Math Vocabulary 2013-2014

(Words in bold are essential vocabulary words while the remainder are nice to know words.)

1. Area- The total size a surface takes up; the number of square units needed to cover a region

2. Array- A set of objects arranged in order often in rows and columns

3. Attribute- A characteristic of a 2D shape

4. Bar Graph- A graph that shows information using rows/columns (bars)

5. Compare- To decide if one number is greater than (>) or less than (<) another number

6. Congruent- Having the same size and shape

7. Data- Information

8. Decrease- To count backwards; to get smaller

9. Denominator- The bottom number in a fraction that shows how many parts the whole is broken into

10. Elapsed Time- The amount of time that has passed between two events

11. Equal Distance- The same amount of separation

12. Equation- A number sentence in math that has an equal sign to show that two expressions are equal

13. Equivalent- Having the same amount or value

14. Estimate- To make a reasonable guess about a value or measurement based on given information

15. Factor- Numbers that are multiplied together to give a product

16. Fraction- A symbol used to name a part of a whole, a part of a set, or a location on a number line

17. Gram- A small metric unit used to measure mass or weight; g

18. Hexagon- A polygon with 6 sides

19. Horizontal Line- A straight path that goes from left to right

20. Increase- To count forward; to get bigger

21. Kilogram- A large metric unit used to measure mass or weight; kg

22. Length- The distance from one end to another

23. Liquid Volume- The amount of space a liquid takes up

24. Liter- A metric unit used to measure capacity; L

25. Mass- The amount of matter in an object

26. Metric- A measurement system based on the number 10

27. Mixed number: A number with a whole number part and a fraction part

28. Multiply- A mathematical operation where a number is added to itself a number of times ; to quickly combine groups

29. Numerator- The number above the fraction bar in a fraction

30. Parallelogram- A quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel and of equal lengths

31. Partition- To separate/divide into parts or sections

32. Patterns- Repeated shapes/numbers or recurring sequence

33. Pentagon- A polygon with 5 sides

34. Perimeter- The total distance around the outside of a shape

35. Pictograph- A graph using pictures or symbols to show data

36. Plane Figure- A flat shape that has only two dimensions

37. Polygon- A plane figure that has three or more straight sides

38. Product- The result when two numbers (factors) are multiplied together

39. Quadrilateral- A polygon with four sides

40. Reasonableness- Logical responses that make sense for the given situation

41. Round- To change a number to a more convenient number

42. Scale- Used to measure mass/weight; how much the intervals change in a graph

43. Side Length- The distance of a side from one end to the other end

44. Square Unit- A square is sides 1 unit long; used to measure area

45. Standard Units- A nonmetric unit of measurement used in the United States

46. Tiling- Fitting individual tiles together without gaps or overlaps

47. Trapezoid- A polygon with four sides and only one pair of parallel sides

48. Unknown- Something that is undetermined

49. Vertical Line- A line that goes up and down