Religion and Life Revision Work Book 2015

Test Yourself

Believing in God

Treat each question as a part c – give 4 bullet points

  1. What are the main features of a Roman Catholic upbringing? How may these lead you to God?
  2. List 4 types of religious experience and explain how they lead to belief in God.
  3. What is the argument from Design
  4. How does this argument lead to belief in God
  5. What is the argument from causation (cosmological argument)?
  6. How does this lead to belief in God?
  7. What is the big bang theory and whydoes it lead some to disbelieve in God?
  8. What is the theory of evolution and why does it lead some to disbelieve in God?
  9. How do Roman Catholics respond to scientific explanations of the origins of the universe?
  • Literalist view
  • Liberal view
  1. List 4 ways that unanswered prayers can lead some people not to believe in God? Explain your reasoning.
  2. How do Roman Catholics respond to the problems of unanswered prayers?
  3. What is Natural evil?
  4. What is Moral evil?
  5. What is the problem of evil?
  6. Why does the problem of evil lead some people not to believe in God?
  7. How do Roman Catholics respond to the Problem of Evil?
  8. How can two radio, films or TV programs about religion affect people’s belief in and attitude towards God?

Key Words





Free Will



Moral Evil

Natural Evil




Matters of Life and Death

  1. Why do Roman Catholics believe in life after death?
  2. How do beliefs about life after death affect their lives?
  3. What are non-religious reasons for believing in life after death?
  4. Why do some people not believe in life after death?
  5. Why do Roman Catholics believe that life is sacred?
  6. When was abortion legalised in the UK?
  7. An abortion before 24 weeks of pregnancy is allowed if:
  8. Why do some argue that abortion is acceptable?
  9. Why do some argue that abortion is unacceptable?
  10. What do Roman Catholics and Evangelical Christians (Fundamentalist Christians) believe about abortion?
  11. What do Church of England Christians (Conservative Christians) believe about abortion?
  12. What do Methodists and other liberal Protestants (Liberal Christians) believe about abortion?
  13. What are the four types of Euthanasia? Explain each.
  14. Why are some people against Euthanasia? (non-religious reasons)
  15. Why do some support Euthanasia (non-religious reasons)
  16. What do Roman Catholic and most conservative Christians believe about Euthanasia?
  17. What do Literalist (fundamental Christians) believe about Euthanasia?
  18. What do some liberal Christians believe about Euthanasia?
  19. Why is Euthanasia a controversial issue?
  20. Why is abortion a controversial issue?
  21. What are the causes of world poverty? Explain how each causes poverty.
  22. Why does CAFOD work to end world poverty?
  23. How does CAFOD work to end world poverty?
  24. Choose either Life after death, Abortion, Euthanasia or Wealth and Poverty. Using this as a topic. Pick 2 TV programs or films and explain whether they gave a balanced view on a topic and whether they considered all the arguments.

Key Words


Immortality of the soul

Assisted Suicide

Near Death Experience

Quality of Life




Sanctity of Life


Assisted Suicide

Voluntary Euthanasia

Non-Voluntary Euthanasia

Marriage and the Family

  1. For each area below explain how and why the attitudes towards them have changed, in the UK.
  • Divorce, Marriage, FamilyLife, Homosexuality
  1. What are the Christian attitudes to sex before marriage? Give reasons why they believe what they do.
  • Fundamentalists believe
  • Conservatives believe
  • Liberals believe
  1. What are the different Christian attitudes to divorce? What are the reasons for them?
  • Roman Catholics believe
  • Protestants believe
  • Others believe
  1. Why do Catholics get married?
  2. How are the purposes of marriage in Roman Catholic shown by these aspects of the ceremony?
  • Homily, Questions, Vows, Rings, Blessing, Signing of the register
  1. What do Roman Catholics believe about divorce and why do they hold these beliefs?
  2. What do Protestants believe about divorce and why do they hold these views?
  3. What are the different Christian attitudes to homosexuality and the reasons for them?
  • Roman Catholics believe
  • Protestants believe
  • Others believe
  1. What are the Roman Catholic teachings about family life and its importance?
  2. Why do Roman Catholics consider family life to be so important?
  3. How do Catholic parishes help with the upbringing of children?
  4. How do Catholic parishes help keep the family together?
  5. List 4 different methods of contraception? What does each do?
  6. What are the different Christian attitudes to contraception and the reasons for them?
  • Roman Catholics believe
  • Protestants believe
  • Others believe
  1. How has an issue arising from marriage and the family been presented in one form of media? (eg. Divorce/marriage). Was the treatment of the issue fair to religious believers?

Key Words


Civil Partnership


Pre-marital Sex






Nuclear Family

Reconstituted Family


Religion and Community Cohesion

  1. How and why have theroles of men and women changed in the UK?
  2. What are the different Christian attitudes to equal rights for women in religion? What are the reasons for these? (include biblical evidence)
  • The Traditional attitude
  • The Liberal attitude
  • The Catholic attitude
  1. What problems can be faced by a multi-ethnic society?
  2. How have the government tried to promote community cohesion in the UK? (legislation and rights)
  3. What has the church done to help asylum seekers and immigrants in the UK?
  4. Why does the church working for asylum seekers and immigrants as important?
  5. Why should Catholics help to promote racial harmony?
  6. Catholic Teachings Promoting Racial Harmony
  7. Martin Luther King and Racial Harmony
  8. Who was he?
  9. What was the situation like before he did anything?
  10. What did he hope to achieve? (dream)
  11. How did he go about it?
  12. What did he achieve?
  13. What are the differences amongst Christians in their attitudes to other religions?
  • Exclusivists
  • Inclusivists
  • Pluralists
  1. What are the benefits of living in a multi faith society
  2. What are the benefits of a multi faith society?
  3. What are the problems of a multi-faith society?
  4. What issues are raised for religion in a multi-faith society
  • Conversion
  • Interfaith marriages
  • Upbringing of children
  1. Explain some ways in which religions work to promote community cohesion in the UK?
  2. Explain how religions work to promote community cohesion?
  3. Explain two issue arising from religion and community cohesion has been presented by the media. Was this treatment fair to religious belief and people?

Key Words

Multi-Ethnic Society



Racial Harmony


Multi Faith Society

Religious Pluralism

Religious Freedom


Community Cohesion

Ethnic Minority

Interfaith Marriage