The following information should be provided in maximum 4 pages. Please send the completed form by 31 January 2018 by email to Siemenpuu Foundation:

Applicant organisation
Full name:
Registration ID (if applicable): / Date of registration:
Street address: / City:
State or province: / Country:
Phone number: / Skype ID:
Email address: / Website:
Short introduction of the organisation:
Contact person
First name: / Last name:
Position in the organisation: / Phone number:
Email: / Skype ID:
Project idea
Project name or title:
Summary of the project idea (including why the project is needed; specified geographic project area; other partners and stakeholders involved):
Anticipated impacts:
Anticipated outcomes:
Anticipated outputs:
Planned activities:
Number of direct beneficiaries: / Duration of the project in months:
Budget (EUR or local currency, specify)
Total budget and main budget lines:
Financing (EUR or local currency, specify)
Amount requested from Siemenpuu: / Self-financing (min. 10%): / Other financing:
/ Long term changes in the development context (e.g. – increased food sovereignty,
women’s and men’s equal land tenure rights, functioning community based forest conservation)
/ Medium/short term changes in the development context (e.g. diversified organic agricultural production, campaign on equal inheritance law, policy proposal on forest community conservation)
/ Tangible products that programmes/projects deliver (e.g. organic fertilizer production, seed banks, study/publication, guidelines, list of women’s policy demands, better informed local authorities
on the role of forest communities in forest conservation)
ACTIVITIES / Tasks that need to be carried out to deliver the planned outputs (e.g. training, workshops, data collection, gender aggregated needs analysis, meetings between communities and decision-makers)

General requirements for funding support:

-Recipient organization is formally registered, it has the capacity to manage project support and its internal decision-making should be democratic and equal

-Reliable bookkeeping and project auditing according to national laws and given guidelines

-Minimum of 10 % of self-financing (either cash, voluntary work and/or donated goods)

-Activities aim at improving the state of the environment and do not accelerate climate change

-Activities aim to strengthen the position of vulnerable groups of people and communities in an environmentally, culturally, economically and politically sustainable manner

-Communities are involved in the definition, design and implementation of activities

-Priority will be given to the most needy organizations, networks and movements that operate on and support the grassroots level

-Activities aim to improve citizens' opportunities for social participation and to make political decision-making more democratic and transparent

-Activities aim to foster the networking and cooperation of civil society actors

-Activities promote gender equality and the rights of marginalized groups (people with disabilities, indigenous peoples, ethnic, religious and sexual minorities)

-Human rights are taken into account in the project design (human rights sensitive level)

-Activities are non-violent

-Activities and results should be replicable, as far as possible, after the end of the project, with local resources and expertise

-Activities involve, where possible, new and innovative approaches