Ronald Reagan

Elementary School

10800 Rosslyn Lane

Bakersfield, CA 93311


Office Hours: 7:20 a.m.- 3:50 p.m. Telephone: (661) 665-8099

FAX: (661) 665-8311

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Ronald Reagan Elementary School, a California Distinguished School (2002 and 2010). You and your child are a part of our strong tradition of excellence at Reagan School. Together, staff, students, and parents maintain high academic standards, ensure student self respect, embrace the diversity of our community, provide opportunities for future successes, and promote community involvement.

The information contained in this handbook will help you become aware of the programs, school rules and expectations that will make your child’s experience at Ronald Reagan Elementary School successful and rewarding. Please take the time to read this handbook and share the information with your child. Any changes or updated information will be sent home to you with your child.


Tom Irvin, Ed.D.




Kevin Silberberg, Ed.D.


Gerrie Kincaid

Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services

Glenn Imke

Assistant Superintendent-Business

Pam Bianchi, Ed.D.

Assistant Superintendent - Curriculum & Instruction



Linda Brenner

Dr. Dean Haddock

Cheryl Palla

Dee Whitley

Keith Wolaridge



School Hours

TK/Kindergarten 7:50 - 2:05

First-Third 7:50 - 2:05

Fourth-Sixth 7:50 - 2:35

Arrival at school

Students must not arrive at school before 7:25 A.M. Our playground supervisors come on duty at that time. Parents should drop off students in the BACK parking lot only. The front parking lot is only for buses and visitor parking. The front parking lot is NOT a drop off zone. IT IS EXTREMELY UNSAFE TO DROP STUDENTS OFF IN THE FRONT PARKING LOT.

After School dismissal

Students are dismissed at their scheduled times and should leave at that time. TK/Kindergarten -Third graders are not permitted to wait for other students who are dismissed at 2:35. Students should be picked up at dismissal; staff is not on duty to provide supervision once the buses leave. Parents please do not park or leave your car in the drive through area (behind the cafeteria) – please remain in your car and pull forward as far as possible.

Absences from school

Any absence, excused; i.e. illness, medical, dental or family emergency or unexcused, must be cleared. This can be done either by calling the school office at 665-8099 or sending a note with your child. Unexcused absences (including family trips for pleasure/recreation or business purposes) or failing to provide proper verification for an absence for more than 10 consecutive school days will result in the student being dropped from our enrollment. Students dropped from classes are not guaranteed placement in the same class upon re-enrollment.

Late to school

Students arriving late to school must report to the office before going to class. It is extremely important that students arrive at school on time (before 7:50 A.M.) each day. Students are given assignments immediately upon entering the room and tardy students miss a portion of the instruction and disrupt instruction for others. Excessive/chronic tardiness will result in a student being declared “truant” from school.

Fog Delays

If a Fog Delay is called for the Panama Buena Vista Union School District, only the bus transportation schedule is delayed two hours. Classrooms are open at the regular time (7:50) for enrichment type activities. Regular instruction begins at 9:50 a.m.

Please do not contact the school when it is foggy. We get our fog information the same way you do. Check with local media for updates. You may also check online at


Honor Roll and Principal's List

Students in grade 4-6 are eligible for the Honor Roll. Honor Roll includes those students who have earned a "B" average or better in academic subjects for that quarter. A grade below "C" (D’s or F’s) in any subject will prevent a student from being on the Honor Roll. Receiving two “N’s” (Needs Improvement) disqualifies a student from the Honor Roll also. Students who are on the Honor Roll all four quarters will receive an Honor Roll Pin at the end of the school year.

Students who receive all "A" or "A-" grades for a grading period are placed on the Principal's List. Students who maintain this all year will receive a Principal's List Pin. The disqualifying conditions that apply to Honor Roll also apply to the Principal's List.

Students who make the Honor Roll and/or the Principal’s List at least three out of four quarters will be eligible to attend the end of the year grade level Honor Roll Parties hosted by the Reagan Parent Club.

