Kathleen F. Hancock August 16, 2005

455 Ellesmere Way

Sugar Hill, Georgia 30518

Georgia RN License #RN48763


Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of Maryland, 1966.

Master of Nursing, Emory University, 1977.

Certified Lactation Consultant, International Board of Certified Lactation Consultants,

1989; Recertified 1994, 1999, 2004.

Certified Childbirth Educator, Academy of Certified Birth Educators, 1999.

Lamaze International Childbirth Education Certification July, 2002


1995 to present: Assistant Professor, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, Atlanta, Georgia

1995 to present: Instructor, Women First, Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia

1991 to 1995: Instructor, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, Atlanta, Georgia

1990 to 1997: Lactation Center, Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia

1986 to 1991: Instructor (half time), Parent-Child Nursing, Georgia State University School of Nursing, Atlanta, Georgia.

1986 to 1991: Childbirth Preparation Classes (part time), Marietta OB-GYN, Marietta, Georgia.

1983 to 1985: Independent contractor for expectant and new parent classes, mother-baby classes, "So You're Thinking of Having a Baby?", “Congratulations, You're Pregnant!", “Seven Months and Counting" childbirth classes, North Fulton Medical Center, Alpharetta, Georgia.

1981 to present: Perinatal staff nurse, per diem, Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.

1978 to 1983: Preparation for Childbirth instructor, Emergency Care of Young Children instructor, Childbirth Education Association of Atlanta, Georgia.

1969 to 1975: Home to raise family.

1968 to 1969: Teaching Associate, University of Maine School of Nursing, Pediatric and Maternal Health, Portland, Maine.

1966 to 1967: Navy Nurse Corps, Charge Nurse, LTJG, Portsmouth Naval Hospital, neurosurgical unit including an ICU and women's general surgery unit, Portsmouth, Virginia.


*Course coordinator NUR353, Selected Topics in Perinatal Nursing.

*Course coordinator, NUR330, Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family, classroom and clinical instruction.

*Course responsibility, NUR253, Breastfeeding Theory and Management for Nurses.

*Faculty, Learning Skills Laboratory.

*Course Coordinator, NR320 Parent Child Nursing, classroom teaching and clinical instruction.

*Instructor for N. 210 Fundamentals of Nursing, classroom teaching, laboratory, and clinical instruction.

*Instructor for N. 204 Pharmacology in Nursing, classroom teaching.

*Instructor for N211 and NR211R, Health Assessment, classroom teaching and laboratory.

*Independent Study, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004.

*Nursing Research, seminar group, spring, 1999, 2000 and 2004.

*Course Coordinator for NR211, Health Assessment.


*Strategic Planning Committee, Goal #1

*Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 2004-2006

*Honors, Research, & Scholarship Council 2003-2004, Chair 2004-2005

* Educational Resources Committee, Chairman 2001-2002, Faculty member 2002-2003

*College NLN committee, Student Section Criteria 8

*College SACS Committee on Administrative Processes

*Admissions, Progression, and Readmissions Committee

*Student Grievance Counsel, Chair 1997-1998, 2003-2004

*Faculty advisor to Non-traditional Student Group

*Chairman of the Faculty Search Committee

*Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee

*Faculty Affairs Committee, Chairman 1996-1997

*Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Reappointment Committee, 1997-1999


*Lamaze International

*American Nurses Association

*Georgia Nurses Association, Delegate to Georgia Nurses’Association Convention,

Columbus 1995, Augusta 1996, Savannah 1997; Chair of District 5 Nurse Practice

Committee 1997-1999

*Association of Women’s' Health, Obstetrical, and Neonatal Nursing

*International Childbirth Education Association

*International Board of Certified Lactation Consultants

*Southeastern Lactation Consultants Association

*Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Alpha Chapter, Chairman of Nominations Committee, 1993

*Sigma Theta Tau, Pi Gamma Chapter, Charter member,

Counselor, 1997-1999


*Norcross Cooperative Ministries, Volunteer July, 2003

*Stephen's Ministry Leader Ivy Creek Church, Lawrenceville, Georgia, 2001-2002, Perimeter Church, Duluth, Georgia 2003-2005.

*Piedmont Hospital Nursing Reentry Program, Lecturer, Atlanta, Georgia, March, 2001, October, 2001, April 2002, October 2002, April 9, 2003.

*Southern Cross Mission Trip to Brazil, May 2001

*Women’s Health Fair, CDC, Atlanta, Georgia, July 18, 2000

*Summerhill Urban Missions, Perimeter Church volunteer for Summer Camp 1997, 1998, 1999.

*Speaking engagement: "Celebrating the Woman", women's health and wellness in the 90's. Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, Sandy Springs, Georgia, September 26, 1998.

*March of Dimes speaker's bureau, 1996-1999.

*Member of Perimeter Church, Stephen's Ministry Leader 1994-2005.

*Member of Gwinnett Chapter of American Business Women’s’ Association

*"Fit Fest" at Coca Cola, November, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997.

*Speaker at "Career Days" at Pinckneyville Middle School, professional nursing as a career, 1992.

*Georgia Task Force on Breastfeeding, Grant Writing Committee 1992-1995

*Redeemer Lutheran Church Soup Kitchen volunteer, 1989-1992.


*Phi Kappa Phi

*Sigma Theta Tau

*University of Maryland School of Nursing Award 1966 for scholarship

*Commendation Letter U.S. Navy for nursing care


"There's a fungus among us", Journal of Human Lactation, September 1993.

"A new direction for postnatal infant care", PediatricNursing, May/June 1979.

Unpublished Masters Theses: "Group Intervention with Mothers of Chronically Ill Children", 1977.


