Meeting of the CCPS Membership

13 March 2014, IET Teacher Building, 14 St Enoch Square, Glasgow G1 4DB


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Simon Abel / SAMH
Fiona Benton / Wise Group
Aileen Brady / Inclusion Glasgow
Martin Cawley / Turning Point Scotland
James Connolly / Shelter Scotland
Martin Crewe / Barnardos
Elaine Darling / Blackwood
Charlie Dickson / Bield
Duncan Dunlop / Who Cares? Scotland
Jac Fairley / Kibble
Karen Fraser / Alzheimer Scotland
Liz Gardiner / Glasgow HA
Martin Glackin / Loretto HA
Jane Gray / Ark HA
Elizabeth Hay / Crossreach
Kirsten Hogg / Camphill Scotland
Anne Houston / Children 1st
Gez James / Mentor UK
Marion Logan / Phoenix Futures
Malcolm Matheson / Key Community Supports
Neil Mathewman / CIC
Margaret McCarthy / Crossroads Caring Scotland
Maria McGill / CHAS
Damian McGowan / Hillcrest HA
Lorraine McGrath / Glasgow Simon Community
Dorry McLaughlin / Viewpoint
Stephen McLellan / RAMH
Jack McVey / Options for Independence
Bernadette Milligan / Wise Group
Brian Murphy / CIC
Heather Norris / Venture Trust
Jim Pearson / Alzheimer Scotland
Marcia Ramsay / Leonard Cheshire
Caroline Scott / CCPS
Lynsey Smith / Includem
Austen Smyth / The Richmond Fellowship Scotland
David Strathearn / CCPS Workforce Development Network
Stephen Van Putten / Royal Blind
Susan Williamson / Barony
Megan Wilson / Sense Scotland

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In attendance:

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Davina Adamson / CCPS
Yvette Burgess / HSEU
Susan Duncan / Scottish Government
Nancy Fancott / CCPS
Dee Fraser / Providers & Personalisation
Catherine Garrod / Providers & Personalisation
Annie Gunner Logan / CCPS
Nigel Henderson / Penumbra
Tony Homer / Joint Improvement Team
Laura Mulcahy / CJVSF
Christina Naismith / Joint Improvement Team
Kenny Pentland / Providers & Personalisation

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Matt Forde / NSPCC
Tom Halpin / SACRO
Edel Harris / Cornerstone
Danny Harvie / Elcap
Neil Henery / Camphill Scotland
Rob Hughes / Inspire
Carol Iddon / Action for Children
Elaine Johnston / Link Living
Anthony Kramers / Larche
Sally Lakeman / Leonard Cheshire
Brian Logan / Bield
Claudia Macdonald / Who Cares? Scotland
Donald Macleod / PSS
George Mcculloch / Inspire
Judith Midgley / Workforce Development Network
Rhona Murray / Places for People
Bruce Nicol / Marie Curie
Sheila Scott / Inclusion Glasgow
Henry Simmons / Alzheimer Scotland
Sam Smith / C-Change
Norah Smith / Kingdom HA
Alan Somerville / Scottish Autism
Jennifer Wallace / Trust HA
Rebecca Wilson / Barony

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2.  Minutes of the meeting held 12 Dec 2013
The minutes were accepted as an accurate record of the previous meeting.

3.  Matters arising
There were no matters arising.

4.  Director’s report: Strategic themes and priorities for CCPS 2014-2015
The Director spoke to her presentation outlining the work priorities for CCPS in the 2014-2015 year. These include: Tendering; Public Service Reform; Commissioning and Procurement; Scrutiny; and Workforce issues.

The Director also highlighted the new ScotWRAS (Scottish Welfare Reform Advisory Service) to the members. This new advice line is designed as a service for frontline advice and support staff. It has been developed by Shelter Scotland and Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland. Shelter will be providing housing and debt advice and CPAG, benefits advice.

5.  Membership update
It was reported that CHAS (Children’s Hospice Association Scotland) and Visibility have both joined CCPS as new members. The Director welcomed Maria McGill of CHAS, who was in attendance.

6.  CCPS representation on working groups/committees
There were no updates or changes to working groups. An up to date list of working groups on which CCPS is represented can be found on the CCPS website here:

7.  AOCB
There was no other business.

8.  Date of next meeting
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 12 June 2014 at Discovery Point, Dundee.

The business meeting was followed by presentations and discussions on Commissioning, procurement and tendering:

Joint Strategic Commissioning: what is it, and why does it matter?

Tony Homer, National Lead for Joint Strategic Commissioning and Christina Naismith, Programme Manager for Joint Strategic Commissioning with the Scottish Government Joint Improvement Team (JIT) gave an overview of Joint Strategic Commissioning and the context in which it is emerging. Their presentation can be viewed on the CCPS website here:

Public Procurement: key developments in care and support

Susan Duncan of the Scottish Government Procurement & Commercial Directorate discussed the implications on the third sector of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Bill. Her presentation can be viewed on the CCPS website here:

Challenges, opportunities and impact

The Director and Dee Fraser gave a brief analysis of the areas of care and support policy and activity impacted by these developments. Slides are available on the CCPS website here:

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