Amount of grant received / How it has or will be spent / Cost / Impact (on pupils’ participation and attainment-to help ensure all pupils develop a healthy lifestyle)
Based on the formula of £8000 + £5 per child (212 children) we are expecting an allocation in the region of £9060 to be spent by the end of August 2016
CPD for staff – connected to new scheme. INSET training with trainer. / £ / New scheme implemented over all the classes. Teaching of skills is now an inherent part of lesson plans.
Subject leader development: 2x ½ day PLT,
Inclusion in P.E x1 day / £219.50 (supply cover)
£219.50 (supply cover) / Network meetingscarried out with other schools to arrange fixtures, discuss curriculum and find out about the latest PE resources. School took part in a variety of sporting fixtures for all ages.
Information shared with staff after training.
New resources bought to be used in lessons to make sure all lessons are inclusive.
Purchase of Inclusion resources / £71 / Children given extra support in class sessions with added resources
CPD training for staff – dance and movement / £110 / Support for staff member to implement new ideas and support knowledge development.
Youth Sports Trust Membership / £270 / Access to courses and resources
Subsidised club (summer term)- Multiskills (Year 1 & 2) / £420 / Opportunities for younger children to participate in sport
External providers to be bought in – summer term 2016 for National Sports Week / £500 / During sports week all children were active on numerous occasions.
Purchase of playtime zone equipment and resources identified by young leaders following their training / £400 / A variety of ideas presented for children to have positive physical play at break time.
Promotion of leadership skills in older pupils – older pupils organised activities for younger pupils one lunchtime per week
Fund for paying for children who would not otherwise participate in out of school hour’s clubs and competitions. / To be allocated upon uptake (once each case has been considered) / There was no uptake this academic year but this is something that the school will continue to have as an objective because family circumstances change.
UpdatePE equipment - undertake an audit of PE equipment and update / restock any equipment that is needed / £57.55 (October 2015) / Updated resources used to develop new skills - children experienced different physical activities
Promote healthy active lifestyles with ‘A Life’ taking all children for sessions in March 2016 / £100 / Children have raised awareness of what a healthy and active lifestyle is.
Apply for Sainsbury’s Active Mark Award / Supply release for completion of application
£100 / Understanding and vision of what is being achieved in the school and areas to develop in the future – achieved Bronze award in October 2015
Purchase of resources to fulfil objectives from real PE scheme / £500 / Lessons are properly resourced and engaging
Children have the necessary resources to learn and apply the skills identified
CPD – teacher to be released to follow up on inset re. planning and assessment using new scheme ‘Real PE’
SLT to monitor planning documents / £1200 / Higher quality planning
Progression of skills and application in planning
Schools Sports Partnership subs 2015-2016 / £2100 / Continued access to expertise of SSP team.
Schools Sports Partnership subs 2016 - 2017 / £2100 / Continued access to expertise of SSP team.
CPD - School to investigate providers of dance workshops and gymnastic specialist to address areas for development / ££ / Increased subject knowledge and confidence in delivery on the part of teachers. More challenging and engaging learning for children.
CPD – school to investigate possibility of teachers shadowing / team teaching ‘Real PE’ with Sarah Thorp in addition to inset / ££ / Cohesive approach to the use of ‘Real PE’