City of NicomaPark
Sewer Rates
Effective July 1, 2015
Single Family Residential Units
One to two permanent residents$24.00 per month
Deposit $48.00
Three or more permanent residents$26.00 per month
Deposit $52.00
Multifamily Residential Units
$24.00 per unit per month.
Deposit $200.00
The rate will apply to apartments, mobile home parks, and other multifamily units. It is the responsibility of the owner, manager or person in control of the multifamily residential unit to pay for all the units and spaces on one bill. The fee is due for all units and spaces, vacant or otherwise.
Commercial Non-Metered
Commercial Sewer Light (CSL)$38.00 per month
Deposit $76.00
For light usage commercial establishments fitting the following categories:
- Professional services
- Small retail with up to 5 employees
- Small service/gas stations/convenience stores with up to 2 pumps
- Daycare – licensed for up to 5 children
- Banks
- Salons/barbershops with 4 or less stations
- Non-Profits/Lodges
- Salvage Yards with 1-20 employees
Commercial Sewer Moderate (CSM)$76.00 per month
Deposit $152.00
For moderate usage commercial establishments fitting the following categories:
- Medium Retail with 6-20 employees
- Medium service/gas stations/convenience stores with 3-8 pumps
- Daycare – licensed for 6-15 children
- Salons/barbershops with 5-15 stations
- Churches (not metered)
- Salvage Yards with 21-50 employees
(continued on back side)
Commercial Non-Metered - continued
Commercial Sewer Heavy (CSH)$150.00 per month
Deposit $300.00
For heavy usage commercial establishments fitting the following categories:
- Large Retail with 20 or more employees
- Large service/gas stations/convenience stores with 9 or more pumps
- Daycare – licensed for 16 or more children
- Salons/barbershops with 16+ stations
- Salvage Yards with 50 or more employees
Shopping Centers
Individual businesses located in shopping centers shall be charged the applicable commercial rate. The owner, manager, or person in control of the shopping center may elect to pay for all units on one bill. In this case, the rate charged shall be based upon a combined total of each applicable commercial rate and shall be due for all units, vacant or otherwise.
Restaurants are charged the Commercial Sewer Light (CSL), Commercial Sewer Moderate (CSM), or Commercial Sewer Heavy (CSH) rates shown depending on the number of days per week the restaurant is open and the number of meals served per day. The table below shall be used to determine the applicable rate category to be charged:
Serves 1 meal per day / Serves 2 meals per day / Serves 3 meals per dayOpen 1 to 5 days/week / CSL / CSM / CSH
Open over 5 days/week / CSM / CSH / CSH
Commercial and Industrial Metered
Commercial Establishments and Industrial (metered)
For commercial and industrial uses fitting the following examples categories:
- Car wash
- Schools
- Shopping Centers
- Food processing establishments
All users in this category are required to install, at the user’s expense, a flow meter measuring device acceptable type and design to the city and to pay the following monthly sewage charge: $31.00 per month, plus $4.25 per one thousand gallons of sewage flow.
Deposit $200.00
City of NicomaPark
PO Box 250
Nicoma Park OK 73066
(405) 769-5673