English 9 - Mrs. Mace

Classroom Guidelines and Requirements


  • Always bring with you to class:

2 - BLUE OR BLACK ballpoint pensBinder -- for loose-leaf and handouts

Plenty of loose-leafCurrent reading materials

  • Helpful supplies to have on hand, in school/at home:

STAPLER HighlighterReport folders White Out USB Flash Drive

2.Classroom Procedures and Behavior:

  • When the bell rings, please be seated at your desk with all necessary materials.
  • On the board you will see:




  • Please write these immediately in your Assignment Pad.
  • Begin the “DO NOW.”
  • Please be on time to class.
  • Please use common courtesy and respect. You are young adults and I will expect you to behave as such. Show to others the same respect that you expect from them. Each of you has the right to make a statement -- or to disagree. I only ask that you be polite. Absolutely NO “put-downs” or ignorant, rude remarks.
  • You must sign out before you leave the room for any reason. Only one person may be out of class at any given time. Time out of class is limited to five minutes.
  • Class ends when I indicate that we are finished, not before. I will expect you to continue working until I tell you to pack up.

3.Assignments and Grading Policies:

  • All homework is to be completed and ON TIME. No late homework will receive credit.
  • All work is to be completed NEATLY in BLUE or BLACK ink, on LOOSE-LEAF, unless otherwise specified.
  • All assignments will be checked and/or graded.
  • Formal writing assignments should be typed, double-spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font, in black ink. Writingassignments completed in the wrong format will be returned for correction, and will be considered late.
  • All major projects and writing assignments are to be submitted ON TIME. There will be a deduction of 10 points per day late for late essays and projects. (PLEASE NOTE THAT NO HONORS ASSIGNMENTS ARE ACCEPTED LATE. THIS IS DISTRICT POLICY.)
  • If you are unable to complete an assignment because of special circumstances, your parents/guardians must write a note giving an explanation as to why your work is not done, and you must bring this note to class ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE.
  • Assignments missed due to absence are YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find and make up. Assignments are posted on my web site, where you may check for daily notes, hand-outs, and assignments. As always, you may call me at school, or call a classmate.
  • Any assignments that contain ANY SORT OF PLAGIARISM WILL RECEIVE A


  • ALL ESSAYS AND RESEARCH MUST BE SUBMITTED TO “TURNITIN.COM" or they will not be accepted. You must submit BOTH a hard copy to me AND a copy to Turnitin.
  • All essays and projects should be saved in a folder on your hard drive on your home computer, as well as on your personal drive at school. You may wish to save your work to a disc or to a flash drive and transport it that way to school. This is to protect YOU from losing the work on which you have spent so much effort! It will also make it easier for you to do in-school editing, and to prepare your final writing/digital portfolio. You may also wish to use Googledocs as a way to archive your work. We will be using Googledocs extensively throughout the year.
  • Quizzes and tests missed due to absence must be taken within a week from theday you return to school. You may take them in the classroom, or at the test table in the Library. Work not made up within a week’s time will receive a grade of zero.
  • Projects and writing assignments late due to absence are due the day you return to school.
  • Grades for each marking period will be computed as follows:

Daily preparation/participation: 5%

Graded Homework:15%


Tests: 25%

Writing and Projects:35%

5.Contact Information:

  • E-mail:
  • Website: - All assignments are posted here. You may print out documents you have missed during absence, or which you may have misplaced. (***Please note – this website is DIFFERENT from the link on the school website. That particular site is under construction. THIS SITE is the one to which you should refer until further notice.***)

Parent Contact Information and Concerns

The key to success this year is effective communication! To that end, I am asking that you provide accurate contact information so that I may either call or e-mail you should the need arise. Please know that I am as likely to call you with GOOD reports as I am to call with concerns. Thanks!

Additionally, to ensure that each of us is informed, accountable, and consistent with class policies, I am asking that students and their parents/caretakers review the class guidelines, and sign at the spaces provided on this sheet. The guidelines will be kept in each student’s notebook for reference and review, as well as on file in the classroom.

Please return this signed document to class by ______

I have read and am in accord with the guidelines for English 9 as set forth by Mrs. Mace.


(Student signature) (Parent/Guardian signature)

Student name:

Student ID#:

Parent(s)/Caretaker(s) name(s):

Best time to reach you:

Phone number(s) where you may most easily be contacted:

Your e-mail address:

(It is best if this is NOT accessible to students)

Concerns and questions you have/Issues about which I should be aware: