren’t always broke. We used to rent a nice house, in a half decent neighborhood, until my Daddy started hanging out. He started coming in with the sun, Momma used to say. I still don’t know how it happened. One day he was Daddy. He would go to work all day long and hug me good night before I fell asleep at night. The next day it seemed like he was somebody else. He used to argue about money all the time. Daddy even walked off with our TV, and Momma’s old fur jacket. He started dragging home friends that looked like they just got out of lockdown (jail). He also started meeting me after school with his hand out, begging for whatever change I had.

Activity Six

If you were stranded on an island, and could take 10 items with you, which would take? Which of these items would help you survive or entertain you? Would you take something to read or write?

Read the excerpt below from the novel Hatchet, about a boy who is stranded in the wilderness. As you read pay attention to the word choice the author uses. What word sticks out to you the most? After you are done reading the excerpt, go back over your paragraph and change or add a few more interesting and vivid words.

His eyes snapped open, hammered open, and there were these things about himself that he knew, instantly.

He was unbelievably, viciously thirsty. His mouth was dry and tasted foul and sticky. His lips were cracked and felt as if they were bleeding and if he did not drink some water soon he felt that he would wither up and die. Lots of water. All the water he could find.

Activity Seven

What are some of the things that you enjoy doing in your free time? Do you like to play sports? If yes, which ones? Is there anything that you wish you were better at doing? Do you prefer to do these things alone or with other people?

Read the excerpt below from the novel Street Love, about a boy who falls in love with a girl from a different side of town. The main character Damien is being challenged to a game of basketball. After you are done reading the excerpt, try to take what you wrote your paragraph about, and change it into a poem.

Damien and Sledge

“Yo Chico, check it out.

Yo, Chico

There goes Damien, sliding and gliding

Past the court. Just strolling

And rolling his eyes

Away from the action

So we can’t get the satisfaction

Of him peeping our dazzle.”

“Peeping your dazzle?” Damien replies

White toothing all over Sledge

“I thought I was scoping the

Frazzled chumdown of a downtown clown.”

“My game is my name,” Sledge replies

“Call me it if you want some.”

Damien shakes his head.

“Yo, Sledge, if talk was walk my man you’d be

Halfway round the world. You’re confusing

game with

Lame and Ball with stall. But at the end of the

Day your rap is weaker than your play.”

Activity Eight

What is something you would like to be famous for doing or accomplishing? Famous people are always being photographed and followed, do you think you enjoy fame or hate it? If you were famous, which magazine would you like to be on the cover?

Read the excerpt from the 2007 interview from the LA times with David Beckham. Severalof the sentences below seem long. Try to shorten some of the sentences. It is important to remember to change up the length of the sentences, and the way the start of your sentences.

Q: You have mentioned wanting to play in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. That presents quite a challenge in staying at that level for another three years.

A: It’s a huge challenge, but I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t believe that I could do it. I believe I can play for my country up until the World Cup and I’d love to do that. If it’s possible, then great. If it’s not possible, then I will look back on my career for my country as a successful one.

It might be me being stubborn, but I believe I can play in that World Cup. Whether I’m given a chance to or not, who knows? But I’ve got the belief.

Q: You have visited South Africa and met Nelson Mandela. What was that experience like?

A: I remember him just sat [sitting] there holding my hand and talking to me. Just meeting him was pretty incredible because he’s such a powerful man who gives so much to so many people. For him to be actually talking to me, let alone interacting with me in the way that he was, for me it was one of the highlights of my life. There’s many people that I’ve always said that I’d love to meet and have met. I’ve always wanted to meet the Queen. I’ve met the Queen. Prime Ministers. Many, many people in the sporting side. And then to meet someone like Nelson Mandela, with so much history behind him, was one of the most incredible moments of my life.

Activity Nine

What is your favorite thing to eat? How many times a month do you eat this food? Do you prefer to eat it at a restaurant or at home? What are some of the key ingredients in this dish?

Below is a paragraph that seems out of order. Help re-arrange the paragraph so that it makes more sense.

Making the dough was nearly impossible. I thought it would be easy, but I was wrong. I was more successful at destroying the kitchen then baking the pizza. My favorite food is pizza, which is why I attempted to make one last night. I guess next time I have a pizza craving, I will order from a restaurant.

