
February 24, 2015

Open Session




February 24, 2015

Board Meeting

7:00 P.M.

The meeting, held at the Aldene School gymnasium/auditorium, is an open session of the Roselle Park Board of Education held under the Open Public Meetings Act of the State of New Jersey. Notice of this meeting was sent to the Star Ledger, LocalSource, the Home News Tribune, the borough clerk, school offices and district website. The purpose of this meeting is to take action on matters for the month of February 2015.

There were present:

President Miller James Damm

Vice President Harms Troy Gerten

Alexander Balaban Scott Nelson

Rodric Bowman Jeofrey Vita

Scott Bruckenstein was absent from this meeting

Pedro Garrido, Superintendent of Schools

Susan Guercio, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary

Jennifer Osborne, Board Attorney

****************************************************************************** Flag Salute


Public Participation – 7:00 PM – Agenda Items Only

President Miller lists the items from the closed session and adds #3 for security.

Jacob Magiera, resident, questions agenda items #2, #4 and #11a. Board Secretary Guercio and Superintendent Garrido respond.


Committee Reports

Mr. Vita stated that the Technology Committee attended the NJSBA Tech Conference and will give a comprehensive report at a later date.

Mr. Damm reports on the Finance Committee requesting a possible change in board meeting dates from March 10 to March 17 due to the public budget workshops.

Mr. Balaban stated that the School Board Operations Committee researched several vendors to update our policy manual.

Vice President Harms and the Facilities Committee had met with Rubino Architectural Group to discuss possible long range facility plans. Mr. Harms requested that the group give a presentation on their services next month.

Principal’s Report

Julianne Bello speaks of the four students that are currently being featured at the NJPAC art show.

Linda Green, music teacher speaks about the Aldene Talent Show and the six students that will perform their individual acts.


Student Showcase

Students will be showcasing acts from their recent talent show:

Jacquline Kosakowski Natalia Osuna-Dworzynska

Cooper Crawford Jacob Piatkowski

Isabella Grossmueller Conner Gaffney

******************************************************************************Superintendent’s Report

Superintendent Garrido speaks of the numerous activities that took place in honor of Black History Month.

Mr. Garrido reports that the QSAC monitoring has been postponed by the county office and he will report to the board when a new date is received. Also, he reports about PARRC letters that went out to parents and that details are on our website. The NJ Department of Education has prohibited opting out of PARRC and we are obligated by law to follow their directions.

Mr. Gerten and President Miller congratulate and extend best wishes to Mary Christensen on her retirement.



February 24, 2015

Open Session


A motion was made by Mr. Balaban and seconded by Mr. Damm to approve

agenda items 1 through 2.

1. District Policy – First Reading

To approve the following ASSESSMENT OF INDIVIDUAL NEEDS revised district policy: (first reading)


2. District Policy – First Reading

To approve the following CAFETERIA – STUDENT ACCOUNTING revised district policy: (first reading)


On roll call, motion carries



Consent Agenda Motion – Personnel

A motion was made by Mr. Gerten seconded by Vice President Harms to approve the following agenda items 3 through 9.

3. District Substitutes

Approval of additional district substitutes. (as recommended by the Superintendent)

NJ Certified Teachers-$100/day, Sub Certified-$95/day, Paraprofessionals-$11.50/hr.,

Secretary-$75/day, Lunch Aides=$9.00/day


Mary Castle 608 Orchard St., Cranford Monmouth ‘86/Brooklyn MA ’92 Pre K-12

Raymond Felder 1032 Rivington St., Roselle Rutgers ’14 Grades 6-12

Erica Hokanson 277 Dukes Rd., Rahway Kean ’13 Elem. & Soc. St.