School Letter

Students in grades 4-6 have the opportunity to earn a school letter (Script "R") and stars by participating in various school activities. Points are cumulative from the fourth grade and are given for scholastic achievement and for participation in such activities as student government, athletics, music, oral language, etc. 6th graders receive special recognition when they earn over 1000 points during their school career.

Outstanding Citizenship

Students have the opportunity each quarter to be recognized for outstanding citizenship by receiving an “A” in Citizenship/Conduct on the Report Card. By maintaining Outstanding Citizenship (“A’) all four quarters, students in grades 4-6 will receive recognition at the end of the school year.

Prominent Patriot

Students in grades 4-6 to have the opportunity to become Reagan “Prominent Patriots” by maintaining an "A or A-" in conduct and Honor Roll status. Those who are “Prominent Patriots” all four quarters will receive recognition.


Back to School Night

Each fall "Back to School Night" is scheduled for parents to meet their child's teacher. Parents will be notified of the date and schedule. This night gives the teachers an opportunity to explain the curriculum and expectations and for parents to ask questions. (It is not an appropriate time for a conference. Inform your child's teacher if you would like a conference to discuss your child.)

Behavior Standards

Reagan students are expected to be courteous and respectful to their peers and to all adults who work on our campus. Behavior that is deemed dangerous, disruptive to the learning process, disrespectful or vulgar will not be tolerated. Parents will be notified when a student exhibits unacceptable behavior so that a cooperative effort can be made to address the problem.

1. Behavior in the classroom that interferes with learning will not be tolerated.

2. During recesses and lunchtime, students are to remain on the playground. Use restrooms and drinking fountains as necessary and then return quickly to the playground.

3. Gum, candy, or “extra” foods are not permitted at any time. Such items will be

taken from students and thrown away.

4. Hands and feet must be kept to yourself at all times, no rough-house games (wrestling, tackle football, etc.).

5. Playground equipment should be used in the manner for which it was designed following all rules of the games.

6. Hats may not be worn inside. Hats must be worn only in the proper manner.

7. Toys, balls, electronic items, etc. from home are not permitted at school. Children should be aware that the school is not responsible for loss or damage to any student items brought to school. Radios, Game Boys, Ipods, and other inappropriate items are also prohibited. Students may have cell phones at school, but phones must be turned off and put away at school.

8. Inappropriate use of electronic on-line services/internet access is not allowed.

9. The following actions are covered by State Law and can result in suspension and/or expulsion: Fight/assault, vandalism, tobacco possession or use, drugs-possession or use, alcohol possession or use, theft, weapons, profanity or vulgarity, disrespect/defiance of school authority, sexual harassment, hate violence, disruption of school activities and harassment, threats or intimidation. In addition, possession of a knife (any length), weapon or firearm is subject to immediate suspension and possible recommendation for expulsion.

Bicycle Safety

Reagan School policy dictates that students may not ride bicycles to school before entering the third grade. Law requires children to use bicycle helmets. All Reagan students who do ride their bicycles to school must obtain and complete a "BICYCLE PERMIT.” Bicycle riders must park in the bicycle racks. Bicycles must be locked with a strong chain or cable and a good lock before leaving the bicycle rack area. Students must walk their bicycles when moving between the street and the bicycle racks, both before and after school. Students who fail to use good judgment when riding will lose their riding privilege.

Skateboards, roller skates, Rollerblades, and “Heelies” are not permitted.

Cafeteria /Lunch Program

All students will eat lunch at school each day, including the TK/Kindergarteners, All students will eat their lunch in the multipurpose room. Student Cafeteria Hot Lunch price is $2.60 and milk may be purchased separately for 25 cents. Monthly menus will be sent home with each child. Money for student lunch accounts should be taken to the cafeteria before school starts. Accounts may be accessed through the Internet also. Negative balances should be corrected as soon as possible.

