Members attending:

Donna Altuna-Assistant Principal

Debbie Andries—Curriculum Specialist

Sandi Mitchum—Parent

Andrea Brown-Thompson—Teacher

Cristal Goodner—Teaching Assistant

Addie Nichols—Teacher

Not present:

Stella Egbert—Principal

Ron Shipley—Residential

Kim Jennifer Hamilton—Teacher

Alex Abenchuchan—Community

Heidi McGlaughlin—Curriculum

Mary Monkton—Support Services

Denise Egbert—Parent

Meeting times for future dates will be: 3:45-5:00

This will give teachers time to finish duties.

Donna presented following information through PowerPoint

Donna will e-mail agenda prior to each meeting.

Members should read the section of the dDIP that will be reviewed prior to each meeting.

SBT Meetings and basic agenda item shared

  • monthly except for Nov. (dates on department calendar)
  • will include different presenters at times
  • includes review of current policies/procedures; and needs related to policies and procedures
  • observers
  • volunteers—parents in same classroom with child?
  • grading policies committee—Principal, AP, teachers—to review grading for students on general or modified cm., consistency, etc.


  • Membership
  • stakeholder involvement required by federal law
  • currently have parents, administrators, teachers
  • Must:
  • Principal, AP
  • Residential Services
  • Cm. Specialist
  • 3-4 Teachers
  • Support Staff
  • 2 Parents
  • Community Representative
  • Otional: TA, RE, Students as appropriate
  • General Meeting Procedures/Requirements
  • monthly 90 minutes
  • need quorum of 2/3 for any meeting that results in action to be taken
  • General SBT Responsibilities
  • overseedDIP
  • oversee committees working on DIPs
  • report to school-wide committees
  • TSD District Improvement Plan (DIP)
  • our part is under the instructional piece that support the 6 strategic goals
  • every 9 weeks for reporting
  • 10/17
  • 12/18
  • 3/13
  • 5/8 (develop new district-wide DIPs)
  • TSD Elementary Department DIPs (dDIPs)
  • each department has own DIPs to monitor
  • each SBT monitor DIP; are we doing what we say we’re doing?
  • review of ECE Objective 1 for next meeting on 10/27

October 27, 2014


Donna Altuna

Debbie Andries

Mary Monckton

Heidi MacGlaughlin

Kim Jennifer Hamilton

Sandi Mitchem

Crystal Goodner

Addie Nichols


  1. SS Textbook Adoption Process
  2. Debbie reviewed current status and timeline; not much available for Elem. (Texas History?)
  3. Heidi shared that not much for FA either--looking at one company
  4. Donna shared how IMAT process works and funding from the state (not by grade band but rather by district)
  5. Discussed pros and cons of current technology-based programs (delay in

completion but get any updates automatically, etc.)

2. ECE Obj. 1-Action/Tasks: 2,3

  1. Heidi reviewed District Improvement Plan and its purpose; DDIP Department District Improvement Plan
  2. Donna shared that we've had a Curriculum for ECE for 3-4 years now
  3. Addie reviewed how Creative Cm. and GOLD go together for curriculum and assessment; Emotional, Language, Cognitive, etc. for areas of development; goal for this year want to intervene by the first checkpoint (rather than 2nd) with students who are not functioning at age-appropriate level
  4. Donna asked Addie to have ECE share first checkpoint data with SBT after it is due
  5. What does intervention look like?--PD with PS hasn't started yet; Heidi may assist with this; Donna will contact Stella to set up a PD plan
  6. Third part of dDIP (Department District Improvement Plan) has not yet been addressed (Literacy Development plan); Heidi may also support with this

3. Parent Drop Off and Pick Up from Classroom Policy

  1. Donna led discussion on picking up/dropping off late or early
  2. Late dropoff at office hasn't been an issue so far, but some parents have recently questioned this policy; but parents walking in halls, waiting at doorways and talking to teachersis distracting to students and lessons.
  3. TSD policy is to not permit parents in hallways—students should be dropped off and picked up at office only, unless they have made prior arrangements with their child’s teacher.
  4. Drop off and pick up time in the Yellow Lobby and ECE department is 7:40 earliest.
  5. SBT recommended students sit in grade level rows when they arrive to school at 7:40 and when they are dismissed/awaiting pick-up at 3:15.
  6. Parents and/or Guardians with young children will be expected to stay with the adult.
  7. Signs will be made and posted in the ECE and Yellow Lobby areas. Discussion followed on other ways of communicating these expectations with parents on these changes. Posting this information on the TSD Elementary Website was suggested, along with a letter sent via email, along with an embedded video to review the changes.


Donna Altuna

Debbie Andries

Heidi MacGlaughlin

Addie Nichols

Mary Monckton

Sandi Mitchem

Krista Brown

Andrea Brown

Kim Jennifer Hamilton

Cristal Goodner


Review Elem. Objective 1, Action/Tasks: 1, 2, 3--Krista Brown

update on progress


have worked closely with Joey V. Math Specialist to look at short assessments for math

recent PD on Probability and Statistics

MOY assessment upon return in Jan. (Middle of Year)

goal is overall combined department increase of 30% on Measurements and Probability/Statistics on STAAR for grades 3-5

will ultimately need to assess across grades/individual student for what the exact changes were

program will analyze grades 3-8 assessment results by reporting category, etc.

STAR is another assessment; in-house; can look at the domains and compare to reporting categories on state assessment (STAAR)


looking at Genre Studies/Understanding Across Genres

goal of 25% increase grades 3-5

looking closely at book being used at each grade level

will use STAAR results to look at progress ultimately

usingbenchmarking to measure progress currently; student conferences during AI time (formerly that time was Literacy Focus/CAFE--currently using more of the C and E because A and F pieces more speech and hearing related)

PS update (GOLD, PD, Intervention Training)--Addie Nichols

update on Early Childhood Conference in Dallas

over 500 workshops at the conference (math, science, abstract concepts, child-led learning, learning through blocks, purposeful play, etc.)

women who developed our ECE Curriculum was there

3-day conference

3 staff attended (Heidi M., Addie N., and Kelli Mills)

variety of philosophies, teaching styles, teaching strategies represented at conference


this addressed some of our PD goals (off-campus) with goal of more in-house PD


GOLD data entered online and now intervention piece needs to be addressed

meetingtmw on IPs but hopefully look at intervention piece during that meeting if possible

question from committee--will see more PD and support in ECE area?

Classroom observations by parents:

reviewed handout with guide/steps for observing children

previously parents arriving at school without a planned observation

both sides of handout need to be swapped with each other

member suggested bullets vs. paragraphs since parents may not read it all

suggested to make half-sheet with front and back; send home in backpack

send hard copy and e-mail? concern that will encourage parents to arrange observations without any purpose (a "flood" of observations to schedule)

post on Elem. website?

give to parents at Registration in the Fall? again, may encourage observations without purpose

maybe include more information about reasons to set up an observation in the first place

some parents abusing already set policies about school visits; some parents responding rudely to school personnel trying to enforce set policies

perhaps send only to parents requesting an observation

some public schools don't allow any observations at all

concern that parents will talk about other children in the classroom

stress confidentiality with parents

is there something parents can sign related to FERPA

check with Elizabeth regarding legal issues of parents observing in a Special Ed. environment? how is the rest of the campus addressing this?

observations support what is happening in the classroom by allowing parents to see what is happening

parents who are touring TSD for possible enrollment observe classrooms

how do we ensure confidentiality?

will ask 3 people to sign up to meet and re-format observation handout based on follow-up of questions, etc. (Donna, Heidi,