Margaret Miciek 46 Alice Lane, Clark UCC ’79 Nurse & Gr. 2-8

Dana Mohnacs presently working as BSI at Aldene Rowan ‘13

Maria Valente presently working as a paraprofessional at MS Trinity ‘03

Haneen Okal 304 S. Michigan Ave., Kenilworth Al-Azher ’14 Grades K-12

Stacey Pereira presently working BSI at Sherman St. Peter’s/Montclair MA ‘13

Rosalia Perez 105 Edgar Ave., Cranford Tufts/Kean ’79 Elem. & ESL Samantha Tunnell 217 Sherman Ave., RP Attending Rider Grades K-8


Mary Castle 608 Orchard St., Cranford

Erica Hokanson 277 Dukes Rd., Rahway

Haneen Okal 304 S. Michigan Ave., Kenilworth


Donna Zolli 605 Locust St., RP


Jean Coop 1221 Magie Ave. 6C, Union

4. Staff Retirement

To approve the following staff retirement (as recommended by the Superintendent):

Mary Christensen, Sherman School, Principal, effective June 30, 2015

5. Staff Resignation

To accept the following resignations (as recommended by the Superintendent):

a. Mayrely Arocha, Aldene paraprofessional, effective on March 4, 2015.

b. Nick Badillo, JV baseball coach, effective immediately

6. Leave of Absence Request (Alison Robinson, HS English Teacher)

RESOLVED, that the Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, hereby approves the pre-birth disability leave of Alison Robinson commencing on April 13, 2015 and extending through April 29, 2015. Alison Robinson will use accumulated sick leave days during this pre-birth temporary disability period to continue to receive salary and health benefits from April 13, 2015 through April 29, 2015. The employee’s pre-birth disability leave shall run concurrent to her leave under the Family Medical leave Act (FMLA).

RESOLVED, that the Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the post-birth disability period of Alison Robinson for four weeks, following the birth of her child. Alison Robinson will use 8 accumulated sick leave days during this post-birth disability period to continue to receive salary during a portion of this leave period. The employee shall continue to receive health benefits from April 30, 2015 through May 11, 2015. The employee’s post-birth disability leave shall run concurrent to her leave under the Family Medical leave Act (FMLA).

RESOLVED, that the Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the child care family leave of absence under the Family Medical Leave Act and the New Jersey Family Leave Act for Alison Robinson commencing May 12, 2015 and extending through June 30, 2015. The remainder of the employee’s leave under the Family Medical Leave Act shall run concurrent to the employee’s leave under the New Jersey Family Leave Act. The employee shall not receive salary during this period of time, but will continue to receive health benefits. The employee shall return to the District on September 2, 2015.

7. Maternity Leave of Absence Extension (Jocelyn Rios. HS Spanish Teacher)

RESOLVED, that the Board, upon recommendation of the Superintendent,

approves the contractual child care leave of absence of Jocelyn Rios pursuant to the Collective Bargaining agreement between the Board and Roselle Park Education Association commencing March 2, 2015 and extending through March 26, 2015. The employee shall return to the District as of March 27, 2015. The employee shall not receive salary during this contractual leave period. The employee shall receive health benefits during this contractual leave period as provided by the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Board and the Roselle Park Education Association.

8. 2014 Summer Camp Co-Directors

To approve the following as 2015 summer camp co-directors;

(as recommended by the Superintendent)

Nicole Honrath $10,500

Stacy Feszchak $10,000

9. Title 1 After School Program Appointment

To appoint the following Middle School Title 1 After School personnel at $34.83 per session, effective February 2015 – March 2015:

(total of 16 sessions) (as recommended by the Superintendent) (as per RPEA contract)

(paid w/Title 1 funds)

Christopher Dimakos (English/Reading)

Lisa Klemens (Math)

On roll call, motion carries


A motion was made by Mr. Nelson seconded by Mr. Gerten to approve the following

agenda items numbered 10 through 12.

