From: Clare Wright
Sent: 23 June 2015 13:26
To: neighbourhood.planning
Subject: RE: Henfield Neighbourhood Plan Examination

Dear Laura

Thank you for your email.

To confirm our conversation a couple of weeks ago, please can you send a link to the relevant pages for a Landscaping Study or similar for HNP.

A search of the Horsham and Henfield Parish Councils’ on-line records hasn’t located it. There seems to be no reference to any study in HNP online supporting documents of Basic Conditions Statement, Consultation Statement and SA. However I anticipate such a study should exist as the NDP’s Annex B shows the tip of some detailed research. If it exists, it should answer my questions.

Presently within the Plan, the map shown on page 44 and Policy 15 highlights the open space allocations using indicative dots. However these designated open spaces cross over with some of the development site allocations on the map on page 22.

This raises two critical issues. 1. Lack of clarity of boundaries will make a policy difficult, if not impossible to implement. 2. Green dots within development sites introduces uncertainty of the intent of both green spaces and allocated development. It could lead to an interpretation of encouraging development on green spaces.

Can I also have a copy of the supporting studies from the various working groups raised in the Basic Conditions Statement, particularly open spaces.

In the meantime please can you forward my request for further information to Henfield Parish Council. This comprises a Landscape Report or similar and the working group’s background papers.

Whilst we are waiting for this information, to assist in the legibility of the Plan, I will be seeking individual site plans adjacent to the photographs and supporting text on page 22 onwards that supports Policy 2, Housing Site Allocations. It will be useful to have an additional plan showing both open spaces and development sites for Policies 2 and 15.

Examiners are provided with a positive remit and to be as helpful as possible whilst ensuring the Basic Conditions are met. Therefore whilst the open space is a tricky issue, I will endeavour to seek a positive solution.

These seem to be the critical issues raised at this juncture, however I reserve the opportunity to seek more information if required.

Kind regards


Clare B. Wright MRTPI MILM
Director, Community Spirit Partnership CIC.

Member of NPIERS Panel of NDP Examiners