Presentation for Northside Hospital Mother’s First, “Lamaze Internationals Six Care Practices that Promote Normal Birth”, GNA contact hours 1.8, October 14, 2004.

Presentation of Research: "Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitudes of Obstetrical Residents, Pilot Study", 5th District GNA Program: "Nursing Research: Making a Difference", February 13, 1996.

Poster Presentation: "Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitudes of Obstetrical Residents, Pilot Study", Georgia Nurses Association Convention, Columbus, Georgia, October 19, 1995.

Poster Presentation: "Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitudes of Obstetrical Residents, Pilot Study" Third place in research poster contest, Georgia Baptist Medical Center, Atlanta, Georgia, February 20-24, 1995.

Poster Presentation: "Breastfeeding Knowledge and Attitudes of Obstetrical Residents, Pilot Study, 1995 Maternal Child Nursing Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, March 13 -15, 1995.


March 2, 2005: “Breastfeeding Annual Education”, (1.8 hrs), Northside Hospital, Atlanta, GA.

October 22-23, 2004: “16th Annual Conference on Breastfeeding”, (14 hrs), Emory University, Atlanta, GA.

October 8, 2004: “Patterns of Care: Weaving Compassion and Evidence-based Practice”, (3.3 hrs), Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University, Atlanta, GA.

September 10-12, 2004: “Making Waves for Normal Birth”, (18.6 hrs), Lamaze International 2004 Annual Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

April 29, 2004: “Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: Is It in the Doldrums? “, (1 hr), Emory Crawford Long Hospital, Atlanta, GA.

March 22, 2004: “Mission Possible: A World of confident Women Choosing Normal Birth” (7.4 hrs), Charlotte, N.C.

October 23, 2003: “Lactation Fast Track: Sixth Annual Fall Breastfeeding Workshop” (6.4 hrs), Norcross, Georgia.

October 21, 2003: “Public Speaking 101, cont.”, Northside Hospital (1.2 hrs), Atlanta, Georgia.

April 15, 2003: "Public Speaking 101", Northside Hospital (1.2 hrs), Atlanta, Georgia.

April 15, 2003: "Twins, Triplets, and More!", Northside Hospital (1.2 hrs), Atlanta, Georgia.

February 7-8, 2003: "Promoting and Protecting Babies' Health", 15th Annual Conference on Breastfeeding, Emory Regional Perinatal Center (12 hrs), Atlanta, Georgia.

October 29, 2002: "Building Bridges Across Generations in the Workplace, (1.8 hrs) Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.

June 4, 2002: "Depression: During and After Pregnancy", (1 hr), Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia

May 8, 2002: "Breastfeeding…A Birthright of All Babies", (6 hrs), Northeast Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition, Inc., Gainesville, Georgia

February 8-9, 2002: "Breastfeeding: Promoting and Protecting Babies' Health", (12 hrs), Emory Regional Perinatal Center, Atlanta, Georgia.

October 20-21, 2001: "Celebrate Birth!", Lamaze Labor Support Specialist Training Program, (16.8 hours), Marietta, Georgia.

February 24, 2001: “Collaboration in Clinical Scholarship”, (3.3 hours), Mercer University, Atlanta Campus.

February 9-10, 2001: “Breastfeeding: Promoting and Protecting Babies’ Health”, (12 hours), Emory regional Perinatal Center, Atlanta, Georgia.

August 25, 2000: “The Use of Technology in Nursing Education”, (6.3 hours), Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, Atlanta, Georgia.

July 26-30, 2000: “Supporting Breastfeeding with Evidence-Based Practice”, (19.6 hours), 15th Anniversary Conference and Annual Meeting of the International Lactation Consultant Association, Washington DC.

February 11-12, 2000: “Breastfeeding: Promoting and Protecting Babies’ Health”, (13.1 hours), Emory Regional Perinatal Center, Atlanta, Georgia.

August 20, 1999: “Mamma Care, Training the Trainer”, (4.2 hours), North Georgia College, Dahlonega, Georgia.

July 31-August 3, 1999: 1999 International Lactation Consultants Association Conference, “Breastfeeding in the Next Millennium: The Future of Lactation Consulting”, (22.2 hours), Scottsdale, Arizona.

May 14-16, 1999: “Birth and Beginnings Education”, (24 hours), Atlanta, Georgia.

October 24, 1998: "Breastfeeding: Overcoming Challenges in Today's World", (9 hours), La Leche League Department of Education Workshop Series XII, Atlanta, Georgia.

August 5, 1998: "Breastfeeding, The Best Investment", (7.2 hours), Columbus Regional Conference Center at The Medical Center, Columbus, Georgia.

July 29, 1998: "If Breastfeeding Is So Great...Why Isn't Everyone Doing It?", (6 hours). WIC, Whitfield County Health Center, Dalton, Georgia.

September 5, 1997: "Continuous Quality Improvement in Higher Education", (6 hours), Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, Atlanta, Georgia.

August 10-12, 1997: 1997 International Lactation Consultant Association Conference, "Breastfeeding An Investment in Tomorrow", (17.1 hours), New Orleans, Louisiana.

January 24, 1997: "Mitral Value Prolapse", (1 hour), Northside Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia.

September 20, 1996: "Breastfeeding Issues for Medical Professionals", (6 hours), La Leche League of South Carolina, Palmetto Expo Center, Greenville, North Carolina.

February 29-March 1, 1996: "Breastfeeding in the 90's: Clinical Practice Strategies", (12.9 hours), Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia.

February 13, 1996: "Nursing Research: Making a Difference",

(1.8 hours), 5th District GNA, Atlanta, Georgia.