Burgettstown Area High School Bands


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Medical Information/Liability Release Form

***Please attach a current photo of student***

I.  Student Information

Name: ______Age: ______

Address: ______

City, State, Zip: ______

Parent’s/Legal Guardian’s Name(s): ______

Home Phone Number(s): ______

Work Phone Number(s): ______

Emergency Contact Person: ______

Phone Number of Contact Person: ______

II.  Medical Information

A.  Date of Last Tetanus Shot: ______

B.  Please check the following medical conditions that apply and explain any precautions, treatments, and medications with dosages necessary for your child’s health care.

Asthma ______

Diabetes ______

Surgeries ______

Allergies ______

Please list all allergies and detail reactions and treatments: ______


Other medical conditions (please explain): ______


III.  Physician/Insurance Information

Family Doctor: ______

Phone Number: ______

Insurance Provider: ______

Phone Number: ______

Does your insurance require advance notice? ______

Please list any other information relevant to procedures dealing with your primary care physician and insurance provider. ______



The Burgettstown High School Band Staff and Adult Chaperones are able to provide only basic First Aid and treatment of minor illnesses or injuries. All other treatments will be obtained from the provided medical personnel on site, or by transporting your child to the nearest medical facility. The main concern is to keep your child safe. Please discuss with your child any current medical problems that he/she may have, thus enabling them to provide responsible and accurate information when required. If your child is taking prescribed or over-the-counter medication(s), this must be the responsibility of your child. All medications must be in their original container with your child’s name and directions for use. If there are special circumstances regarding medications, a personal discussion with the band director must take place.

I/We hereby release the Burgettstown High School Band Staff and Adult Chaperones from medical and/or legal liability from any unforeseen circumstances resulting during the supervision of my/our child.


DATE: ______

In the event of an accident or illness, I, ______, Parent/Legal Guardian of ______, hereby grant my permission for my child to be transported to the nearest hospital or bona fide health facility and for medical treatment and/or medicines.


DATE: ______