Terms of Reference for OCG sub-group on Radio Equipment Directive and EMC Directive (OCGREDEMCD)
Revised at ETSI OCG #57 on 22/09/2015
1. Responsibility
The main responsibilities of ETSI OCG RED-EMCDare:
- promote the use of the ETSI deliverables supporting the preparation of Harmonised Standards.
- provide the overall coordination and policy direction of the ETSI activities in support of the RE-D and EMC-D and their future updates.
- report to the OCG, EC/EFTA and respective ETSI Technical Bodies as required.
- provide a working interface between ETSI and EC/EFTA in response to relevant EC/EFTA mandates, taking due account of the need for Harmonised Standards to reflect the essential requirements and for other deliverables to facilitate the correct application of the RE-D and EMC-D and their future updates, taking due account of the relationship with other Legislations and Directives.
- review the overall ETSI work programme in support of the RE-D and EMC-D and their future updates.
2. Organisation and working methods
- OCG RED-EMCD shall work in accordance with the ETSI Directives.
- OCG RED-EMCD shall provide progress reports to the ETSI Board and OCG as requested.
Chairmanship of the Group
The Chairman of ETSI TCERM will act as chairman of the group. The committee may appoint vice-Chairmen as necessary.A secretary will be provided by the ETSI Secretariat.
3. Participation
Membership of the group is open to all ETSI members.
Members of the ETSI Secretariat (e.g. Technical Officers) are invited to participate as required and/or represent their respective technical body(ies) when requested to do so.
EC/EFTA are invited to participate as ETSI Counsellor in the group.
Note: EC/EFTA are also the customer for Harmonised Standards (HS) prepared by ETSI.
The OCG RED-EMCD sub-group (initially OCG R&TTED Steering Committee) was established by OCG#07 (26-28 January 1999). The following table shows the history of the updates of the ToRs:
January 1999 (OCG#07) / Creation of OCG Steering Committee R&TTEJune 1999 (OCG#08) / ToRs approved [ETSI/OCG8(99)RTTE, Annex A]
October 2002 (OCG#15) / ToRs updated [ETSI/OCG15(01)RTTE].
May 2003 (OCG#20) / ToRs updated [ETSI/OCG20(03)30].
October 2005 (OCG#27) / ToRs updated [ETSI/OCG27(05)17].
October 2007 (OCG#33) / Clean-up and change of status from “steering committee” to permanent “sub-group” [ETSI/OCG33(07)12]
January 2014 (OCG#52) / Update to better fit the suggested template from the OCG Secretary and to accommodate for the future revisions and replacements of the EMC and R&TTE Directives [ETSI/OCG(14)52_047r1]
September 2015 (OCG#57) / Update of the OCG R&TTED ToRs to reflect the proposed change of name of OCG R&TTED to OCG RED-EMCD. [ETSI/OCG(15)57_xyz]