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Held on Friday 18 May 2012 at 2.30p.m. at Kiftsgate Court

Present: Mrs. A. Chambers (President)Mr. C. Smith (Executive Committee)

Mr. P. Ballard (Vice President)Mrs. R. Smith (Executive Committee)

Mr. M. Davis (Chairman)Dr. D. Sutton (Executive Committee)

Rev. J. Wilson (General Secretary)Mrs. B. Powlesland (Executive Committee)

Mr. S. Reed (Hon. Treasurer)Mr. J. Tolkien (Executive Committee)

Mr. A. Cursue (Insurance Secretary)Mrs. M. Theakston (Secretary, Guild of Judges)

Plus:21 Representatives from: Beckford & District Gardening Club; Cheltenham & District Orchid Society; Andoversford Horticultural Society; Hawkesbury Garden Club; Hucclecote Horticultural Society; Winterbourne Down & District Horticultural Society; Mickleton Gardening Club; Broadway Show Society; Kington Horticultural Society.

Also: Mr. C. Powlesland (G.F.G.S. Webmaster)

Before the Meeting began Mr. Reed advised of the death of Roy Brooks at the age of 98. Mr. Brooks was a Vice President of the Federation which he had served for many years. His funeral takes place on Thursday 24 May 2012 at 2.30 p.m. in The Forest of Dean Crematorium. One minute’s silence was observed.

The Chairman welcomed the President, the Representatives of affiliated Societies, Members of the Executive Committee and Mr. Powlesland. The Chairman also thanked Mrs. Chambers for the privilege of holding the Meeting at Kiftsgate Court.

1.Apologies for Absence:

Received from:Mrs. S. Gibson; Mr. T. Price; Mr. G. Cutts; Mrs. S. Blackwell; Mr. S. Yells; Mr. M. Leech; Mr. D. Molrgan; Mr. R. Champion; Mrs. J. Grassom and Hempstead Garden Club.

The apologies were accepted.

2.i) President’s Address:

The President gave a verbal Address.

Mrs. Chambers referred to Ernest Wilson, a great explorer and the discoverer of many plants and flowers, who was born in Chipping Campden 115 years ago. A Commemorative Garden has been established in Chipping Campden of which Mrs. Chambers is a Trustee. Mrs. Chambers sought the help of members in locating a specimen of Schizophragma Integrifolium, one of Ernest Wilson’s discoveries, for the garden.

The President remarked on her visit to the Malvern Spring Show and how popular and friendly the Show remains year on year. We are, she said, very fortunate in having so many horticultural shows in the U.K.

Mrs. Chambers thanked the Executive Committee for their work and commitment to the Federation during the past year.

ii) Chairman’s Address:

Mr. Davis read from a prepared Address. A Copy of the Address is attached to these Minutes.

3.Confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 21 May 2011:

The Minutes had been circulated previously.

On the proposition of the Secretary, seconded by Mr. Reed, the Meeting agreed to take the Minutes as read.

The Minutes were agreed as correct, and signed by the Chairman.

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Held on Friday 18 May 2011 (Continued)

4.Matters arising from the Minutes:


5.Report by the General Secretary:

The Secretary read from a prepared Report. A copy of the Report is attached to these Minutes.

6.Report by the Honorary Treasurer:

Mr. Reed distributed copies of his written Report. A copy of the Report is attached to these Minutes.

There will be no increase in the affiliation fee this year.

Mr. Reed noted that the Principal of Hartpury College is retiring later this year and he hoped that the good relationship between the College and the Federation will continue under the new Principal.

Mr. Reed thanked his fellow Officers and Mrs. Garside, the Auditor.

Mr. Ballard commented on the wording in the Accounts relating to the financial loss on the Judges shirts.

Mr. Reed explained how the loss had occurred.

On the proposition of Mr. Reed, seconded by Rev. Wilson, the Accounts were accepted.

