
Regents Review Terms

  1. Mayflower compact – self government
  2. Virginia house of burgess- steps towards representative democracy
  1. NorthwestOrdinance of 1787-

-divided land

-set up rules for admittance of new states

  1. What was the economy in the New England colonies based on?

-trade and manufacturing

  1. What was the economy of the southern colonies based on?

-farming and plantations

  1. Salutary Neglect-

-Britain ignores colonies

-colonies start trading independently

Colonist very successful with trade

  1. Thomas Paine- Wrote “Common sense” urged colonists to separate from Britain
  1. Why was the declaration of independence written? To state the colonists reasons for separating from Britain
  1. Mercantilism-raw materials sent to mother country and finished products sent back
  1. Federalism- division of power between national and state government
  1. Delegated Powers- powers reserved to the federal (national) government
  1. Concurrent Powers- powers shared by the national and state government
  1. Reserved Powers- Powers reserved to the state
  1. What are powers given to the Federal government? Declare war, coin money
  1. What powers are given to the state government?

Education, Drivers license

  1. What was the purpose of the constitutional convention? to revise the articles of federation (Central government too weak)
  1. John Locke- (natural rights) ideas lead to the declaration of independence
  1. Articles of confederation- weak central government, states had too much power
  1. Great Compromise- settled argument over representation in congress, bicameral (two house) legislature
  1. 3/5ths compromise- How slaves would be represented in congress
  1. Commerce compromise- slave trade
  1. Federalists- people who wanted to ratify ( pass) the constitution
  1. Anti-federalists- wouldn’t ratify the constitution unless it included a bill of rights (protect people’s rights, limit power of federal government)
  1. Bill of rights-protects people’s rights, limits power of the federal government
  1. Checks and balances –Each branch checks each other (Presidential veto, 2/3rds override, judicial review)
  1. After the president veto’s a bill what percentage of congress is needed to pass it in congress? 2/3rds
  1. Judicial review-supreme court can declare laws unconstitutional
  1. What are three ways that the constitution is flexible or adapt to changing times?

Elastic Clause, Amendment Process, Judicial interpretation

  1. What are two examples of the unwritten constitution?

Cabinet, two party system (political parties)

  1. Proclamation of Neutrality-George Washington, country should not get into alliances with other countries to avoid war.
  1. Washington’s Farewell Address

"Our true policy is to steer clear of permanent alliances . . . ." don’t make alliances with other nations, we don’t want to get into wars

  1. Whiskey Rebellion- Showed the power of the National Government
  1. Jeffersonian Democracy- Common man (allowed all white men to vote
  1. Marshalls Court- John Marshall made the federal government much more powerful
  1. Manifest Destiny- The united states desire to expand west.
  1. Seceed- The south broke away from the union

37 .Dred Scott-denied Congress the power to regulate slavery in the territories

38Monroe Doctrine- Prevent European intervention in Latin America

39Missouri Compromise- banned slavery in the part of the Louisiana purchase north of the 36’30’ line

40Compromise of 1850- Popular sovereignty would determine if a state would be free or slave

41Kansas-Nebraska Act- Overturned Missouri compromise

- Territories would decide if they would be a slave state or a free state through popular sovereignty

42Popular Sovereignty- the people in the territory could decide on a issue

43Bleeding Kansas- pro-and antislavery people rushed into Kansas to vote on the issue, violence erupts

44What was Licoln’s justification for war?

-preserve the union

43. Lincoln’s plan for reconstruction

-Bring the south back into the union as soon as possible

44. Why didn’t the radical republicans like Lincoln’s reconstruction plan?

-They felt Lincoln didn’t punish the south enough

-established military districts

45. Jim Crowe Laws-Segregation

  1. Progressive movement-

In response to Industrialization

46. Progressivism

Try to fix corruption in government and
business and fix problems in society.

  1. Jacob Riis

-How the other half lives


  1. Upton Sinclair

-The Jungle


  1. Why did congress raise tariff rates?

-Protect American Business

  1. Populist Party-


  1. Initiative and referendum

-expand voter participation

  1. Federal Reserve System

-Regulated the nations money supply

  1. Yellow Journalism

-sensationalized news

-sinking of the Maine

  1. Imperialism

-Obtain raw materials and markets

  1. Open Door Policy

-Trade with China

  1. Result of the Spanish American war

-US became a world power

57.Panama Canal

-Reduce time for US shipping

  1. TR’s Big Stick Policy

-protect latin American interests

--Western hemisphere

59. Conservation


-protecting the natural environment

60. Why did the US enter WWI?

-Unrestricted submarine warfare

61. Wilson’s 14 points

-set goals for peace after WWI

62. Why was the treaty of Versailles rejected?

-US didn’t want to get involved in foreign affairs

63. Schenck vs US-

Civil liberties can be suspended during wartime

64. Lend Lease Act-

aid the Allies without involving the United States in war

-becoming more involved in WWI

65. How did Pearl Harbor change U.S. foreign policy?

-U.S. shifted from Neutral to involvement

66. Rationing- Ensure military had essential materials

67. Korematsu v.U.S.- During wartime civil liberties may be limited

68 .How did WWII affect women and minorities?

-began working in factories because the traditional labor (men) went off to war

69. Why did Truman drop the atomic bomb?

-to save lives

70. McCarthyism- Civil liberties of Americans were threatened

-Witch hunt

71. GI Bill-educational and housing opportunities for soldiers

72. Camp David Accords- Peace in the Middle east

73. Salt Talks-Nixon tried to reduce weapons or arms in Soviet Union

74. Which factor contributed most to inflation in the United States during the 1970s?

Oil embargo

75. Reagan

-Trickle Down Economics

-Tax Breaks Businesses

76. Magna Carta

-Limit the power of the monarch

77. Monroe Doctrine

-Europe can not intervene in Latin America

78. Erie Canal

-Linked Great lakes to Atlantic coast

-Helped farmers