Framework regulations on examination

for Bachelor degree programs

atTechnischeUniversität Chemnitz

Regulations on examination for the degree program …

with award of the degree Bachelor of … (B. .)

atTechnischeUniversität Chemnitz

dating from ...

Based on § 13 section 4 in conjunction with § 34 section 1 of the Act on the Autonomy of Universities in the Free State of Saxony (SächsischesHochschulfreiheitsgesetz – SächsHSFG) in the version of the publication dating from 15 January 2013 (SächsGVBl. page 3), modified by article 1 of the act dating from 15October 2017 (SächsGVBl. pages 546), the Faculty Board of the Faculty of … (in agreement with the Faculty Board of the Faculty of … ) of TechnischeUniversität Chemnitz has enacted the following regulations on examination:

Overview of content

Part 1: General provisions

§ 1 Standard period of study

§ 2 Structure of examinations

§ 3 Deadlines

§ 4 Admission procedures, notifications on examination dates and examination results

§ 5 Kinds of examination performances

§ 6 Oral examination performances

§ 7 Papers and other written tests

§ 8 Alternative examination performances

§ 9 Project works

§ 10 Assessment of examination performances, formation and weighting of grades

§ 11 Absence, withdrawal, fraud, infringement or regulations

§ 12 (not assigned)

§ 13 Completion and failure of examinations

§ 14 Repetition of module examinations

§ 15 Recognition of periods of study, study performances and examination performances

§ 16 Examination Board

§ 17 Examiner and observer

§ 18 Purpose of the Bachelor examination

§ 19 Issue of the topic, submission, assessment and repetition of the Bachelor thesis

§ 20 Document and Bachelor certificate

§ 21 Invalidity of the Bachelor examination

§ 22 Access to the examination file

§ 23 Responsibilities

Part 2: Provisions concerning the degree program

§ 24 Structure and scope of the degree program

§ 25 Item, kind and scope of the Bachelor examination

§ 26 Period for processing of the Bachelor thesis, colloquium/defense

§ 27 University degree

Part 3: Final provisions

§ 28 Coming into force and announcement, transitional regulations

Within these regulations, grammatically male personal designations apply equally to persons of female and male gender. Women are entitled to use official and functional titles included in these regulations on examination in the grammatically female way. This applies in the same way for the award of university degrees as well as academic designations and titles.

Part 1

General provisions

§ 1

Standard period of study

The standard duration of study of this degree program comprises sixterms (three years). The standard duration of study includes studies as well as all module examinations including the module Bachelor thesis. 1*

§ 2

Structure of examinations

The Bachelor examination consists on module examinations. Module examinations generally consist on one / up to three examination performances. Module examinations are performed during the studies.2*

§ 3


(1) The Bachelor examination shall be performed within the standard period of study.

(2) It is assured by the offer of lectures that prerequisites for admission to examinations and module examinations can be performed within the periods defined in the study regulations (examination performances generally following the lecture period).

§ 4

Admission procedures, notification on examination dates and examination results

(1)Only those are entitled to perform the Bachelor examination who

  1. are enrolled in the Bachelor degree program ... at TechnischeUniversität Chemnitz and
  2. have not definitely failed the Bachelor examination within the same degree program and
  3. have completed the prerequisites for admission to the respective examinations defined in detail by the module descriptions.

(2) The application for admission to the Bachelor examination has to be submitted for each examination performance in written form to the Examination Office at latest three weeks before the start of the central examination period of TechnischeUniversität Chemnitz resp. at latest three weeks before the examination date in case of examination performances beyond the central examination period.

The application has to include:

  1. the indication of the module to which shall correspond the examination performance,
  2. proofs of fulfillment of the prerequisites for admission defined in section 1,
  3. a declaration of the examined that he knows the regulations on examination and whether he has failed or definitely failed a Bachelor examination in the same degree program or whether an examination procedure is still pending..

(3) The decision on admission belongs to the Examination Board, in urgent cases to its chairman.

(4) Deviating from section 1 Nr. 1, persons who have acquired the knowledge and abilities required by the regulations on studies and examination are entitled to acquire the professionally qualifying degree as extern within a higher education examination. The decision on the application for admission to the Bachelor examination as well as on the examination procedure and the examination performances to be completed which have to correspond to the requirements of the regulations on examination belongs to the Examination Board.

(5) The admission to an examination performance of the Bachelor examination can only be denied on condition that

  1. the prerequisites mentioned in section 1 or the provisions for the procedure according to section 2 are not fulfilled,
  2. the documents to be submitted according to section 2 are incomplete,
  3. the examined has definitely failed the Bachelor examination in the same degree program or
  4. that the examined has lost his entitlement for examination according to the law of the State due to exceeding of the deadlines for application for the respective examination performance or its completion.

(6) The examined has to be informed in written form about negative decisions including justifying reasons and a declaration on legal remedies at latest two weeks before the start of the examination.