7.Report by the Insurance Secretary:

Mr. Cursue read from a prepared Report. A copy of the Report is attached to these Minutes.

8.Report by the Secretary of the Guild of Judges:

Mrs. Theakston gave a verbal Report.

As the Chairman reported, the Guild has an increased membership with well attended meetings. The next Seminar will be on 23 June 2012 with Mr. D. Aldridge Speaking on ‘Judging Vegetables’.

Mrs. Theakston will liaise with the General Secretary on the possibility of circulating members to raise their awareness of the Guild and its activities.

9.Election of President:

No election this year. Mrs. Chambers remains in Office until 2014.

10.Election of Vice Presidents:

No nominations received.

11.Election of Officers:

i) Chairman:Rev. Wilson nominated Dr. D. Sutton, seconded by Mr. Reed.

Dr. Sutton introduced himself to members.

In the absence of any other nominations, Dr. Sutton was elected unanimously.

ii) Vice Chairman:The Cheltenham & District Fuchsia & Pelargonium Society nominated Mr. J. Tolkien, seconded by Mr. Ballard.

In the absence of any other nominations, Mr. Tolkien was elected unanimously.

ii) General Secretary:The Cheltenham & District Fuchsia & Pelargonium Society nominated

Rev. J. Wilson, seconded by Dr. Sutton.

In the absence of any other nominations, Rev. Wilson was elected unanimously.

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Held on Friday 18 May 2011 (Continued)

11.Election of Officers (continued):

Honorary Treasurer:The Cheltenham & District Fuchsia & Pelargonium Society nominated

Mr. S. Reed, seconded by Mr. Wadsworth.

In the absence of any other nominations, Mr. Reed was elected unanimously.

Insurance Secretary:The Cheltenham & District Fuchsia & Pelargonium Society nominated

Mr. A. Cursue, seconded by Mrs. Smith.

In the absence of any other nominations, Mr. Cursue was elected unanimously.

Secretary of the Guild of Judges: The Meeting unanimously confirmed the election of Mrs. M. Theakston

12.Election of the Executive Committee:

Mr. Davis nominated Mrs. A. Evans, Abbeydale Garden Club, seconded by Mrs. Theakston.

Mrs. Evans was elected unanimously.

Mr. Reed nominated Mr. R. Wells, Cheltenham & District Orchid Society, seconded by Mrs. Powlesland.

Mr. Wells was elected unanimously.

On the proposition of Dr. Sutton, seconded by Mrs. Powlesland, the following current members of the Executive Committee were elected en bloc:

Mr. R. Champion, Mr. S. Yells, Mr. C. Smith, Mrs. R. Smith and Mr. M. Davis.

13.Appointment of Auditor:

Mr. Reed nominated Mrs. S. Garside, seconded by Mr. Davis.

Mrs. Garside was appointed unanimously.

14.Motions proposed by Affiliated Clubs/Societies:

None received.

15.Any other Business:

i) Mr. Powlesland gave a talk on the website noting that it had been updated last year. There have been one hundred ‘hits’ every day but the majority are from countries other than the U.K. He would welcome information for inclusion and suggestions on how to raise members’ awareness of the site.

ii) Mr. Reed advised that a) Mr. Wells is joining him this year in taking the Federation’s Display to various events and would be taking over completely next year. They would welcome new ideas for the Display.

b) reminded members that Schedules and Entry Forms for the Sweet Pea Show are on the website.

c) gave notice of a request from Kirstonbosch Botanical Gardens for particular plants for inclusion in the Chelsea Flower Show: their own plants had been held up by Customs.

iii) Dr. Sutton noted how impressed he had been with the school gardens at the Malvern Show with the children able to talk intelligently about what they were doing. He urged members to help schools in their own areas.

iv) Rev. Wilson gave notice of an allotment on offer; a free book offered by ‘Grow2eat’; request from the National Trust for volunteers to help in the gardens at Westbury-upon-Severn.

The Meeting closed at 3.40 p.m.
