Test scores and answers

Chapter Introduction and Chapter 1

hierarchical interdependencies
In the U.S. public school system’s architecture, what example or descriptions are given to help explain hierarchical interdependencies?
/ Student Response
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/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / “You can’t study this in ninth grade if you didn’t cover that in seventh grade.”
2. / “You can’t teach certain foreign languages in other more efficient ways because you’d have to change the way English grammar is taught; and changing the way grammar is taught would mandate changes elsewhere in the English curriculum.”
3. / “…many schools can’t adopt widespread project-based learning because the layout of their building simply can’t accommodate it.”
4. / “These range from well-intentioned mandated, which are often contradictory, from local, state, and federal policymakers that influence what happens in schools to union-negotiated work.” / 100% /
General Feedback: / (p.33, par. 1)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
2. / gardner's research
Gardner’s research showed that although people are capable of learning in each of the eight intelligences, most people excel in only one of them.
Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
False / 100% / False
General Feedback: / (p. 28 Par. 2)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
3. / Interdependencies
Which of the following is NOT one of the four types of interdependencies in U.S. Public schools?
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / Temporal
2. / Lateral
3. / Physical
4. / Hierarchical
5. / Structural / 100% /
General Feedback: / (p.33, par. 1)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
4. / Interdependency in schools
Interdependency that exists in the schools because of state and government controls and mandates is:
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / temporal
2. / hierarchical / 100% /
3. / lateral
4. / physical
General Feedback: / (p. 33, par. 1)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
5. / Monolithic classroom
A difficulty encountered in teaching students in a monolithic classroom is:
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / teachers are often products of a monolithic assembly line education and are repeating the process
2. / teachers and students either "attract" or "repel" each other depending on their individual teaching or learning styles
3. / specific subjects and intelligences are often linked by the instruction or materials so those outside that "link" are frustrated
4. / all of the above represent difficulties faced in the classroom / 100% /
General Feedback: / (p. 36, par. 2-4)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
6. / Interface definition
What is the book’s definition of interface?
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / The pace in which a person learns- fast, medium, or slow.
2. / “Ability to think in words and to use language to express complex meanings.”
3. / “A place where any two parts fit together.” / 100% /
4. / “Ability to understand and interact effectively with others.”
General Feedback: / (p.29, par. 4)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
7. / Eight intelligences
Even though most people have only some capacity in each of the eight intelligences, the ability to excel is possible in all areas.
Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
False / 100% / False
General Feedback: / (p. 28, par. 2)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
8. / Temporal Interdependencies
In the U.S. public school system’s architecture, what example or descriptions are given to help explain temporal interdependencies?
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / “You can’t study this in ninth grade if you didn’t cover that in seventh grade.” / 100% /
2. / “You can’t teach certain foreign languages in other more efficient ways because you’d have to change the way English grammar is taught; and changing the way grammar is taught would mandate changes elsewhere in the English curriculum.”
3. / “…many schools can’t adopt widespread project-based learning because the layout of their building simply can’t accommodate it.”
4. / “These range from well-intentioned mandated, which are often contradictory, from local, state, and federal policymakers that influence what happens in schools to union-negotiated work.”
General Feedback: / (p.33, par. 1)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
9. / Multiple Intelligences
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences states that:
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / all learning experiences are similar so classroom instruction needs to reflect that
2. / incorporating the learning styles of the students with the teaching styles of the instructor will solve complex learning issues
3. / each intelligence has an observable developed feature that can be attributed to a particular way of thinking and part of the brain / 100% /
4. / only prodigies or "savants" are able to master more than one type of intelligence
General Feedback: / (p. 26, par. 1)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
10. / "special" consideration
When considering which students are eligible for “special” consideration, what elements do not contribute to the dilemma that all students have special learning styles?
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / Test scores / 100% /
2. / Types of intelligences
3. / Learning styles
4. / Varying paces
5. / Starting points
General Feedback: / (p.34, par. 3)
Score: / 0.5/0.5

Chapter 2 and Chapter 3

Quiz 2 over Chap. 2 & 3
Started: / September 15, 2010 11:18 AM
Submitted: / September 15, 2010 11:39 AM
Time spent: / 00:21:18
Total score: / 3.5/5 = 70% Total score adjusted by 0.0 Maximum possible score: 5
1. / Course Offerings
Which of the following caused the American high school system to shift and expand their course offerings?
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / Job 1: Preserve the Democracy and Inculcate Democratic Values
2. / Job 2: Provide Something for Every Student / 100% /
3. / Job 3: Keep America Competitive
4. / Job 4: Eliminate Poverty
General Feedback: / (p. 54, par. 3)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
2. / school administrators
What should school administrators first implement to disrupt the instructional job that teachers are doing in a positive way?
/ Student Response
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/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / Student centered learning for traditional classes.
2. / Provide laptops for every student.
3. / Professional development courses so teachers understand the new innovations
4. / Computer based learning in places and for courses where there are no teachers to teach. / 100% /
General Feedback: / (p. 73, par. 1)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
3. / Computers and technology successful
Computers and technology will only be successful when they are allowed to compete against ______
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / noncomsumption. / 100% /
2. / innovations that are not working
3. / innovations that are too expensive.
4. / innovations that are obsolete
General Feedback: / (p. 85, par. 2)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
4. / Elite Group
Which of the following believed that schools should prepare an elite group selected on merit to lead the country in elected office?
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / Job 1: Preserve the Democracy and Inculcate Democratic Values / 100% /
2. / Job 2: Provide Something for Every Student
3. / Job 3: Keep America Competitive
4. / Job 4: Eliminate Poverty
General Feedback: / (p. 52-53, last to 1st paragraph)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
5. / Improving Products and Services
Improving products and services that organizations provide at a pace that satisfies customers is often a problem.
Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
True / 0% / False
General Feedback: / (p. 44, par. 3)
Score: / 0/0.5
6. / Not a Breakthrough Improvement
Which of the following innovation is not a breakthrough improvement?
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / Maintaining Innovation
2. / Sustaining Innovation
3. / Disruptive Innovation / 100% /
4. / Pertaining Innovation
General Feedback: / (p. 47, par. 2)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
7. / Characteristics of a Disruptive Innovation
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a disruptive innovation?
/ Student Response
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/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / It disrupts the traditional improvement trajectory.
2. / It brings to the market a product or service that is better than what companies have been selling. / 100% /
3. / It makes the product affordable and simple to use.
4. / It benefits people who were previously “nonconsumers.”
General Feedback: / (p. 47, par. 2)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
8. / Typical Pace of Improvement
Which of the following statements is true regarding a company’s typical pace of improvement in relation to customers’ needs?
/ Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
/ Feedback
1. / Companies improve their products at a much faster pace than customers need. / 100% /
2. / Companies improve their product at about the same pace as customers need.
3. / Companies improve their product at a much slower pace than customers need.
4. / No pattern is apparent.
General Feedback: / (p. 45, par. 3)
Score: / 0.5/0.5
9. / Noncomsumption
Sony deployed the transistor against noncomsumption, so all it had to do was make a product that was better than vacuum tubes.
Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
True / 0% / False
General Feedback: / (p. 81, par. 1)
Score: / 0/0.5
10. / Teacher-Centric Instruction
Teacher-centric instruction is giving way to student centric instruction where students acquire knowledge and apply skills in the models they learn best. Technology is the key to this.
Student Response
/ Value
/ Correct Answer
False / 0% / True
General Feedback: / (p. 45)
Score: / 0/0.5

Chapter 4 and 5