(7) The examined will be informed in due time about the kind, number, item and way of the module examinations to be performed and about the dates until they have to be completed as well as about the dates of the issue and for the submission of papers and the Bachelor thesis. The notification on examination dates, admission lists and examination results is done by the Examination Office. In case of failure of module examinations, the examined will additionally be informed about the result in written form.

§ 5

Kinds of examination performances

(1) Examination performances can be done

  1. orally (§ 6) and/or
  2. by tests or other written papers (§ 7) and/or
  3. by alternative examination performances (§ 8) and/or
  4. by project works (§ 9).

(2) In case that the examined proofs credibly by a medical certificate that due to a chronical disease or disability he is not able to absolve examination performances in total or partly in the intended way, the Examination Board shall permit the examined on application to perform equal examination performances in another way.

(3) The language of examination is German. The module descriptions regulate which prerequisites for admission to examination or which examination performances shall or can be performed in English language. On application of the examined examination performances may also be performed in English language. From the application cannot be claimed an entitlement. 3*

§ 6

Oral examination performances

(1) By oral examination performances the examined shall proof that he is able to recognize the contexts of the examination area and that he is capable to allocate special issues to these contexts. Furthermore shall be tested if the examined disposes of a level of knowledge corresponding to the phase of studies.

(2) Oral examination performances shall be conducted by several examiners or one examiner in the presence of an experienced observer.

(3) Oral examination performances may be performed in groups or individually. The duration of examination for each examined amounts 15 minutes at minimum and 45 at maximum. 4*

(4) It is also possible to provide tasks to be processed in written form in an appropriate scope within oral examination performances on condition that the oral character of the examination performance is maintained.

(5) The essential issues, the duration, the process and the grade of the oral examination performance have to be recorded by a protocol which needs to be signed by the examiner resp. in case of presence of an observer by the examiner and the observer. The result and the grade have to be announced to the examined always following to the oral examination performance. The protocol has to be added to the examination file.

(6) Students intending to perform the same examination on a later date may be admitted as audience by the examiner according to the spatial circumstances unless the examined disagrees. The admission does not regard the discussion and notification on the result of the examination.

(7) The examination may be interrupted due to important reasons. A new examination date has to be fixed in that manner that the examination performance may be performed immediately after the resolution of the reason for the interruption. The reasons leading to the interruption have to be fixed in the protocol of the examination.

§ 7

Papers and other written tests

(1) Written examination performances include papers and other written tests in order to prove that the examined – based on the necessary fundamental knowledge – is able to solve tasks and process themes within a limited period of time by the common methods of his subject. Within written examination performances it is possible to provide several themes and tasks to the examined for selection.

(2)To the category of other written tests belongs the multiple-choice-procedure. The tasks within the multiple-choice-procedure generally have to be elaborated by two examiners who also have to agree on the assessment criteria. The assessment within the multiple-choice-procedure may be processed automatically.

(3) Written examination performances which need to be completed for continuation of studies generally have to be assessed by two examiners. The assessment period should not exceed four weeks.

(4) The duration of written examination performances has not to fall below 60 minutes and not to exceed 300 minutes.

(5) The decision on the auxiliaries which may be used within a written examination performance belongs to the examiner. The permitted auxiliaries have to be announced in due time.

(6) In justified exceptional cases the Examination Board is entitled to decide that in the following examination period the written examination performance provided normally is replaced by an oral examination performance. The provided duration of examination has to be fixed. The decision of the Examination Board has to be announced at the beginning of the respective term.

§ 8

Alternative examination performances

(1) Alternative examination performances are preferably performed within seminars, internships and exercises. The performances is performed especially in terms of written elaborations, academic papers, presentations and recorded practical performances within one or several course/s. The performances have to be attributed to the examined individually. In the case of academic papers and generally in the case of written elaborations, the examined has to acknowledge that the respective performance was elaborated by himself and that he did not use other sources or auxiliaries than the ones indicated.

(2) For the assessment of alternative examination performances § 6 section 2 and 5 and § 7 section 3 apply accordingly.

(3) The duration and scope of alternative examination performances are regulated in the module descriptions.

§ 9

Project works

(1) Project works performed individually or in a group generally prove the ability for teamwork and especially the aptitude for the development, defense and presentation of concepts. The performances have to be attributed to the examined individually. The examined is asked to prove that he is able to define objectives within a major task as well as to elaborate trans-disciplinary approaches to solutions and concepts. Project works generally include an oral presentation and a written assessment or documentation of results.

(2) For project works which need to be completed for continuation of studies § 6 section 2 and 5 and § 7 section 3 apply accordingly.

(3) The duration of the oral presentation and the s cope of the written elaboration are regulated in the module description.