10. Education Programs

To approve the following education program(s) for the 2014-2015 school year:

Visual Efficiency Evaluation

#97 Dr. Joyce Waintraub $450

Child Study Team Evaluation

#98 NJ Specialized Child Study Team $1350

Tuition & Transportation

#99 Fanwood $344 per diem + trans

Bilingual Child Study Team Speech Evaluation

#100 Martha Gomez-Bryan $450


#101 Hillside $42,785 (prorated)

11. Educational Trip Requests

To approve the following district educational trip requests:

a. Washington D.C. April 10-12, 2015 HS Band

Students will get to perform at the Lincoln Memorial & get to visit the Smithsonian, National History Museum & National Archives

b. Yearbook Cover Workshop, Eatontown, NJ April 30, 2015 HS Yearbook

The yearbook staff will work together to develop a theme & cover with other yearbook staff of NJ.

c. Overlook Medical Center, Summit, NJ March 18, 2015 Grades 9-12

Students will learn more on multiply healthcare careers at the healthcare fair

12. Harassment/ Intimidation/Bullying Incidents

To affirm the Superintendent’s recommendation on the following harassment/

intimidation/bullying incidents:

#14014, #14015

Motion carries


A motion was made by Vice President Harms seconded by Mr. Damm to approve the following agenda items 13 through 18.

13. Monthly Certification

A.  Board Secretary's Monthly Certification, Budgetary Line Item Status

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.l3(d), I certify that as of January 31, 2015 no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education pursuant to N.J.S.A. l8A:22-8 and l8:22-8.l


Board Secretary Date

B.  Board of Education's Monthly Certification, Budgetary Major Account/Fund Status

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.l3(e), we certify that as of January 31, 2015 after review of the secretary's monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20- 2.l3(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. This certification is solely based on the information provided by the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary and is assumed by the board to be correct.

14. Monthly Transfers

15. Secretary/Treasurer Report

To approve the secretary/treasurer reports for the period ending December 2014.

16. Use of Buildings and Grounds

To approve the following use of buildings and grounds (appropriate fees to be charged where applicable):

a. DARE Graduation & Dance

Roselle Park High School – auditorium, students’ cafeteria

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

5:00 PM – 9:00 PM

b. Recreational Soccer – Training

Roselle Park High School – gymnasium

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, February 23, 25, 25, 27, March 2, 2015

8:00 PM – 9:30 PM

c. Roselle Park Girl Scouts – Earth Day Celebration

Roselle Park High School – students’ cafeteria

Saturday, March 28, 2015

11:30 AM – 3:00 PM

17. Approval of Bills

To approve the following bills for the month of February:

General Current Expense $735,427.17

Special Revenue Funds $ 1,976.16

Enterprise Fund $ 69,670.21

Total $807,073.54

18. NCLB FY15 Amendment Application

To approve the following NCLB amendment to the FY15 NCLB grant for the

carry over funds from NCLB FY14-15 in the amount of $296.00.

Funds are required to be allocated for use to support eligible Title I Roselle Park students attending non-public schools in Union County.

Mr. Nelson abstains from item #17

Motion carries


Continuing Business

Students identified as not residing in Roselle Park/removed from school:

October 1 student

November 5 0 students

November 19 1 student

December 2 0 students

December 16 0 students

January 6 0 students

January 20 0 students

February 3 0 students

February 24 1 student

Total 3 students

******************************************************************************New Business

Mr. Balaban thanked the buildings and grounds staff for cleaning up the facilities from the snow.


Public Participation

Jacob Magiera, resident, questioned closed session. Board attorney responded.

President Miller speaks about the importance of communication and facility improvements.

Vice President Harms responds to Mr. Magiera that the town should be made aware of where to plow the snow as it created a dangerous situation by the ticket booth at the high school athletic field.

Eugene Meola, Sherman Avenue, stated he prefers this meeting to town hall. Mr. Meola questioned if a graduate does not live in Roselle Park if the tuition can be recouped. Board attorney states that there is a procedure to recoup and it could sometimes be very costly.

Saul Qersdyn, Berwyn Avenue, questioned if Mr. Bruckentein gave notice of not attending tonight’s meeting. Board Secretary responded yes. Also, he questioned if the procedures for hiring a principal will be the same as Aldene’s principal. Superintendent Garrido responded.


A motion was made by Mr. Vita seconded by Mr. Damm to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM.

Motion carries


Next scheduled board meeting: March 17, 2015 – Sherman gymnasium/auditorium - 7:00 PM

(entrance through the gymnasium doors)

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Guercio

School Business Administrator

Board Secretary