Example of Corrected Paragraph

My favorite food is pizza, which is why I attempted to make one last night. I thought it would be easy, but I was wrong. Making the dough was nearly impossible. I was more successful at destroying my kitchen, then baking the pizza. I guess next time I have a pizza craving, I will order from a restaurant.

Activity Ten

If you could be a character on any TV show, movie or in any book, which one would you choose? Why? What would you like for your character to do?

Below try to write out part of your script or excerpt from the book (or movie/TV show). How is reading a script different than reading a book or poem?

Activity Eleven

Do people trust you with their secrets? Why or why not? When (if ever) is it ok to tell a secret?

Read the excerpt from the novel Flush. “like a lump in front of the television” is a simile. Authors will usually try to use similes to make the story more interesting or sometimes even funnier. Use the theme of secrets to create at least 5 similes of your own. (example: I keep secrets like a ….safe keeps money).

It isn’t easy pretending everything’s wonderful when you feel like you’ve been thrown off the roof of a building. Luckily, there weren’t any bruises that Mom or Dad could see because this time Jasper Jr. had socked me in the stomach (not my eye), and the ugly knot on my thighbone was covered up by my pants.

I didn’t tell my parents what happened because they would’ve freaked and gone straight to Dusty Muleman, or maybe even the police, which is not how I wanted to handle it. So I just sat around like a lump in front of the television, trying not to move.

Activity Twelve

Use your name to create a list of adjectives that describe yourself. Example:

J (joyful) O (optimistic) S (sincere) E (energetic)

Read the excerpt from the book The Secret Life of Bees. When you have finished with reading the excerpt change what you wrote into a paragraph.

I expected it to get propped on your dresser, and the next day I find it on the telephone table where you have peeled a peach on top of it, and the skin and pit are stuck to the paper. I have always wanted to say to you that was DESPICABLE.






Activity Thirteen

What is a problem that you have had or are having? (example: money, school, brothers/sisters) Did you solve the problem? If you did, how did you solve it? If no, what could be a way in which you could solve this problem? How long would/did your solution take? Who would/did you need to help you solve this dilemma?

Below identify the problem and solution.

1. Ms. Tamez gave a homework assignment to the class. She told the students that the assignment was due the next day. Miguel played soccer until late that evening and didn’t have time to complete all his homework. In order to get his assignment finished in time for class, he had to get up extremely early the next morning and work.



2. A few mountain climbers were nearing the top of BaldMountain when one of the ropes they were using snapped. The rope had been cut by a jagged (sharp) rock. After a few intense moments, one of the climbers was able to tie the ends of the rope together. Over an hour later, the group reached the base of the mountain.



3. Luis was elated (happy) he had been invited to his friend Troung’s birthday party. He wanted to get a gift for Troung, but he didn’t have any money. He did, however, have construction paper, glue, scissors, and the necessary material to make him a paper dragon. Troung was very ecstatic (happy) with the gift; he even told Luis it was a wonderful gift.



Activity 14

Read the excerpt from a June 2008 article from the Charlotte Observer. What is the big issue with gas prices? How can it be solved? What are some possible solutions?

As gas prices move steadily skyward, station managers continue to look for new ways to maintain sales as customers try to save money on fuel.

One easy way to find cheaper gas is to fill up in South Carolina, where the sales tax on gas is about half of North Carolina's. The average price for a gallon of regular in South Carolina was $3.858 Friday, compared to $3.976 for North Carolina, according to AAA.

But some S.C. station managers, like Tom, are considering offering discounts for paying cash to lure customers in the face of increasing prices. The practice is not common in Charlotte or North Carolina but the norm in other states.

When taking cash, merchants avoid debit and credit card processing fees, which run about 3 percent or 12 cents a gallon when a customer uses plastic, Tom said.

The manager said he's tired of paying the $200- to $500-a-day in fees when he could offer a cheaper cash price to benefit customers and attract business. A gallon of regular was $3.89 there Thursday.

Others S.C. stations have been offering the cash discounts for years.

The Observer found gas stations in Upstate South Carolina offering cash and credit prices, especially in Lancaster, about 40 miles south of Charlotte. At least half of the stations there were offering two prices.