Membership Council–Minutes
Wednesday,February 10, 2016
LifeWorks-East Multi-Purpose Room
Attendance: Irit Umani (Trinity Center); Mariana Salazar; Becky Casey; Niki Paul; Katy Manganella (ECHO Staff); Sam Woollard (Consultant); Vella Karman (City HHS); Hosie Washington (SAFE Alliance); Monica Keller (VA); Stephanie Hayden (City of Austin); Sandy Coe Simmons (CCC); Michelle Wilkinson (Easter Seals); Darilynn Cardona-Beiler (ATCIC); Christy Moffett (Travis County HHS); Sandra Chavez (ASA); Mandy De Mayo (Housing Works); Julia Spann (SafePlace); Lisa Garcia (HACA0
10:00-10:05Welcome and IntroductionsStephanie Hayden, Chair
10:05-10:10Approval of MinutesStephanie Hayden, Chair
- Amendments to minutes-1950-I should be 1915-i
- ACTION: Motion to approve minutes by Irit Umani. Darilynn Cardona-Beiler Second. Minutes approved by all. 13-0.
10:10-10:202016 Conflict of Interest VerificationStephanie Hayden, Chair
10:20-10:25Advocacy and Community EngagementStephanie/Niki
- The Salvation Army Passages program was unable to put application into CoC application process due to HUD moving away from services only and towards permanent housing
- Mayor Pro Tem proposed asking for more funding
- Ann has requested MC members submit an email to council members showing support for resolution #18
10:25-11:10Continuum of Care BusinessNiki/Mariana/Katy Manganella
- 2016 Point in Time Count Update
- Nearly 600 volunteers
- Placed more capacity in downtown sections
- Preliminary numbers showing nearly 22% increase in both sheltered and unsheltered count
- Added 152 transitional beds in the last year resulting in an increase of persons staying in shelter
- Thoughts on increase:
- May have gotten more thorough count due to increase in downtown volunteers
- Hosted magnet events after the count
- Possibly an increase in unsheltered folks
- Survey is different and more efficient resulting in counting more folks
- Street Medicine followed up with their folks after the count
- Preliminary results have been given to ECHO Board of Directors
- Unsheltered veteran count is nearly half of what it was last year-significant decrease
- Concern with inaccurate number affecting policy changes
- HUD is moving towards System Performance Measures which will cover a much more accurate overview of homelessness in Travis County
- Improvements on the surveys
- Difficulties with sections in the early morning-once the sun came up, people were gone
- Concern with APD clearing people out of their camps-criminalizing persons is still a prominent issue
- May fall on MC to address how we are dealing with decriminalizing any person who is sleeping outside
- HMIS Data Quality Assurance Updates
- Shown great improvement on data completeness
- Bowman has released reports that show gap between client interaction and data entry
- Goal to allow for 5 business days for data entry rather than 35 days
- Idea to implement with new billing cycle-March 1st
- Suggestion to reach out to agencies to figure out what is reasonable/practical for each program
- Closest to real-time data has been crucial to the Austin Homeless Veterans Initiative as staffing occurs weekly
- Revising data score cards; started with focus on data completeness and now moving towards also focusing on data timeliness
- Suggestion to move to 7-10 days in the beginning
- 2016 HMIS Billing Schedule
- In the process of reviewing every agency’s HMIS license usage; will be cutting invoices by the end of the month
- ECHO Core Funding Principles-Review and Revise
- As a community, what are the broader, over-arching principles needing funding
- Some changes:
- Not just focusing on housing interventions but also supportive services
- ECHO aligns with priorities set forth by the Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to End Homelessness; evaluated on annual basis
- Ensure that we are looking at funding strategically including programs that are strengthening our community goals rather than solely focusing on performance outcomes
- Change in language-ECHO promotes maintaining and increasing our CoC housing inventory to best fit the need of the population
- Suggestion to add a 6th point pertaining to leveraging resources to augment-mention focus on both public and private, and philanthropic resources
- Concern with aligning with Opening Doors as policies may change in upcoming election-should provide language regarding both local priorities and priorities of Opening Doors, as there may be variations
- Need to separate what are funding priorities for CoC dollars and what are funding priorities for this community; some community priorities may not always align with HUD priorities
- Plan to re-draft and present in next month’s meeting
11:10-11:30ECHO Community Updates
- ECHO Work Group restructure updateNiki Paul, ECHO
- Housing Work Group Schedule update
- Housing WG will meet bi-monthly
- Any of the task groups can contact Sandra or Lori if support is needed quicker than the Housing WG
- Voices of Youth-Youth Research OpportunitySusan McDowell/Niki Paul
- Videoconference scheduled for February 24th, LifeWorks South location
- Opportunity for stakeholders to participate in videoconference
- Planning to complete second youth count between May or June
- Does unaccompanied youth include youth in foster care system or youth in juvenile justice system?
11:30AMADJOURNStephanie Hayden, Chair
*Next Scheduled Membership Council Meeting: March 9, 2016, LifeWorks East, Multipurpose Room