Draft notes from the Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC) Meeting

Date: Jan 9, 2018Next meeting: Jan 23, 2018

  1. Attendance

Rex Brooks
Gary Ham
Elysa Jones
Darrell O’Donnell
Scott Robertson

A quorum was in attendance

  1. Meeting notes. The notes from December 12, 2017 were reviewed with minor corrections. Rex made a motion and Scott seconded a motion to approve as amended. All agree.
  1. Notes from the Chair.
  2. The January EIC meeting will be January 24. The agenda will be posted as soon as available. There are two DHS presentations planned.
  3. Emergency Member Section Steering Committee (StC)approved funding a proposed effort by Rex Brooks to update our EMTC, EMATC and Emergency Member Section web sites over the next three months.
  4. The StC also approved funds for Elysa to attend the HL7 meeting Jan 27-Feb 2. Scott will be attending from Kaiser Permanente. We will both be supporting the advancement of HAVE to a joint release. I will focus on the Security Working group that deals with data security and transport issues required for use of the distribution element (DE). Scott and I have been included in some communications and a draft project scope statement being considered that would seek to map NIEM data to the current OASS TEP/HL7 ADT messages. We expect to discuss this at the face to face meeting as well.
  5. Jane Harnad and OASIS staff have worked out the details for posting the EDXL workshop report. She will have a draft ready for review soon.
  6. Elysa asked for Tim to provide an update on the planning meetings we have had with DHS Office of Emergency Communications (OEC). Tim reported that the subject matter experts that worked on the live exercises for patient movement have been invited to DC for a meeting Jan 25 with the OEC to discuss TEP. A project is being identified that can be presented to the Director, Adm Hewitt to advance this work. A follow-on meeting will be held with the FirstNet and NIST Public Safety Communications Research Lab on how this data can traverse the first responder network. Gary added that the FirstNet regarding data movement is a bit of the wild wild west. We may be able to provide some structure for that with the DE as an on-ramp for information exchange.
  1. Subcommittee (SC) Reports.
  2. EDXL- Hospital Availability Exchange (HAVE) SC. Scott reported that the HL7 ballot will close on HAVE Jan 22. There have been a few abstains. Scott reviewed how voting occurs and how member companies must be a part of the “consensus” group to be able to vote. He expects any comments will come in at the last hour. He will attend the Patient Administration (PA) Working Group (PA) call later today to be sure we have some time on the HL7 PA WG face to face meeting agenda.
  3. EDXL Reference Information Model (RIM) SC. Rex reported that the RIM will take on the discussion of “remark” vs “comment” that came up during the HAVE work.
  4. EDXL Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) SC. Elysa stated she socialized the use of separate documents for alternate schemas for CAP. This was not recommended for ASN.1 since it would break the document format used for the corollary ITU X.1303 Recommendation.
  1. Adoption. Rex reported that the Adoption Committee will sponsor the practices guide for cell broadcast with the CAP SC generating most of the content.
  1. Adjourn. With our business complete, Rex made and Scott seconded a motion to adjourn. All agreed.

Respectfully submitted,

Elysa Jones Chair OASIS EM TC

Emergency Management Technical Committee