Making Football a Home for Everyone

August 28 – September 5, 2016

Berlin, Germany

Dear Futbolistas and Enthusiasts of Women's Football and Women´s Rights,
Dear Teams, Players, Coaches, Referees and Activists,

We are thrilled to announce the 5th International Women's Football and Cultural Festival!

August 28 – September 5, 2016 in Berlin, Germany - more than just a sports event.Comprising a friendly tournament as well as topic-related workshops and skill-building trainings, the event focuses on football as a tool for addressing the current global situation of migration and refugee movements. We use football to strengthen mutual solidarity and women´s rights and fight for a more inclusive women´s football. Let´s make football a home for EVERY girl and woman!

Therefore, we invite women active in female football and/orwomen's rights from those African and West Asian as well as from European countries that are affected by or are dealing with the topics of migration, flight, transition and integration (e.g. from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestinian Territories, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Turkey, Afghanistan, France, Greece, Italy, Republic of Macedonia). The main goals of the event are to share our experiences and bring together women from different backgrounds, to learn from each other and build a strong network. To foster the exchange and stress the idea of overcoming national, cultural, religious and language barriers, the tournament will be played by mixed teams put together from the pool of chosen participants.DISCOVER FOOTBALL is inviting football teams and social initiatives (groups of 6-13 persons) to apply now. Teams and initiatives may consist of players, referees, coaches and/or women´s activists. In their application each group is asked to give details abouttheir experience with the refugee movement and abouttheir social commitment toaddressing these challenges. Players should be female (women identifying trans*/inter* included).

Main costs for the event during the festival will be covered.*

Apply by April 15, 2016!
Let's claim the pitch together!

*Travel and visa costs, accommodation, meals and main transportation during the event will be provided by DISCOVER FOOTBALL. Travel costs for visa application and all other costs can only be covered in exceptional cases and have to be agreed upon beforehand. PLEASE NOTE:teams applying from European countries may have to find sponsors to cover their travel and accommodation costs. If you are selected we will discuss costs in detail.

About Us

The Association Fussball und Begegnunge.V./DISCOVER FOOTBALL(Football and Exchange/DISCOVER FOOTBALL) was founded by committed football enthusiasts who use sport as a tool to empower women and promote intercultural understanding. We are mostly women who organize international conferences, tournaments and exhibitions where women and girls developskills and share knowledge that will help them enhance their autonomy, mobility and power. We also collect and share information on women’s football and rights and are building a global network of football activists. This non-profit organization relies largely on the work of volunteers, which makes it unique in the world of football. DISCOVER FOOTBALL has received strong encouragement from German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the UN special advisor on Sport for Development and Peace, Mr. Willi Lemke.

In the project DISCOVER FOOTBALL, we are committed to promoting gender equality, emancipation and women’s rights and fighting discrimination. Football is our shared passion that enables women from different backgrounds with diverse life experiences to meet on a level playing field.

About You, the Applicants

You can apply for participation with your team (in teams of 6 to 13 people, only one male coach per team, but female coaches will be given preference). You must be:

  • older than 18 years ;
  • a football player, referee, coach, activist or social worker who is committed in the field of women’sfootball, women´s/refugees’ rights and empowerment;
  • interested in getting to know other people and seeing football within a broader setting of women’s rights and culture;
  • above all, you should be interested in dialoguewith other people, learning and experiencing new workshop and training methods beyond the pitch.Inaddition,you should be eager to contribute with your own ideas and experiences and be able to communicate with us via the internet and provide all requiredinformation to facilitate the booking and visa process. Your social commitment and experience in the field of football as well as an interest to think beyond the line is more important than actual football skills.

PLEASE NOTE: For this years’ festival we cannot accept applications from South- and North America.

Organizational Details

  • The event will take place from August 28to September 5, 2016. Day of arrival is Sunday, August 28, and day of departure is Monday, September 5.
  • If invited, the applying teams agree to be divided among several teams during the tournament and to be photographed over the course of the event.
  • Travel and visa costs, accommodation, meals and main transportation during the event will be provided by DISCOVER FOOTBALL.Teams applying from European countries may have to find sponsors to cover their travel and accommodation costs.If you are selected we will communicate with you in detail what kind of costs can be covered and what not
  • Language: All languages are accepted. We will try to find interpreters for all languages needed. However, please note that communication prior to the event will only be in English, German or French, as these are the working languages of our staff.
  • If you would like to participate, please fill out the online form and attach the table with detailed information about each team member OR send us the application formthat you find below. You are free to add additionalinformation (e.g. media coverage, photos). Application does not guarantee participation. All decisions are final and not open to legal recourse.

You can apply online or send your application via Email or via mail.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For updated information, have a look on or

We’re looking forward to receiving your application!

Best wishes from Berlin


For the participation in the DISCOVER FOOTBALL Festival 2016, including 2 days of workshops, an Action Day and a 4-day tournament and cultural program. Maintaining the idea of bringing together women from all over the world on the basis of football, the event focuses explicitly on the current global situation of refugee movements.

ABOUT THE TEAM(Please note that teams competing in the tournament will be made up of players from all applicant teams)

Name of team/organization:


Number of players applying: (only female players can apply)

Number and gender of coaches applying:

Number and gender of officials applying:

Number and gender of others applying: (referees, activists, journalists, etc.)

Contact (Please select one person from your team who will be responsible for regular e-mail communication with DISCOVER FOOTBALL and for organizing visa and making travel arrangements.)

Name of contact person:


Skype: (Only fill out if you have regular access to your Skype. Not having skype/phone/postal address does not influence our decision about your application.)


Postal address:

What is the best way to contact you?

From which airport/city will your team travel?


The whole team may consist of 6 (minimum) to 13 (max.) people aged 18 and older. Only one male person per team allowed. All players need to be female/female identifying.

The event is supported by

ContactDISCOVER FOOTBALL/ Fußball und Begegnung e.V., Richardstr. 43, 12055 Berlin

Phone +49(0)30 55127971



Table with detailed information about each team member

Name of Team/organization:

First name
(as in passport) / Last name
(as in passport) / Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
(as in passport) / Gender (f/m) / Players: Position
Others: Function / Passport No
(can be handed in later) / Nationality / Current country of residence / Level of English skills / Phone number / Email / I need a visa for travelling to Germany



From your experience: What matters most to women playing football?

How are your players / your team affected by the current global situation of refugee movements?

Is your team engaged in supporting women refugees and if yes, how?

What do you want to contribute to the women’s football community at the festival?

What´s the performance level of your team (e.g. beginners, advanced, amateur, professional, mixed. We will not select the best football players but need this information in order to mix the new teams.)

Application process

There are 3 ways you can send us your application:

1. Fill out the online form at:

fill out and attach the table with detailed information about each team member and submit your application online.

2. Fill out the complete application form and send it by Email to:

3. Print the complete application form, fill it out and send it by mail to:

Fußball und Begegnung e.V.

Richardstr. 43

12055 Berlin

You are free to add additional information (e.g. media coverage, photos).

Deadline for application is: April 15, 2016

Foto Consent

By applying for your team, all your team members give their consent to being photographed and filmed during the festival and give Fussball und Begegnung e.V./DISCOVER FOOTBALLand their direct or indirectlicensees and assignees the permission to use, reuse, publish, republish or otherwise transmit those images individually or in connection with other material, in any medium for allpurposes throughout the world, including the internet, and for any purpose whatsoever and to use the teams’ name in connection with any use if they so choose.

The event is supported by

ContactDISCOVER FOOTBALL/ Fußball und Begegnung e.V., Richardstr. 43, 12055 Berlin

Phone +49(0)30 55127971

