CSCI 1203 – 104 CRN: 31334

1:00 – 3:50 p.m. - Tuesdays and Thursdays

Metro Campus 452


Sharon Holloway

P.O. Box 1173

Bartlesville, OK 74005

918-331-9077 (Home)

918-639-6167 (Cell)


sharon. (TCC)

TEXTBOOK: Go! With Microsoft Office 2010, Shelley Gaskin, Robert L. Ferrett, Alicia Vargas, and Carolyn McLellan, Custom Edition for Tulsa Community College, Pearson Custom Publishing. ISBN-13:978-1-256-27867-2.

Technology in Action Complete, Eighth Edition, Alan Evans, Kendall Martin, Mary Anne Poatsy, Second Custom Edition for Tulsa Community College, Pearson Custom Publishing. ISBN-13:978-1-256-27807-8.



2 pocket folder to store printouts, papers

Flash Drive/Jump Drive to store saved documents.


COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will cover the following topics:

1)  Windows 7

2)  Microsoft Word 2010

3)  Microsoft Excel 2010

4)  Microsoft Access 2010

5)  Microsoft PowerPoint 2010


Date / Topic / Student Responsible for:
June 4 / Introduction to Class
TCC Login
Microsoft Office 365 E-mail
Microsoft Office Download
MyITLab Information / Textbooks, Supplies
Download Microsoft Office 2010
Download MyITLab on home computer
June 6 / Go! 2010 Book
Windows 7
Chapter 1
Project 1A
Go! 2010 Book
Windows 7
Chapter 1
Project 1B / MyITLab Assignments:
Windows 7
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Technology in Action Chapter 1
Questions to Ask Before You Buy
a Computer
The History of the Personal
Ch. 1 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 1 Quiz
June 11 / Go! 2010 Book
Common Features
Chapter 1
Project 1A
Go! 2010 Book
Common Features
Chapter 1
Project 1B / MyITLab Assignments:
Common Features
Ch. 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 1 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 2
Port Tour: How Do I Hook It Up?
Virtual Complete Tour
Healthy Computing
Ch. 2 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 2 Quiz
June 13 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 1
Project 1A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 1
Project 1B / MyITLab Assignments:
Word Chapter 1
Ch. 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 1 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 3
Connecting to the Internet
Welcome to the Web
Finding Information on the Web
Creating a Web-Based E-mail
Ch. 3 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 3 Quiz
June 17 / MyITLab Due Date
Windows 7 and Common Features @ 11:59 p.m.
June 18 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 2
Project 2A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 2
Project 2B / MyITLab Assignments:
Word Chapter 2
Ch. 2 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 2 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 5
Customizing Windows 7
File Management
File Compression
Hard Disk Anatomy Interactive
Letting Your Computer Clean Up
After Itself
Ch. 5 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 5 Quiz
June 20
June 20 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 3
Project 3A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 3
Project 3B
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 3
Continued / MyITLab Assignments:
Word Chapter 3
Ch. 3 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 3 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 6
Using Windows 7 to Evaluate
CPU Performance
Memory Hierarchy Interactive
Installing RAM
CD, DVD, and Blu-ray Reading
and Writing Interactive
Installing a Blu-ray Drive
Ch. 6 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 6 Quiz
June 25 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 1
Project 1A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 1
Project 1B / MyITLab Assignments:
Excel Chapter 1
Ch. 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 1 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 4
Creating Web Queries in Excel
Using Speech Recognition
Enhancing Photos with Image-
Editing Software
Ch. 4 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 4 Quiz
June 26 / MyITLab Due Date
Word @ 11:59 p.m.
June 27 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 2
Project 2A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 2
Project 2B / MyITLab Assignments:
Excel Chapter 2
Ch. 2 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 2 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 7
Installing a Computer Network
Securing Wireless Networks
Ch. 7 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 7 Quiz
July 2 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 3
Project 3A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 3
Project 3B / MyITLab Assignments:
Excel Chapter 3
Ch. 3 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 3 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 8
Connecting with Bluetooth
PDA/Smartphones on the Road
and at Home
Ch. 8 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 8 Quiz
July 4 / No Class / Fourth of July – College Closed
July 9 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 1
Project 1A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 1
Project 1B / MyITLab Assignments:
Access Chapter 1
Ch. 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 1 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 11 Creating an Access 2010 Database
Improving an Access 2010
Ch. 11 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 11 Quiz
July 10 / My ITLab Due Date
Excel @ 11:59 p.m.
July 11 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 2
Project 2A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 2
Project 2B / MyITLab Assignments:
Access Chapter 2
Ch. 2 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 2 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 9
Managing Computer Security with
Windows Tools
Installing a Personal Firewall
Protecting Your Computer
Surge Protectors
Ch. 9 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 9 Quiz
July 16 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 1
Project 1A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 1
Project 1B / MyITLab Assignments:
PowerPoint Chapter 1
Ch. 1 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 1 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 10 Programming for End Users
Looping Around the IDE
Going Through the Looking Class
to Program
Ch. 10 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 10 Quiz
July 17 / MyITLab Due Date
Access @ 11:59 p.m.
July 18 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 2
Project 2A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 2
Project 2B / MyITLab Assignments:
PowerPoint Chapter 2
Ch. 2 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 2 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 12 Network Topology and Navigation
What’s My IP Address?
A Day in the Life of a Network
Ch. 12 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 12 Quiz
July 19-22 / TCC Assessments for Computer Concepts / Assessments will be open on July 19 and close on July 22 at 11:59 p.m.
July 23
July 23 / Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 3
Project 3A
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 3
Project 3B
Go! 2010 Book
Chapter 3
Continued / MyITLab Assignments:
PowerPoint Chapter 3
Ch. 3 PowerPoint Presentation
Skill-Based Training
Skill-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Project-Based Training
Project-Based Exam (Scenario 2)
Ch. 3 End of Chapter Quiz
Technology in Action Chapter 13 Creating Web Pages with HTML
Ch. 13 Audio PowerPoint
Chapter 13 Quiz
July 24 / MyITLab Due Date
PowerPoint @ 9:00 p.m.
July 25 / Final Exam


