Medium Term planning Raven Class (Year 5) Theme ‘A Force to be reckoned with’20th February to 31st March 2017

Subject / Wk/beg 20/02 / Wk/beg 27/02 / Wk/beg 06/03 / Wk/beg13/03 / Wk/beg20/03 / Wk/beg27/03
Science / Consider properties of a range of materials and compare and group them accordingly. / Investigate thermal conductors and insulators. / Investigate electrical conductors. / Investigate water solubility. / Use knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to separate materials. / Investigate irreversible chemical changes..
Geography / Describe and understand what settlers need in terms of land use, trade links and resources. / Examine how and where electricity is generated within the UK / Consider renewable and non-renewable energy sources. / Investigate where our food comes from in terms of ‘food miles’. / Consider importance of conserving food, water and energy supplies. / Compare and contrast availability of resources in UK and abroad and ‘fairness’ of distribution.
History / - / - / - / - / - / -
RE / - / - / - / - / - / -
PSHE / - / - / - / - / - / -
Music / - / - / - / - / - / -
MfL / French taught by students from Wymondham College. / French taught by students from Wymondham College. / French taught by students from Wymondham College. / French taught by students from Wymondham College. / French taught by students from Wymondham College. / French taught by students from Wymondham College.
Forest School / Thursday afternoon / Thursday afternoon / Thursday afternoon / Thursday afternoon / Thursday afternoon / Thursday afternoon
Art / Chn examine Guernica by Picasso and discuss its meaning. They sketch out their own version. / Chn complete their Guernica pictures by painting in monochrome. / Chn compare and contrast Guernica with monochrome sketches by Lowry from WW2 and investigate use of shading and cross- hatching. / Choose one of Lowry’s drawings and replicate carefully, mimicking its style. / Investigate Lowry’s paintings, including that of VE Day, and practise drawing figures in similar style. / Select suitable images from WW2 and use to inform artwork in style of Lowry.
PE / Tag Rugby (carried over from Spring 1) – develop ability to run with a ball. / Tag Rugby – develop ability to match a change of speed, with change of direction. / Tag Rugby – develop ability to pass the ball. / Tag Rugby – develop ability to pass ball effectively. / Tag Rugby – develop ability to run with the ball. / Tag Rugby – collaborate to display fair play.
ICT / Online safety – Chn consider what they should accept/trust on the internet, in emails, pop-ups or texts/ instant messages / Online safety - Chn consider what information and websites arereliable on the internet. / Online safety - Chn review what information they need to keep safe while interacting online. / Online safety – Chn consider to whom they can turn if they are upset/frightened by their online experiences. / Online safety – How do online ‘friends’ differ from ‘ordinary’ ones? / Online safety – chn produce posters to sum up what they have learned.