Welcome to Holland and Terrell Libraries, which jointly house collections in the social sciences and humanities. To take your tour, just follow the instructions below.

1. Handout Rack (tour starts at the main entrance to Holland and Terrell Libraries): Pick up more information about the Libraries here.

2. The Atrium: You are on First Floor, Terrell Library. Around the first floor rotunda are a variety of services.Turn right and pass

The Quiet Study Lounge.

ComptonUnionBuilding (CUB) Entrance. You can check out books with your WSU ID card at the circulation desk located on the right.

Library Instructionclassrooms and Academic Media Services –AMS(for University teleconferences) are also located in this area.Continue around the rotunda.

3. Books/Information. This is the entrance to the Reference Collection and the Terrell 1st Floor book stacks.Enter this room. Nearby counters hold Internet computers that access the library’s online catalog, and many other electronic resources.In the center of the room, you’ll see the

4. Reference Desk. Here librarians and staff answer your questions and help you with research. The shelves on the right of the room contain the Reference Collection,materials for use in the reference area only. Also note the

Group Study Rooms. The glass-fronted rooms on the far right are available for study groups. To the left of the Reference Desk, notice

5. Maps/Atlases. The sloping atlas case contains many world, regional and historical atlases. The nearby file cabinets contain regional, national and international maps.

6. Photocopy and Print Area. Copier/printers are prominently labeled. One must use Cougar Cash in order to copy or print.

Computer Workstation Cubicles. Some dedicated computers run specialized online reference sources.

7. First Floor Stacks: These shelves house the beginning of the Holland and Terrell Libraries’ circulating collection, which occupies five floors in all. Books are arranged according to the Library of Congress system. “Call numbers” begin with letters, in a code for the subjectof each book. Note thestanding

8. Stack and Call Number Charts: On every floor, guides like this direct you to the area of the library where you’ll find the materials you need.
Go back to the doors and exit this room. Off the rotunda to your right is the

9. First Floor Hall. This hall leads to the Holland Library. Restroomsandtelephones are available here. The elevators and stairs at the end of the hall serve both the Holland and Terrell Libraries. Continue around the rotunda to see

New Books, which are kept here for a week and then moved to the stacks. Special shelves offer notable new books for pleasure reading, and there is a corner filled with poetry for enjoyment in the room. In the center of this room is a time capsule. The plaque in the entrance to the room explains its significance. Next to the front doors, you’ll see

Circulation (Access Services). Another place to check out books. (If you are not affiliated with WSU, request an off-campus borrower’s card at this desk.) Return books through the slot in the wall. Pick up Interlibrary Loan, Summit, and local requests. These services get materials for you from other libraries. Ask here for lost and found items. Take the nearby stairs to the Ground floor. You are now in the


10. Ground Floor Rotunda. On this level, note the following services, designated by signs above the doors:

Newspapers/Current Journals. In this room, you’ll find the most recent issues of our print subscription periodicals. Many journals are now available electronically.Internet computers are also located here for your use. This area also houses another library instruction classroom (20E)

Books/Journals. This hall leads to the Ground Floor Stacks, which contain more of the circulating collection.

Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections (MASC). A public exhibit area serves as the gateway to photographs, original manuscripts, oral history and special sound recordings, rare printed materials and the University archives. Take a look at the current display.

Media Materials & Reserves (MM&R). Audio CDs, cassettes, DVDs, videotapes, and films are available here, with the necessary equipment for in-library use. Most media materials also check out like library books. MMS also houses "creativity stations" which includes scanners, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Acrobat,for multimedia projects. Ask at the counter for reserve materials – items held for a specific class.

Graduate and ProfessionalStudyCenter. Sponsored and run by the GPSA, this study and work area is reserved for use by students in graduate and professional advanced-degree programs. Go down the

11. Ground Floor Hall. Note the restrooms, telephones, elevators and stairs. At the end of the hall, take an elevator or the stairs to the Basement Level. Exit the elevator and turn into the hall. You’ll see the

12. Basement Level Stacks. More of the circulating collection is here. Note the Internet computers for your use. In front of you is the Dewey Compact ShelvingRoom, containing older materials with Dewey Decimal call numbers.Note that only Terrell has lower levels.Return to the elevator or stairs, and go to the third floor.

13. Third Floor Stacks. You are now in the Holland Library.Note that only Holland has upper, numbered floors.On this floor, several collections are represented by different call number systems: Library of Congress, for ordinary books; Jackson for international and state documents, and SuDocs, for United States Government publications. Oversize books are also here. This floor also houses the Library Instruction Office. Take the elevator or stairs to the second floor.

14. Second Floor Stacks:The general collection continues here with books on art, language and literature. The Library Administrative Office is also on this floor.Take the elevator or stairs to the first floor, and go through the double doors.

15. Microforms. To your right are cabinets containing the library’s collection of microform materials: newspapers, journals, government documents and more. This area also has Internet computers, college catalogs, telephone books, maps, and art prints. Walk across the room to the

16. Holland First Floor Hall.Enter the HollandFirst Floor Stacks, which hold more of the circulating collection. Retrace your steps to the Terrell Librarythrough the double doors in Microforms. Go down the hall to the rotunda and turn right. Before leaving, why not browse in the New Book Area and check out a book?

Thank you for your visit. Come to Holland and Terrell Libraries often.

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