Unless we have a note from the parent to the contrary, all children in grades TK/K through 6 must eat lunch every day.

Cellular Phones

Students may possess cell phones provided they are turned off and kept in the desk or backpack during the school day. Any use of the phone during the school day will result in the phone being confiscated and parents being contacted by the school to pick up the confiscated phone.

Classroom Assignments

The teachers and principal carefully develop classes each year. In structuring classes, consideration is given to teacher input, boy/girl balance, academic balance, and a balance of children with social/emotional needs, strengths of teachers, and student interest. Parent requests for specific class placement are not accepted – please do not ask. Classroom assignments will not be altered after the school year has begun – please do not ask.

Color Day

In order to promote and maintain school spirit, the last Friday of each month is designated "Color Day" and all Reagan students are encouraged to wear our school colors of red and navy blue.

Dress Code

Please follow these conditions of student dress:

1. Excessively large trousers, pants and overalls may not be worn. All trousers and pants must be worn at the waist. Belt ends may not hang down.

2. Excessively oversized shirts, including oversized tee shirts, worn outside pants are not allowed. Shirt length cannot extend beyond the tips of fingers when student is standing with arms hanging down. Overalls must be worn with straps on the shoulders, not hanging loose.

3. All clothing must be neat in appearance. Commercial lettering or printing will be allowed on shirts and sweatshirts as long as it is acceptable for school attire. No clothing may be personalized other than with a given name. Jackets, backpacks, binders etc. may bear the name of the owner in printed block letters. All other student writing on clothing, backpacks, binders etc. is unacceptable, as is writing on the hand or other parts of the body. Clothing that is full of holes or frayed because of being cut off is not acceptable. Hats must be worn in the proper manner.

4. Clothing that is excessively revealing is unacceptable. “Excessively revealing” includes:

a. Clothing that is extremely tight fitting,

b. Backless halter tops or dresses; tube tops; tank top shirts or muscle shirts cut low at armpits or neckline (applies to boys and girls),

c. Clothing that shows bare midriffs,

d. Shorts with inseam shorter than 4 inches or shorter than fingertips when standing.

e. Clothing that is transparent or revealing,

f. Underwear (including pajamas/sleepwear) being worn as an outer garment.

5. Suggestive clothing or objects may not be worn which are libelous, obscene, or depict illegal activity. This includes buttons, armband, shirts, insignias, etc. Bandanas and headbands of any color or type are not to be worn. Clothing with crude or vulgar printing or pictures depicting tobacco, drugs, alcoholic beverages or clothing that is sexually suggestive or disruptive is not acceptable.

6. No bare feet or unsafe or disruptive footwear shall be worn. Sandals must have a back strap. Shoes should be tied to stay on the feet.

7. Cosmetics to the face and hair that distract from the educational process such as spray in the hair, extreme painting of the face, glitter in the hair, etc. is unacceptable except on appropriate days declared by the administration.

8. Final determination of unacceptable clothing will be made by the school administration.

Violation of the dress code at Reagan School will result in parents being contacted for a change of clothing. Continued violations of the dress code will be treated as a discipline issue.

Emergencies and Emergency Contacts

In the event of serious accidents or injuries at school, students are given first aid and every effort is made to contact the parents immediately. That being the case, it is extremely important that we have current home, work, and emergency contact phone numbers. Please call us immediately if there is a need for you to update these numbers.

Field Trips

Teachers may arrange field trips that are intended to enhance the curriculum. You will be advised in advance of field trips, as your written permission will be required before your child will be allowed to participate. You must return permission slips promptly because we do not accept verbal consent. Please be sure to include a current contact telephone number on the permission form also.

Home Teacher

A home teacher may be requested if it has been determined by a physician that a child will be out of school for a period of three weeks or longer as the result of illness or injury. A note from the physician is required. Home instruction is limited to 5 hours per week.