Access Key: 5T91P

CPS Property InvestmentsAttn: Mr & Mrs De La Torre,
We arethe developers of East Shore Villas and Marina Villas the developments onboth the upriver and downriversides of Roadhaven Marina Condominiums.We have been working with your Board of Directors on providing boatdocks for your exclusiveuse in the marina bordering your condominiums. At this point a survey is needed to see if there is enough interest to go ahead with the project.
The item to be purchased will be a membership in a new marina association just formed called Roadhaven Marina Association. These marina association memberships will give you theexclusive right to use one boatdock,andthey are transferable only to other owners in Roadhaven Marina Condominiums. They can be sold or traded at whatever price ismutually agreed. At the completion of the installation of theboatdocks the property under the boat docks, the newdock area, and the new Roadhaven Marina Association itself will be transferred to Roadhaven Marina Condominium HomeownersAssociation and will be totally under your and your associations’ ownership andcontrol. Along with the new dock area,there will also be a 20 foot widestrip along the marina property line starting at the most upriver corner of Roadhavens' property to themost down river corner of thenew dock areathat will also be transferred along with it allowing your association, in the future, to build a walkway along the marina if they wish. You can see the upriver half of this 20 foot strip on the boat dock layoutincluded with this letter.
As in any property owners association, the new Roadhaven Marina Association will need to charge those that purchase marina membershipsmonthly HOA dues to cover the costs associated with the new boat dock area. These costs will includecleaning, maintaining, replacing, insuring, and management feesfor the new owners association. I would suggest it be $20.00 a month per membership to start which seems to cover the cost at East Shore Villas. A single boatdock will measure 10ft. wide by 22ft. deep. A double boatdock will measure 20ft. wide by 22ft. deep. Some owners in East Shore Villas purchased an extra dock to dock their boat at one dock and their waverunners/toysat the other. The docks will be "World Class IIIB Docks with white Brock decking",exactly the same as we usedin East Shore Villas and manufactured by the same manufacturer, Shore Master, Inc. located in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. They will also be constructed with the samematerials and using the same dimensions. The materials are aluminum framewith vinyl Brock decking. The headwalks will allbe 6ft. wide and the fingers betweendocks will all be 3ft. wide. The gangway goingdown to the headwalk will be 4ft. wide and will be attached to a concrete walkway coming down between the two Roadhaven buildings most upriver on the marina. A copy of the boatdock layout is included with this letter.
Thereare three options for marina memberships:
1. Option A - single marina membership, one half ofa double dock, $17,700
2. Option B - single marina membership, single dock with fingers on each side, $23,200
3. Option C -twomarina memberships, double dock, $35,400
You may purchase more thanone marina membership to get the exact docks you desire. There is some limited financing available. Please contact LeRoy G. Robertsdirect at the numbers belowto inquire about it.
Included in the cost of the marina memberships are the following:

1.The docks manufactured, delivered, and installed by Shore Master, Inc.

2. The improvements to provide access down to the new dock area contracted to Ar-Cal Development.

3. A budget for legal fees of $5,000 to be paid to Roadhaven Marina Condominium Homeowners Association to cover their legal costs involved with this project.

4. A budget of $200 for each marina membership sold to go to the new Roadhaven Marina Association to fund its' start up capital.

5. The cost of the land purchase from Marina Villas - BHC, llc for the new dock area and the future Roadhaven river walk.

6. State and City taxes.

If you want the use of a singledock buy one membership, if you want the use of a double dock purchase two memberships. Once we know that there is enough interest in the marina memberships, and after Roadhavens' Board of Directorsgives us the finalOK, we will mail out a purchase contract for marina membershipstoeveryone showing interest. Hopefullythis willtake place bySeptember 7, 2009. We will ask that you sign it and return it to us along withpayment in full for themarina memberships youwish to purchase. The payment in full is to be made payable to Chicago Title Insurance Company. We have made arrangements forthe escrow to be at Chicago Title Insurance Company in BullheadCitywith their escrow officer JillJackson. All purchase contracts and payments are to be mailed to us: Marina Villas, 1551 Loma Verda Lane, Santa Ana, Calif.92705.When we receive your purchase contract and payment we will then give it atime anddate when we received it to place you in proper order to choose the location of your dock or docks. Then we willcounter sign your purchase contract and returna signed copy to you and forward your payment to Chicago Title Insurance Company to be deposited in the escrow established there.
No funds will be released from this escrow until the docks and the improvements to provide access to them are substantiallyinstalled and complete. At the close of escrow the title to the land under the new dock area and the land under the future Roadhaven river walk will be transferred to the new Roadhaven Marina Association. Then the new Roadhaven Marina Association itself will be transferred to its’ Roadhaven Marina Association members and the Roadhaven Marina Condominium Homeowners Association totally under their joint ownership and control.
It will take approximately 2 monthsafter the order is received by ShoreMaster, Inc.before the docksare ready to be shipped tothe siteto be installed.Ifwe receive enough positive responses byAugust 31, 2009,we would hope to have a purchase contract in the mail to you to sell you marina memberships by September 7, 2009. We would like the purchase contracts returned to us with the payment in full by September 30, 2009. It will be onafirst come first served basisas far as picking which dock you will be using, so we will be keeping track of when we receive yourcontract and payment. There is a minimum of 20 docks needed,and also a maximum ofapproximately 60 docks. Ifwe are allowed togo with these dates I have put in this letter, which will depend a lot on getting your Board of Directors approval to build the access down to the new docks, we should be installing the docksthis December.Please take the time and visit the website for Shore Master, Inc. it is: they are a large company that makes a very good product. We have had a website createdto inform you and keep you up to date as to the progress of this project.You can down load all the documents, see the drawings, renderings, videos, and find out the status of theprogress of the project.The website address is: Your access key is:5T91P

We hope that thru the completion of thisboat dock project that not only will your investment in your Roadhaven Marina Condominium be a better investment, but that it will give you more enjoyable memories with your family and friends.
Please feel free to phone me, e-mail me, or fax me with you questions.


LeRoy G. Roberts, Managing Member
Marina Villas - BHC, llc
1551 Loma Verda Lane
SantaAna, Calif.92705
Office: (714) 734-8056
Fax:(714) 734-8055

Here's the survey:

Please circlethe options you are interested in and write in thequantity ofeach option you want to purchase. Then mail or faxit back tous byAugust 31, 2009.

1. Yes I would like to purchase____ Option A's, one half of a double dock,at $17,700 each.
2. Yes I would like to purchase ____ Option B's, single dock with fingers on each side,at $23,200 each.
3. Yes we would like to purchase ____Option C's, double dock,at $35,400 each.
4. No thanksI am not interested in purchasing any Memberships in the Marina Association.
Name:CPS Property InvestmentsAttn: Mr & Mrs De La Torre

Roadhaven unit number: 74
Mailing address: 10031 Central Avenue

Garden Grove, CA 92843

Your e-mail address:______

Yourhome phone number:______

Your fax number: ______

Thank You,

LeRoy G. Roberts

Managing Member

Marina Villas – BHC,llc