Name Date

US History Bill of Rights Powerpoint Presentation

Your grade for this second quarter project in United States History 1A will be based on your research on a Supreme Court case involving an amendment from the Bill of Rights and a powerpoint and presentation on that Supreme Court case. To complete this project, we will be going to the computer lab for the next week. During this time you will research your assigned court case and create a powerpoint. Below you will find a grading rubric and breakdown of the items you need to include in your powerpoint project. All powerpoint presentations must be created using Google Presentation located on Google Drive. This will allow you access to your project from any computer at school or at home.

Breakdown of the Grading Rubric for the Powerpoint Presentation

(Slides noted with a * will require students to prepare more information for their oral presentations to their classmates)

All slides have a 20 word limit. All slides should have images related to the slide/case and some basic information.

a. Slide 1 - Cover Page 2 points

This slide should include your the name of your court case, the date(s) of your case, the amendment your case is about and your name and an image that represents your case.

b. Slide 2 - Amendment Page 3 points

Identification of the amendment that your case is about, a description of the amendment and an image of the amendment.

c. Slide 3 - Plaintiff 2 points

On this slide you will put the name of the plaintiff in your case and include an image of the actual person(s).

d. Slide 4 - Defendant 2 points

On this slide you will put the name of the defendant for your case and include an image of the actual person(s).

e. Slide 5 - Background of the Case* 6 points

On this slide you will explain why this case came about and include background information on how this case came before the Supreme Court.

f. Slide 6 - Chief Justice 2 points

For this slide you will identify the Supreme Court Justice for this case and include an image of this person.

g. Slide 7 - Legal Question 5 points

For this slide you will identify and explain the legal question brought about by this case.

h. Slide 8 - Vote Tally/Majority Decision* 6 points

For this slide you will provide the vote tally of how the Supreme Court voted in deciding this case and explain why the court voted the way it did.

i. Slide 9 - Dissenting Opinion*

You will only need to complete this slide if your vote tally was not a unanimous decision.

If you need to complete this slide, include the names of the dissenting Chief Justices, the reasons why they dissented and images of the Chief Justices.

(The points for this slide have been combined with slide 8 since this section is part of the court’s decision.)

j. Slide 10 - Works Cited 2 points

For this slide you will list the sources where you found your information for this project.