§ 10

Assessment of examination performances, formation and weighting of grades

(1) The formation of grades for the respective examination performances belongs to the respective examiners. For the assessment of examination performances the following grades have to be used:

1 - excellent(outstanding performance)

2 - good (performance considerably above the average requirements)

3 - satisfactory(performance corresponding to the average requirements)

4 - fair(performance just satisfying the requirements despite deficiencies)

5 - failed(performance not satisfying the requirements anymore due to considerable deficiencies)

In order to further differentiate the assessment of examination performances, the respective grades may be enhanced or lowered by the factor 0.3 to intermediate values; though, the grades 0.7, 4.3, 4.7 and 5.3 are excluded. In case that an examination performance is assessed by two or several examiners, the grade derives from the arithmetic average of the individual assessments. For the formation of the arithmetic average, section 2 sentence 2 applies accordingly. Examiners are entitled to round up or down the grade for the examination performance deriving from the arithmetic average to an entitled grade according to the sentences 2 and 3. In case that the value of the grade exceeds 4.0, the assessment of the examination performance is “failed”.

(2) In the case that a module examination consists on several examination performances, the grade for the module is formed by the weighted arithmetic average of the grades of the respective examination performances, otherwise the grade of the examination performance corresponds to the grade of the module. In this respect, only the first decimal digit after the comma without rounding up is considered, all other digits will be deleted. The grades of the modules correspond to the following predicates:

in case of an average up to and including 1.5- excellent,

in case of an average from 1.6 up to and including 2.5- good,

in case of an average from 2.6 up to and including 3.5- satisfactory,

in case of an average from 3.6 up to and including 4.0- fair,

in case of an average from 4.1 on- failed.

(3) In order to complete the module Bachelor thesis, it is obligatory that the Bachelor thesis is assessed by the grade “fair” at minimum by each of both examiners. The grade for the Bachelor thesis derives from the arithmetic average of the grades of both examiners.

(4) For the Bachelor examination will be formed a final grade. The final grade derives from the weighted arithmetic average of the grades of the modules including the grade of the Bachelor thesis module (cf. §25).For the formation of the final grade section 2 sentence 2 and sentence 3 apply accordingly. 5*

(5) In the case that study performances are recognized as examination performances, they have to correspond to examination performances in terms of kind and scope. The Bachelor examination must not predominantly consists on the recognition of study performances. The decision on recognition belongs to the Examination Board.

§ 11

Absence, withdrawal, fraud, infringement of regulations

(1) The examined is entitled to withdraw from the registration for an examination performance without giving reasons insofar he announces this to the Examination Office until one week prior to the respective examination date.

(2) An examination performance is assessed by „failed“ (5.0) in the case that the examined misses a binding examination date without any justifying reason or in the case that he withdraws from an examination already taken without any justifying reason. The same applies to the case that he has not performed a written examination performance within the predetermined processing time.

(3) The reasons claimed for justification of withdrawal or absence have to be announced in written form and in credible manner to the Examination Board without delay. In case of illness of the examined, the submission of a medical certificate and in case of doubt a certificate of a public health officer can be required. Insofar as the compliance to the deadlines for the first registration for examination, the repeat of examinations, the reasons for absence from examinations and the compliance to the processing times for examination papers are concerned, the illness of a child for whom he cares predominantly on his own equals the illness of the examined.

(4) In the case that the Examination Board accepts the reasons according to section 3, it fixes a new examination date in consultation with the examined.

(5) In the case that the examined attempts to exert influence on his examination performance by fraud or by use of auxiliaries which are not permitted, the respective examination performance will be assessed by “failed” (5.0).

(6) In the case that the examined disturbs the proper implementation of an examination, the respective examiner or the observer is entitled to exclude the examined from the continuation of the examination performance; in this case the examination performance will be assessed by “failed” (5.0).

(7) The examined is entitled to require within two weeks after decisions according to section 5 and 6 have been taken, that they are reviewed by the Examination Board.

§ 12

(not assigned)

§ 13

Completion and failure of examinations

(1)Module examinations are completed in the case they were assessed by “fair” (4.0) at minimum. In the case that examination performances marked by “completion obligatory” within the module descriptions are assessed by “failed”, the module examination is considered as failed. 6* Failed module examinations which are not repeated within a period of one year (§ 14 section 1) or which were repeated but assessed by „failed“, will be considered as failure of the module examination. In the case that an application for a second repetition of the module examination (§ 14 section 2) was not submitted in due time, that this application could not be approved, that a second try for examination was not performed by the next examination date possible or that this examination was assessed by “failed”, the module examination is considered as “definitely failed”.

(2)By the definite failure of a module examination, the Bachelor examination is considered as „definitely failed“.

(3) The Bachelor examination is considered as completed in the case that the required prerequisites for examination and all module examinations are completed. In the case that a Bachelor examination is not performed within four terms beyond the standard duration of study, it is considered as “failed”.

(4)In case that it is proven that an examination procedure contained irregularities exerting influence on the examination performance, it can be ordered on application of the examined or ex officio that the examination or parts of the respective examination will be reset for an examined individually or for all examined. In this case the already performed examination performances are considered as invalid.

(5) Irregularities within an examination procedure have to be reported without delay, at latest within one month after the respective examination day, to the chairman of the Examination Board or to the examiner. Orders according to section 4 can only be given up to the time that the registration for the following examination period is still possible.