Griffin Middle School Math 7 Syllabus

Mr. Brandon Philmon ()

Ms. K. Jackson ()

Course Goal:

The GSE (Georgia Standards of Excellence) Math 7 curriculum focuses on four critical areas: (1) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; (2) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two‐ and three‐dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and (4) drawing inferences about populations based on samples.

7th Grade Mathematics Teaching & Learning Framework
First Semester / Second Semester
Unit 1: Operations with Rational Numbers
6 weeks / Unit 2: Expressions and Equations
6 weeks / Unit 3: Ratios & Proportional Relationships
6 weeks / Unit 4: Geometry
5 weeks / Unit 5: Inferences
4 weeks / Unit 6: Probability
4 weeks / Unit 7: Review and Extend
5 weeks

Although the units in this instructional framework emphasize key standards and big ideas at specific times of the year, routine topics such as estimation, mental computation, and basic computation facts will be addressed on an ongoing basis. Ideas related to the eight practice standards will be addressed constantly as well. *Note: The course outline below covers the entire school year. It is subject to change as needed.


1.  Each student is responsible for keeping a math interactive notebook (spiral or composition notebook) containing all notes, class work, and homework for the units.

Class Materials:

The students will be using a variety of materials for their instruction including a consumable textbook. Our new textbook will have two volumes, but students will not be given volume 2 until later in the year. The ENTIRE textbook can be accessed ONLINE by following the instructions below:

1.  Go to

2.  Your username is: ccsdlunch# (example: ccsd1234567)

3.  Your password is: cobbmath1

Course materials and the cost of textbooks (if lost/damaged beyond use):


Resourceful Links:,,,,

Grading Scale:

o  A = 90 and above

o  B = 80 – 89

o  C = 74 – 79

o  D = 70 – 73

o  F = 69 and below


Student grades will be determined in the following manner:

·  Formatives (Ex. Quizzes, checkpoints, etc.): 30%

·  Summatives (Ex. Unit assessments, Projects, etc.): 70%

Classroom Procedures:

·  Students must bring all required materials (notebook, paper, pencil, assignment) on a daily basis. Students are expected to review blog daily.

·  All assignments must be done in pencil. Any assignment not completed in pencil will not receive credit.

·  Each student is required to keep an organized notebook. Organization will be monitored.

·  Students are expected to follow all rules outlined by the teacher and Griffin Middle School.

Late work policy:

For every day an assignment is late, teachers may deduct a total of 5 points per day, up to 5 days that an assignment is late. If after the fifth day the assignment still has not been turned in, the student will receive a zero until they make up the work. Students with zeros may be required to attend Saturday School for grade recovery, or before and/or after-school tutoring.

Make-up work for absences:

Students who are absent when an assignment is made will be given the same number of days to complete the make-up work as they were absent, not counting the day of return. Make-up of graded work will be as scheduled with the teacher. Students have until five (5) days prior to the end of the grading period to turn in missing work. Assignments made or announced prior to a student’s absence, including tests/quizzes, that are due on the day of the student’s return will be due at that time. (Quizzes and tests will be taken with class.) Homework and any other make up work will be accepted according to school policy. Students are responsible for requesting and following through on make- up work, not the teacher!!!

Grade Recovery:

Grade recovery will be permitted on summative assessments only. The purpose of grade recovery is to give the student an additional opportunity to show that he/she has mastered the standards of the course. The following rules will apply for this process.

·  To be eligible to take the retest, students must complete a process of remediation, including but not limited to Saturday School, before and/or after-school tutoring, test analysis, or on-line remediation. The method of remediation will be determined by your teachers.

·  Only one retest is permitted per summative assessment.

·  The retest will not be the same as the original.


Teacher blogs will be updated weekly at a minimum. Please check teacher blogs for missing assignments, interactive activities you can do at home, classwork, and any other materials your teachers deem necessary to ensure your mastery of the content standards. These blogs are an added benefit for you, the student, to ensure you are receiving every tool possible to help you succeed. If you are absent, please check your teacher blogs first for the work you missed. Please use your teacher blogs regularly:

I have read & understand the information listed in the course syllabus. I understand that this syllabus is a guide & is subject to change.

Class Period (Circle One): 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Student Name (printed) ______

Student Signature______

Parent/Guardian (printed) ______

Parent Signature______

Parent/Guardian Contact – Please answer the following questions:

What is the best way to reach you?

+Email Address (please print): ______

+Primary Phone Number: ______

What is the best time to contact you? ____ Morning ____ Midday ____ Evening


____ I will be checking ParentVUE weekly for my student’s progress.

____ I am unable to check ParentVUE