Smarter Mathematics- Human Interpreter Certification Requirements

In order for an interpreter to provide the Human Interpreter Designated Support on the Smarter Mathematics assessments, the Local Education Agency must assure that the interpreter meets the requirements below.Fill out the form at submit to DOE contact listed. Use of the Human Interpreter Designated Support will not invalidate the test if used according to the guidelines provided by Delaware Department of Education and Smarter Balanced.A Human Interpreter must be supervised at all times by a qualified teacher or paraprofessional who has completed the requirements for administering the Smarter Balance Assessment.

Date:______LEA: ______

Interpreter’s Name: Last ______First ______

School(s) where interpretation will be provided: ______

School Contact’s email ______

School Contact Name (type or print) ______

Interpreter for Signed English, Cued Speech or Other Visual Support (Accommodation 6.10)

  1. Proficiency in Signed English, Cued Speech or Other Visual Support required by the student

To demonstrate proficiency the interpreter must have:

 Certification from a Professional Organization; OR

 Current or previous employment in a position requiring interpretation

  1. Knowledge of K-12 Education
  2. Knowledge of Content Vocabulary
  3. Background in Visual Supports (e.g., signed English, cued speech)

Fluent in the following Visual Supports:______

Interpreter for World Languages (Designated Support 4.12)

1.Proficiency in World Language and English

To demonstrate proficiency the interpreter must have:

 Certification from a Professional Organization; OR

 Current or previous employment in a position requiring interpretation; OR

 Native or near native fluency in the world language and English

2.Knowledge of K-12 Education

3.Knowledge of Content Vocabulary

Fluent in the following World Languages:______

If the interpreter has documented assessment scores related to World Language and/or English proficiency, please list below. (Information only)

Name of Test / Year of Test

Please also complete the information on Page 2.

Additional Requirements for All Human Interpreters:

 Familiaritywith the Site Translator protocol in the Accessibility Guidelines

 Completion of DeSSA Test Security training (an online course accessed via PDMS)

 Basic computer literacy

By signing below, the LEAassures that the interpreter above has met the requirements above.


Name (print) ______

Note: This documentation is to be kept at the LEA. This form must be scanned and emailed to before the conclusion of the assessment window along with the Excel file listing all students who received Human Interpreter Designated Support.

DeSSAHuman Interpreter Certification Requirements, Page 1 of 2