August 14, 2012



PRESENT:Tim Bottari, Joan Holland, Mac Tilley, Alan Wakefield, Jessica Johnson, Brian Johnson, Jerry Swisher, John Bottari, Les Theonnes, Doris Kellogg, Jim Kellogg, Eric Wiesemann, Jayna Wiesemann, Pat Bottari, Chris Chrestensen, Caden Chrestensen

TREASURERS REPORT: Checking: $14,032.62Savings: $10,479.43Cash Box: $130.00Total: $24,642.05


Mac -

Things that need to be done before September Shoot:

  1. Need to get unmarked side and marked side staked.
  2. Make trail safe on #14 hill.
  3. Paint cement markers with correct colors and distances.

OLDBUSINESS:Boys & Girls Club: Jessica is handling this! Not very organized, very few kids (only 14).

New Club computer: Eric got info to Joan. Joan is finalizing details to make order.

Outdoor Expo – August 25th at the Elko Convention Center. Where the heck are we?? Jayna is going to bring a TV to do a slide/video show, will have membership forms, give away a membership & lesson in a raffle, John, Jessica, Eric & Jayna will man the booth. Jayna with a long A sound!

Novelty Shoot money: We have $500 to donate. We are still looking for a candidate. The following groups have been suggested and are our current candidates.

Harbor House Abused Women’s Shelter:

Juvenile Prevention Program:

Hunt of a Lifetime: Check into keeping it in Nevada or at least a Nevada kid. Jerry Swisher will check this out – did not hear anything back. Dream Keeper Foundation? Tim is checking on this outfit. For handicapped kids. Get logo to Jim Billingsly and he will put it on their trailer, and will put it in Winn. Magazine. John 1st, Pat 2nd, motion passed.

Club Sign: The stencils and scotchlight have been donated. Tim is going to get the special paint from the Paint Store.

Per the SW NFAA Director, John Thayer, Tim has the “crossing practice range” warning signs ordered.

Water and potties for State Shoot in September: Order 2 extras, one at top and one at bottom. One at the bottom with a wash station.

The 4-H had an educational event on Saturday July 14th. Several vendors/ instructional groups participated. Jessica participated with her legless buddies and pushed the archery club to all that would listen! Thank you Jessica! Several people picked up membership flyers.

Shed for the Range. Tim has prices on wood sheds from Home Depot $3000.00 and a local vendor $2775.00.

Jerry brought up steel sea containers and said he would check on these prices. $3700.00 for sea container, extra for a roll-up door. May be able to get one from Sam at Elko Overhead – John will talk to Sam. Pat 1st, Jim K. 2nd, motion passed. Jerry will call on availability. Tim will get two ties and will do the dirt work.

Vega Construction donated three loads of gravel for range. Joan will make a certificate of appreciation for Vega.

NEW BUSINESS: Work Party Sunday, August 26th at 6:00 am. Tim, Mac, Jayna, Eric, Brian, Jess, Les, Alan

Call about getting ball caps for club.

Battle Mtn.: Kings Kustom Embroidery – Samme 775-225-1588,

NBHA/NFAA:Shooter fees for the State Marked Outdoor. The Shoot flyers have been changed to reflect the new non-member prices. Joan will email new flyers to Jessica to be reprinted.

Jessica brought letter from NBHA Scholarship recipient. Very nice! She received $200.00.

NEXT SHOOT:September23 at 10:00am. Registration begins at 9:00am shoot begins at 10:00am. This will be a paper shoot to get ready for the State Shoot on the 29th & 30th. Who is hosting this shoot: Brian, Jessica, Mac.

NEXT CLUB MEETING:September 11, 2012 at the Hospital at 6:00pm. We need to get ready for the NBHA State Outdoor shoot that we are hosting at the end of the month.