My References

Module 6

John Miner

These references are to support my economic analysis for “Miner Details”.


This business is a service business focused on doing individual jobs working with metals. This company has experience in machining, wielding, sheet metal fabrication, and repair of items needing specialty made metal parts. There is also a division in motorcycle sales and repair, as well as fabrication of specialty design motorcycles for racing. This analysis is going to give focus for the business to aim their services for the rest of this current quarter as well as what to expect for the 2004 year. I will work with data from the unemployment to describe how the economy of consumers is doing. I will have data on the CPI, which will show how to expect future dollar amounts. I want data from the GDP to represent how the economy is improving or declining and whether this business is going to do the same. I will use data from the region to describe what to expect from the area sales. I will take data on the current resource prices and expectations of businesses that affect this one, like steel and metal prices. There is no employed labor so no statistics will be used about labor prices. I will use data from the utility expense to express a concern over the increase or decrease in where money is going to be spent.

Guzicki, R. (2003). Consumer Price Index Cleveland-Akron, Ohio. Retrieved Nov. 18, 2003, from Bureau of Labor Statistics:

The importance of this reference to my paper is to show how well the economy is doing where the object of my paper is located. I will use this information to express the local area as well as a comparison of the national economy with the GDP.

Runiewicz, T. (2003). U.S. Industrial Growth: Who Will Lead in 2004. Retrieved Nov. 18, 2003, from Global Insight:

I want to use this site to express what will be the leading businesses in the 2004 year. This paper is from a web site about economics and expresses one person’s analysis of the leading growth companies in the 2004 year. I want this information in my paper for it’s relevance towards the type of business I am analyzing and how another person believes if it is going to be the leading growth business or not.

Anton, J. (2003). U.S. Steel Prices Rising as Consolidation Aids Market Discipline. Retrieved Nov. 18, 2003, from Global Insight:

I will use this resource site to express some of the cost increase or decrease to the main production resource. The cost of steel is one of the production costs to create some of the items being made by this company. If the steel industry were going to have huge increases in its cost then the company would need to be aware of this for preparation into the future business decisions.

Metropolitan Area at a Glance. Retrieved Nov. 18, 2003, from U.S. Department of Labor:

This site will be used to get information on the area unemployment this can be used for two reasons in my paper. first to express the area growth or decline in jobs. The second because this company has two types of customers, the firms or companies that want large orders of work as well as small individual parts and the individual customers that want specialized items made for their personal benefit, with knowing the area employment it can be inferred to what customers will be most likely to use this business in the coming quarter.

(2003). Gross Domestic Product. Retrieved Nov. 18, 2003, from U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis:

The use of the GDP will be to express how the entire country is performing in expansion or recession, also to compare the local area where the business is.

(2003). Employment Situation Summary. Retrieved Nov. 18, 2003, from Bureau of Labor Statistics:

The use of this article is more in depth for explaining any changes in the employment of the country rather than only having information about the local area in my paper.

Ormerod, P. (1997). The impossibility of accurate macro-economic forecasting. Economic Affairs, 17, 44-49.

The macro-economic short-term forecasting record in the West over the past thirty years is very poor. Modern non-linear signal processing techniques can be used to show that such inaccuracy is a deep and inherent property of the data themselves. The forecasting record simply cannot be improved. Much economic policy still focuses on short-term intervention based on short-term forecasts. But such efforts are futile because forecasts of sufficient accuracy over time cannot be made.

Gray, T. (2001). Regulation and the small firm: federal regulation and the American economy. Economic Affairs, 21, 23-32.

This article begins by assessing the cost of Federal regulation in the United States and how it has changed over time. It shows that there have been periods when these costs have fallen but that the trend is upwards. Some regulations result in net benefits but many produce more costs than benefits and the costs bear most heavily on smaller firms. Various measures taken to control regulatory activities are reviewed. The article ends with a plea for Congress to take responsibility for the quality of regulation instead of leaving it to the regulatory agencies and the President.

Dhawan, R. (2001). Declining share of small firms in U.S. output: causes and consequences. Economic Inquiry, 39, 651-662.

We develop a dynamic general equilibrium model, with large and small firms, to examine possible causes and welfare implications of a declining trend in small firms' share of U.S. output since 1958. Numerical experiments indicate that recent technological advances and government tiring policies that have reduced fixed setup costs of production benefit the emergence of small firms, but lower their output share due to competition for resources among firms. However, this outcome is welfare improving. Therefore, if the policy objective is to raise small firms' output share and economic welfare simultaneously, it is desirable to concentrate on increasing antitrust and deregulatory efforts.

DelVecchio, D. (2001). Consumer Perceptions of Private Label Quality: the role of product category characteristics and consumer use of heuristics. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 8, 239-249.

Given consumer associations with their lower cost/lower quality positioning and their relatively small marketing budgets, private label brands must carefully select the product categories in which they attempt to compete. A regression-based study was undertaken to investigate the manner in which product category characteristics influence consumers’ perceptions of private label quality. Results of this study indicate that perceptions of private label quality are driven by the complexity, price level, average interpurchase time, and quality variance of the product category. Private label brands are also perceived differently due to the manner in which consumer segments employ brand names as heuristics. Although consumers’ use of brand names as functional cues is unrelated to assessments of private label quality, consumers who consider brands to be symbolic resources are, surprisingly, found view private label brands more favorably. However, the results indicate the positive perception of private label quality among consumers viewing brands as symbolic resources is limited to product categories that are private in nature.

Gowland, D. (1983). Modern Economic Analysis 2. Great Britain, : Butterworth & Co..

This book has information on the theory of the firm. I will use the information to help me develop my economic forecast using correct information. The book has many other chapters about economics and I plan to just review them in case of need to add more information to my paper.

Education Fusfeld, D. (1990). The Age of the Economist. London,: Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown Higher

This book will also be used to help develop a strong analysis of my objective in this paper. An entire chapter is wrote on what is contemporary economic analysis and that is what I will be doing an assessment of the firm according to the needs of today’s economic forecasting.