Strategic Audit for Distance Education
Dimensions of
Distance EducationResponse
1.Is planning focused on processes¬®¯°±
or results?ProcessesÊÊÊÊÊÊResults
2.Is it focused on the individual,¬®¯°±
organization, or society?IndividualÊÊOrganizationÊÊÊÊÊ ÊÊ Society
3.Is it driven by the media, content¬®¯°±
delivery, or its usefulness?2MediaÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊContentÊUsefulness
4.Are needs defined as gaps in desired¬®¯°±
resources or as gaps betweenResourcesÊÊÊÊÊÊResults
current and required results?
5.Are needs (gaps in results) formally¬®¯°±
or informally identified andInformallyÊÊÊÊÊFormally
6.Are the courses or programs linked¬®¯°±
to internal administration orAdministrationÊÊÊÊÊExternal
external usefulness?
7.Does a formal, clear, and common¬®¯°±
goal link courses or programs withAssumedFormal Link
other learning opportunities, or is
the link assumed?
8.Is the content dictated by subject-¬®¯°±
matter experts (SME) or derived bySMEÊUsefulness
usefulness for the learnerÕs future?
9.Is the content of courses or programs¬®¯°±
designed through a systematic SMEÊÊSystematic Design
process (e.g., performance system or
instructional design) or by a subject-
matter expert (SME)?
10.Is the instruction set or customizable¬®¯°±
by the learner?SetÊÊÊÊÊÊÊCustomizable
11.Are the designers, developers, and¬®¯°±
deliverers credentialed to do whatNon-credentialedÊÊÊÊÊÊ Credentialed
they do: develop learning materials
that work?
12.Are the courses or programs¬®¯°±
delivered at an institution or at aInstitutionÊÊÊÊÊRemote
remote site, including oneÕs home
or workplace?
13.Are the courses delivered using¬®¯°±
conventional, telephone, books orConventional ÊÊÊÊHigh-Tech
workbooks, video, computer, Web-
based means?
14.Is there primarily asynchronous ¬®¯°±
interactivity between learner and SynchronousÊÊÊÊÊÊÊAsynchronous
instructor or deliverer?3
15.Does the learner have access to¬®¯°±
support units (e.g., academicLimited AccessÊÊÊFull Access
advisement, career counseling and
16.Does the learner get immediate¬®¯°±
feedback concerning performance?DelayedÊÊImmediate
17.To what extent is the content of the¬®¯°±
courses or programs formativelyLimitedÊÊÊÊÊÊComprehensive
18.Are the delivery vehicles for the¬®¯°±
courses or programs formallyInformallyÊÊÊÊFormally
evaluated for their effectiveness and
19.Are the courses or programs evaluated¬®¯°±
for long-term consequences (learner)Short-term ÊÊÊLong-term
20.Are distance education programs¬®¯°±
evaluated for long-term financialShort-termÊÊÊLong-term
return on investment for the
Based on Kaufman, Watkins, and Guerra (2001).