16th October 2017


  • Wednesday 1st November–Aldon Hill - Entrance to Aldon Hill is situated further up Two Tower Lane on the left passing Yeovil Showground on your right.
  • The Year 2, 3 and 4 Girls Race begins at 4pm and the Boys Race is at 4.10pm.

I will be in attendance to support with registration and race positions but parents will be responsible for supervising their child during the event and cheering the whole team on. Children will need suitable clothes for running and will benefit from a snack and drink after the event. Remember bring medication such as inhalers with you to the event, if needed. T Shirts should be collected at the School Office on Tuesday or Wednesday and returned washed/ironed by the following Monday, thank you.

Transport to the event will need to be arranged by parents, maybe think about a car share where you can. We have been warned that parking and traffic can be busy prior to the meet and therefore please allow plenty of time to arrive at the event. You are more than welcome to pick up your child from 3pm onwards on this day which will give you plenty of time to have a snack, change and arrive before the start time of 4pm.

If your child would like to represent the school at this Yeovil event please complete and return the reply slip by Wednesday 18th Octoberto the School Office, thank you.

You do not have to be a member of the Cross Country Club to run for our schools but it is good to get some practice in so, if ever you feel like running with the club, I run on Wednesday afternoons from Ashlands School so just let us know beforehand to expect you and come along for 3.30 when we make our way up to Bincombe Hill. It is great fun and likely to get even more so as the weather changes and we get really muddy!

Yours sincerely,

Nicola Ball

Executive Head

Ashlands and Misterton Federation

Additional Information for Schools, Parents and Carers

Yeovil Area Primary Schools Cross Country League 2017/18

Race 3 – Wednesday 1st November 4pm –Aldon Hill, Yeovil

Y2/3/4 Girls - 4.00pm Y2/3/4 Boys - 4.10pm

Presentation 5pm (approximately)


We can enter as many children as we wish (from 1 to the whole school!).

Team scores are given for the first four children from each school in each race [5th runner counts if scores are tied].


I will collect our clipboard with result sheets from the registration table on arrival and record and hand in our results (with clipboard) as soon as our races have finished.


Each school has been asked to provide at least one adult to act as a marshal during the event. If you are able to marshal this event could you please let me know (see reply slip). Marshals are required to report to the registration desk on arrival to collect a high viz jacket and position details.

Yeovil Area Primary Schools Cross Country League 2017/18

Race 3 – Aldon Hill

Wednesday 1st November 2017, 4pm

Child’s name ______School ______

Will be attending the above race event to represent the Ashlands and Misterton Federation.

I am aware that I will need to arrange transport and supervision for my child.

I will be available to marshal this event

Name ______Signed ______Date ______