Summer 2005
- You will be teaching a short lesson to a class or small group of students. Since many of us are from out of town and have limited contacts and transportation here in Billings, you are encouraged to call Cindy Keller (896-5820), Director of the William R. Lowe Child Care and EnrichmentCenter, to set up a time to teach your lesson. This center is located on Normal Street across from the MSU-B L.A. building. The center has three groups of children: about twelve 2- to 3-year olds, up to sixteen 4- to 5-year olds, and a third group of almost eighteen 6- to 9-year olds.
- You will be working in pairs. Your partner will be evaluating your teaching based on the evaluation form developed in class. Your partner may observe you directly (by attended the time you teach), view a videotape, or view your teaching lesson on the Student Share folder (either of the latter two requires taping so make sure that you have permission to do so). Forms are going out this week at the Child Care Center.
- Your lesson must involve music, art, and/or drama (your choice of the three). If you feel comfortable teaching in front of a class, try teaching a lesson in the content area in which you are least acquainted. If you are still apprehensive in front of a class, choose the subject in which you feel most confident. You will need to ask Ms. Keller if there are special materials you need; if she doesn’t have them, you are responsible for bringing them for the lesson.
- Use the Educational Theory and Practice required lesson plan format (Barfield’s electronic syllabus). Place a copy of your lesson plan on the Student Share Folder in the Microteaching Lesson file.
- If you use the ChildCareCenter: After you have confirmed your lesson time with Ms. Keller, you need to contact Ms. Bobbie Thorpe (657-2315), Admin. Ass’t in the office of Educational Theory and Practice (COE 278), to reserve the digital video camera (it must be the digital one so you can put it onto the Student Share Folder). You may use your own camera.
- If you borrow a camera from ETP: Immediately following your lesson (so plan accordingly) you take the digital video camera to COE 158 (the Computer Lab) to transfer your lesson to the EDCI 553 Student Share Folder (instructions on how to get into the SSF are on Barfield’s electronic syllabus). At the same time bring your disk/CD that has the file with your lesson plan and put a copy into the Student Share Folder. You MUST return the camera to Bobbie ASAP after your lesson has been transferred to the Student Share Folder so other students may be able to check it out (DO NOT KEEP THE CAMERA AFTER YOUR LESSON).
- In addition to the feedback from your partner (the evaluation form), view your teaching and write a self reflection that includes at least 3-4 teaching strategies that were successful and 3-4 components you would modify or change to improve the lesson were you to teach it again. Hand your evaluation form and this self-reflection to your instructor.