Announcements – Ladies, Men’s studies – Ideas for service projects

Living Love. – Main theme throughout.

Illustration: God comes to Adam, Arm and a leg.

Miss the miracle of a wife that is your help mate.


Vs. 1-3Sea of Galileee. This feeding mentioned by all four gospels.Only miracle apart from resuirrection mentioned by all four.

– Parent: I’m only going to say this four times.

2 feeding of multitudes.The First Feeding Miracle, "The Feeding of the 5,000" is the only miracle (apart from theresurrection) which is present in all fourcanonical Gospels(Matthew 14:13-21,Mark 6:31-44,Luke 9:10-17andJohn 6:5-15.[1]

This miracle is also known as themiracle of the five loaves and two fish.

The second miracle, "The Feeding of the 4,000" is reported byMark 8:1-9andMatthew 15:32-39but not by Luke or John. This miracle is also known as themiracle of the seven loaves and fish.

Two feedings of 5000 and 4000. One of Jews(12 basketfuls) and one of Gentiles (7 basketfuls) Why? Jesus calls attention to this in Mark 8:19-20

–Here is the mountain

vs4-7Andrew says: This kid has a happy meal. This one child offered his lunch to Jesus. All he had for sustenance. The kid had come to Andrew, like a child. Heard there’s not enough food. Here you go, take mine. Jesus accepted it and multiplied it.

Vs 8-9Jews have no dealing with Samaritans. Tax collectors, Samaritans, Samaritan Woman. What a profound and sad statement.

Jewish prayer of the time was: “May I never set eyes on a Samaritan”

Prov. 31? Many a Jewish man started the day with a prayer to God, expressing thanks that he was neither a Gentile, a slave, or a woman!


5000 men, add wives and children and easily 15-20,000 people.

Picture of 15,000 people

Vs11-13Average person will eat 8 ounces of fish and four ounces of bread.

Our kids will eat 16 ounces of fish and 8 ounces of bread.

That is Jesus took a kids happy meal and created 7500 lbs of fish and 3,750 pounds of unleavened bread. And had 12 basketfuls left over.

Vs14 Wow, great meal Jesus. We are just going to hang out with you. Starvation daily thought. No refrigerators, no grocery stores.

Vs26-27Wait, the meal was good but you say there is something better? Give me that food?

The food is given to the person whom God puts His seal. What is the seal?

Ephesians 1:13In Him you alsotrusted,after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,14who[a]is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.

Vs. 28-29 What do we need to o to impress God? Place your trust in Jesus. God will do the rest. Yeah, whatever, what do we need to do?


What sign? How about creating over 10,000 pounds of food? How about that?

Give us more food everyday like Moses did. Then we will trust you.

Jesus corrects: Moses didn’t give it to you. Father God did. That was a picture for you of the Savior who is coming. I am the manna from heaven. God in the Flesh. That gives life to the world just like food gives life to you

Vs34Yes, daily food, give us that.


God is the one who draws people to himself. You are selfish people. Your God is your stomach and you are missing the point of my miracle. Just like I filled you up there, I am the one who fills that whole for you spiritually. If I fill you up, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Everyone who truly comes to me will enter Heaven.


Wait a second. We know this guy. I remember his mom changing his diapers, how is this guy from Heaven?


I am giving myself for the world. He will die in our place on the cross. We receive His gift by placing our trust in Him through a simple prayer. He has done the work. We receive it.

Unleavened Bread: Without leaven, without rot, without sin.

A miracle was there and they missed it. Don’t miss the miracle.Don’t miss Jesus.

God wants to do a miracle in your life today. Don’t miss the miracle. Don’t miss Jesus. Non-christians live life without Jesus. They miss the miracle.

Christians live their life and ignore the Holy Spirit’s leading

You are missing the miracle.

Train bridge, father.

Words of institution: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26

Bread: Without leaven

Benediction: Numbers 6:22-27