Sophomore Checklist

September – October

  • Choose your activities and sports for the school year; try for leadership roles.
  • Review your grades from freshman year and make a commitment to improve your GPA.
  • Be active in and out of school: high school activities, community service, and leadership roles are extremely helpful when applying for college, seeking scholarships, and building your resume.
  • Take the PLAN test seriously, as it will help determine your post-secondary options.
  • If you received any progress reports, visit with your guidance counselor and teachers for ideas on how to improve your grades.

November – December

  • Apply for the HOBY (Hugh O’Brien Youth) Leadership Seminar; visit with your principal or counselor for more information.
  • Use the Career Center resources in the library to explore post-secondary options and career exploration.
  • Continue to use the Choices computer program and update your career portfolio.
  • Schedule an appointment with your counselor so you and your parent/guardian can review the results of your PLAN test.
  • Review your report cord; visit with your guidance counselor and teachers for ideas on how to improve your grades.

January – February

  • Study for your semester tests. Take them seriously, as they are 20% of your semester grade!
  • Check your GPA after semester exams… is it where you want to be? If not, assess your study habits and visit with your guidance counselor for help in improving it.
  • If you have not made an appointment with your guidance counselor to review the results of your PLAN test, do so now.
  • Visit with your family about your class selections for your junior year.
  • Register for elective classes that allow you to explore your interests.
  • Choose academically challenging courses when registering for your junior classes.

March – April

  • Explore the possibility of volunteering during the summer. You can earn up to one service-learning credit and service experiences will be helpful in the future when you apply for scholarships.
  • When taking the CTBS test, challenge yourself to improve your scores from previous tests.
  • If you received any progress reports, visit with your guidance counselor and teachers for ideas on how to improve your grades.


  • Study for your semester tests. Take them seriously, as they are 20% of your semester grade!
  • Consider getting a summer job to explore your career interests. For more information about job opportunities and helpful job-seeking skills, visit the Career Center.