Approximately eight to ten hours per class meeting of computer time outside of class is recommended for successful completion of course requirements.


Quiz (100 points each)

Printouts of what we do in class each session (50 points each)

PowerPoint Presentations (50 points each)

Skill-Based and Project-Based Training and Exams (100 points each)

Final Exam (100 points for each section, 400 points total)


The student will be courteous and respectful to all members of the class.

The food and drink policy in the computer labs for Tulsa Community College will be followed in this class.

All cell phones and music devices will be turned off and put away during class time. You may make any calls received during the break in classes.

Attendance is necessary to be successful in this class. If a student is going to be absent from a regular class meeting, the student will be responsible to finding out what Projects will be due at the next class meeting. If the assignments are not turned in at the next class meeting, the student will receive a zero for the assignments. The student will need to contact the teacher at her home email address to find out what assignments are due.

If a student is going to be absent from a test, the student will be responsible to notify the teacher about the absence before the test. If no notification is received before the test, the student will receive a zero for that test. If notification about the absence is received before the test, the student will take the test at the next regular class meeting date.


A = 90 – 100

B = 80 – 89

C = 70 – 79

D = 60 – 69

F = 0 – 59

Course Withdrawal

The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Contact the Counseling Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W' grade) or to change from Credit to Audit. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for deadlines. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student.


a.  Email communications: All TCC students receive a designated Microsoft Office 365 email address (ex: jane.). All email communications to you will be sent to your MyTCC email address; and you must use the email to send email to, and receive email from, the instructor regarding this course.

b.  Inclement Weather: TCC rarely closes. If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted on the TCC website (

General Education Goals

General Education courses at TCC ensure that our graduates gain skills, knowledge, and abilities that comprise a common foundation for their higher education and a backdrop for their work and personal lives. TCC’s General Education goals are: Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.

Classroom Etiquette

Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or online discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn from each other. Use of any electronic device is at the discretion of the instructor.

Syllabus Changes

Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to the syllabus in writing.

disability resources

It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Students with hearing loss or deaf may contact the Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing by email at or text at (918) 809-1864.

• Assist providing reasonable accommodations by allowing students to use auxiliary aids;

• Show confidence in a student’s abilities to achieve his/her intellectual, personal, and professional potential;

• Keep disability-related information confidential, having discussion with only the EAC

professional staff member or TCC administration on a need to know basis.

• Discuss all student-related information directly with the student in a confidential manner.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty a faculty member may:

§  require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a substitute assignment or test;

§  Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question;

§  Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively withdraw the student from the class;

§  Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester.

Faculty may request that disciplinary action be taken against a student at the administrative level by submitting such request to the Dean of Student Services.

tobacco free college

Tulsa Community College is a Tobacco Free college in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 2012-01 and Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Section 1-1523 which prohibits smoking or the use of any tobacco products in all public places, in any indoor workplace, and all vehicles owned by the State of Oklahoma and all of its agencies and instrumentalities. This Order includes property leased, rented, or owned by TCC including, but not limited to, all grounds, buildings, facilities, and parking lots. Tulsa Community College’s policy includes a tobacco free environment on all campus and off-campus locations conducting TCC credit or non-credit classes. The TCC Campus Police is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Tobacco-Free Environment Policy. Violations of the policy may be addressed through issuance of campus or state citations.

Institutional Statement

Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies & Resources Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the TCC website:


The student is responsible for being successful in any class or job. Please do not hesitate to call the teacher about assignments or absences.