Use of personal information for the purposes of the Vulnerable Person Panels and Crime and Disorder Panels
This privacy notice is of particular interest to individuals known to Nottinghamshire Police or other local authorities in Nottinghamshire who are referred to Vulnerable Persons Panels and Crime and Disorder Panels.
Vulnerable Person Panels (VPPs) and Crime and Disorder Panels (CDPs) are made up of members from statutory organisations such as the County Counciland other local authorities, the Police, the Fire Service and/or GPs and non-statutory organisations such as Registered Social Landlords, Charities, Probation and organisations that offer support to individuals and their families.
The VPPs considers cases referred to it involving people identified as vulnerable, for instance, where individuals have been victim to anti-social behaviour. Information may be shared in relation to the victim or perpetrator of a crime or anti-social activity. Information about individuals connected with those individuals, for instance, family members may also be shared.
Personal information shall be shared for one or more of the following purposes:
- early intervention to provide support to individuals;
- to prevent crime and disorder or anti-social behaviour;
- for safeguarding and for promoting welfare of adults at risk of abuse and harm;
- for wider public protection.
Personal information shall be shared between VPP members with the consent of the persons referred to them or without consent where there are safeguarding issues or for the purposes of the prevention and detection of crime or for the purposes of legal proceedings.
The following personal information may be shared by the County Council with the other organisations or received from the other organisations by the County Council:
- Name;
- Address;
- Gender;
- Date of Birth;
- Warning markers;
- Trigger factors;
- Risk assessment score;
- Vehicles associated with any anti-social behaviour if relevant;
- Physical health / mental health concerns / nature of illness;
- Names and dates of birth of any children in household;
- Names and address of any known carers;
- History of engagement with other agencies / organisations;
- GP / practice details;
- Health / mental health impact of any crime or anti-social behaviour on victim;
- Relevant previous offending history if appropriate;
- Any other relevant information deemed necessary and proportionate to support the work of the VPPs.
The CDPs share personal information involving people identified as perpetrators of crime and disorder, for instance, hate crime, domestic violence, tenancy related criminal offences or antisocial behaviour.
Personal information shall be shared for one or more of the following purposes:
- early intervention to provide support to individuals;
- to prevent crime and disorder or anti-social behaviour;
- to detect crime and prosecute offences;
- for safeguarding and for promoting welfare of adults at risk of abuse and harm;
- serious case reviews or homicide reviews;
- for wider public protection.
Personal information shall be shared between CDP members with the consent of the persons referred to them or without consent where there are safeguarding issues or for the purposes of the prevention and detection of crime or for the purposes of legal proceedings.
The following personal information may be shared by the County Council with the other organisations or received from the other organisations by the County Council:
- Name;
- Address;
- Gender;
- Date of Birth;
- Warning markers;
- Trigger factors;
- Risk assessment score;
- Vehicles associated with any anti-social behaviour if relevant;
- Physical health / mental health concerns / nature of illness;
- Names and dates of birth of any children in household;
- Names and address of any known carers;
- History of engagement with other agencies / organisations;
- GP / practice details;
- Health / mental health impact of any crime or ASB on victim;
- Relevant previous offending history if appropriate;
- Any other relevant information deemed necessary and proportionate to support the work of the CDPs.
The County Council and the other members of the VPPs and CDPs have an information sharing agreement in place which sets out the details and legal basis of the information sharing arrangement. The personal information that is shared with the other organisations will be retained by them and they will become responsible for that information.
Information received by the County Council will be stored in accordance with its retention polices. Information shared with other members of the VPPs and CDPs will store the information in accordance with their own record retention policies.
Information shall be shared between the County Council and other members of the VPPs and CDPs using a cloud storage and database provider. The cloud storageis located in the UK and the provider is ISO/IEC 27001 certified. The database has a national search facility which provides other organisations who are registered with the provider.
The following personal information may be provided in response to the search:
- Name and if appropriate alias;
- Date of Birth;
- Gender;
- NHS Number (where known);
- Last known address.
If you have any enquires about this privacy notice and the sharing of personal information by the County Council, please contact the County Council. Contact details can be found on the County Council’s privacy statement.[link highlighted text to: