No 328 – 16 February 2015

My mother is a big believer in being responsible for your own happiness. She always talked about finding joy in small moments and insisted that we stop and take in the beauty of an ordinary day. When I stop the car to make my kids really see a sunset, I hear my mother's voice and smile.” – Jennifer Garner

P 1 WARRINGAH COUNCIL, Civic Centre 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why NSW 2099

T 02 9942 2686 F 02 9942 2664 E ISSN 1448-7705


Discobility – Last Blast of Summer Fluoro Party

Disco with Northern Area Recreation Association

Dance to the Nines

Come Join the Chatswood Social Club

2015 NSW Boccia State Titles at Narrabeen

Active Ability for Children and Adults with Disability

Integrated Gymnastics and Disability Programs

2015 Free Wheelchair Tennis Clinics with Mick Connell

Come N Try Day with Wheelchair Basketball

Fluro Friday with OneWave

Life Exchange Camp in the Northern Beaches

Camp Willing and Able, NSW Sport & Recreation

Warringah Events for Youth

Loosely Woven Concerts: “Waves”


Bradfield Park Carer Support Activities

Free Guided Bushwalk and Meditation for Carers

Carer Wellbeing Group via Talk Link from February

2015 Carer Groups – Community Connect Northern Beaches

Care & Connect – Free Support Group for Family and Friends of kids with ASD

Mission Australia – Hornsby Waitara Community Hub

Power of Positive Parenting your Children aged 2-12

Connect 3 – Building Resilience in Primary School Students with ADHD or Anxiety

Teenage Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)

Free Positive Parenting Program

Child & Adolescent Parenting Sessions

Free Workshop: Ideas for Self Directing Supports

Kinship Carers Group for Grandparents or Relatives

Parenting Children with AD/HD

Getting Ready: Living the Life I Want to Live

Get More Skills: Community Connections

Support at Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury

Facing Anxiety Support Group

Free Art Psychotherapy Group for Carers

For Carers and Family Members of Someone with Dementia

Free Sessions for Carers of Someone with Dementia


New Paediatric Occupational Therapy Service

Manly Warringah Women’s Resource Centre

DARTS merges with Northside Community Forum

Noah’s Ark Toy Library for Children w Special Needs

The Think and Plan Website

The Way Ahead Directory

Free Parent Guidebooks

YouthSource - Directory of Services in the Northern Sydney Region

The Reading & Writing Hotline

NSW State Election on Saturday 28 March 2015

Support from Disability Teacher Consultants at TAFE

Australian Cross Disability Alliance – a Voice for All People with Disability

First NSW Advocate for Children and Young People


Call for Artists and Creatives in all Art Mediums - the Hatch Information Evening

Want to Write Winning Grant Applications?

Law and Justice Foundation of NSW Grants Program

Commonwealth Bank Community Grants 2015

Sport and Recreation Disability Grant - closes 2 April

The first Rosie Creators Award for Teenage Women

Allstars for Autism: Fundraising Luncheon

AUCTION4ROKI - Charity Auction for Roki

Back to School Specials at Human Ware

Accessible Arts Campaign: Promise or Pay

Accessible Arts - DinnerTime as Fone Free Feb 2015

Consultant – Self Managed Programs, Ability Options


Diets for Autism and ADHD

Action For People With Disability - AGM & NDIS

Official Opening of Cubby House Toy Library

Workshops at St Lucy’s during March

Dr Louisa Moats on Language, Learning and Literacy

TiARA (Tick-induced Allergies Research & Awareness) – Information on Tick Allergies

Raising Responsible People – Parenting Course

Lifeline Northern Beaches is running DV-alert

Results Based Accountability RBA™ 101

Free Workshop on Youth Suicide Prevention

How to Effectively Respond to Complex Clients with Borderline Personality Disorder

Cool Kids Workshop - Friday 13 March

Web Accessibility Training Workshops in Sydney

P 1 WARRINGAH COUNCIL, Civic Centre 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why NSW 2099

T 02 9942 2686 F 02 9942 2664 E ISSN 1448-7705

Discobility – Last Blast of Summer Fluoro Party

What? Dance party for 12-24 year olds with special needs, their siblings, carers and friends with music, give-aways and games by ‘Hey DJ’. Prizes for brightest fluoro outfits. Carers (including group home, paid) must remain onsite if attending youth are not self-reliant. Lucky door prizes.

When? Friday 27 February, 7pm-10pm.

Where? YOYOs Youth Centre, Forestway Shopping Centre, Frenchs Forest. Wheelchair friendly.

Cost? Ticket $10 per person at the door.

RSVP? For information and indemnity forms, contact Warringah Council Youth staff on 9942 2681 or . See

Disco with Northern Area Recreation Association

What? Fun for youth and adults with intellectual disability and their friends!

When? Friday 13 March, 7pm-9.30pm.

Where? Uniting Church Hall, corner of Provincial Rd and Pacific Hwy, Lindfield.

Cost? $10 includes light supper about 8.40pm (no doggie bags).

Transport? Community buses can unload, then park elsewhere. Wheelchair access from Provincial Road. Book taxis in advance and inform volunteers, since no telephones are available.

RSVP? For information, phone or fax NARA on 9452 4993 and .

Dance to the Nines

What? A free night of dancing for people over 18 with a disability, with live music by “Pun Intended”. Light refreshments provided.

When? Friday 20 March, 6pm - 9pm.

Where? Dougherty Community Centre, 7 Victor Street, Chatswood

RSVP? For bookings, phone 9777 7581 (Mon, Tue) or email .

Come Join the Chatswood Social Club

What? Adults (aged 18-64 years) with an mild intellectual disability, living on the North Shore, and requiring low level support are invited to socialise and participate in fun activities like arts and crafts, drama activities, indoor games, cooking, and more! It is also a great opportunity to meet new people while having fun. 17 Feb – Salsa dancing, 24 Feb strike bowling at Mandarin Centre.

When? Tuesdays at 6pm-9pm all year round.

Where? Chatswood Youth Centre, corner Albert Ave & Victor St (opposite Mandarin Centre), Chatswood.

Cost? $20 per term, with four terms per year.

Info? You can bring a friend or family member along. If you have questions, ring staff at Lane Cove and North Side Community Services - Recreation Rendezvous on 9427 6425, or email Clare on .

2015 NSW Boccia State Titles to be contested at Narrabeen

What? This key selection event determines the final NSW Team to represent NSW in the upcoming May National Titles. The State Titles will be contested across all classifications, with about 35 of the best athletes from across Australia competing for NSW honours. The BC3 classification was already full after only two weeks!

Where? Sydney Academy of Sport, Narrabeen

When? 20 – 22 March. Registrations close on Friday 20 February.

Cost? Boccia NSW is providing 3 grants of $300 each, to assist NSW athletes who have never attended the Titles. Priority to athletes from regional and rural areas. Send a brief outline to indicating why you want to attend and how you will benefit.

Info? For information, see or or

Active Ability: Exercise Sessions for Children and Adults with Disability

What? Amanda and Kara are exercise physiologists who run Active Ability together with their team. It specialises in providing physical activity and health education for children (age 10+) and adults with intellectual disability. Need for carer support is assessed on an individual basis. Stay healthy, lose weight, get strong muscles and have fun with your friends.

Where? Northern Intellectual Disability Cremorne Community Health Centre, 231 Military Road, Cremorne.

When? Wednesdays, 3:30pm-4:30pm.

Cost? $20 per session (pay 5 sessions at a time).

Info? For information and to book sessions, email , or call Kara at 0422 025 012 or Amanda at 0410 711 177.

Integrated Gymnastics and Disability Programs

What? The Manly Warringah Gymnastics Club offers multiple programs including Rebound Therapy (trampoline-based), Disability gymnastics (Rebound therapy and Recreational gymnastics), school gymnastics and specialised 1:1 or small group therapy based programs for children and teens who are living with a mild to profound physical, developmental, intellectual, behaviour, learning or emotional disability. Senior coaches are qualified in both gymnastics and Rebound Therapy. Parent or guardian or care staff to remain in the gym for personal care support to their child.

When? Office Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, with classes and sessions at various times.

Where? M W Gymnastics Club, 24 Middleton Road, Cromer.

Cost? Depends on the person’s specific needs and the program.

RSVP? For information and booking, phone 9972 9222 or email .

Note: Rebound Therapy Centre at Castle Hill RSL Gymnastics (, 9846 1200.

2015 Free Wheelchair Tennis Clinics with Mick Connell

What? This is a great way for people to start out in wheelchair tennis in a social environment. All age and experience levels welcome at these Wheelchair Sports NSW sessions! Come and learn some skills from former world No 2 Mick Connell.

When? Beginners 12pm-1pm, Advanced 1pm-2pm. 22 March, 19 April, 24 May, 21 June, 19 July, 23 August, 20 September, 18 October, 22 November.

Where? City Community Tennis Courts, Prince Alfred Park, Surry Hills. A short push from Central Station!

RSVP? For information, contact Melanie Chapman, Sports Development Officer, on 9809 5260 or . See or

Come N Try Day with Wheelchair Basketball

What? Wheelchair users of all ages who would like to try wheelchair basketball for the first time or improve their skills are invited to interact with the NSW Juniors Wheelchair Basketball team and coaches Troy Sachs (Multiple Gold Medal Paralympian) and Josh Meoli (Sydney Uni Wheelkings Natioal League Player). We will have chairs that people can hop in and have a go. Mothers, Father, Brothers and sisters welcome to come and have a go as well.

When? Saturday 28 February, 12pm-1pm.

Where? Sydney Academy of Sport Narrabeen, Wakehurst Parkway, North Narrabeen 2101.

RSVP? For information, contact Melanie Chapman, Sports Development Officer, on 9809 5260 or .

Fluro Friday with OneWave

What? This non-profit surf community tackles depression, anxiety and bipolar through surfing with good mates on Fluro Fridays to raise awareness for mental health. “It’s about conversations between sets of waves.” The movement started at Bondi, spread to Manly and 8 other Australian beaches.

When and Where? Every Friday at 6.30am at North Steyne, Manly. See – Also at Bondi, Snapper Rocks, Newcastle, Byron Bay, Ballina, Janjuc Beach, Perth.

Info? Mental health movement founded by Grant Trebilco ( 0420 725 965) and Sam Schumacher ( 0481 474 122) or Mental Health Manager Joel Pilgram ( 0402 933 481).

Life Exchange Camp in the Northern Beaches

What? This special experience enables 15-21 year olds with and without intellectual disabilities to learn from and support each other, while enjoying the fun, friendship, and activities. Teens with an interest in “Special Needs” teens will assist their peers with various activities including bushcrafts, handcrafts, outings and sporting activities. “Special Needs” teens can enjoy a range of activities with the support of a teenage “Buddy”. The directors Andrew and Juliette Hackett are supported by a team of trained and experienced leaders. Due to site accessibility, campers must be able to walk up stairs, be generally compliant, and able to care for their personal needs.

When? Camp 1: 7-12 April (4pm Tue 7 April to 11.30am Sun 12 April)

Camp 2: 8-11 April for campers with special needs (9.30am Wed 8 April to 9.30pm Sat 11 April)

Where? United Christian Youth Camp Kedron, Emmaus Road, Ingleside NSW 2101.

Cost? $150 includes all meals and activities (bushcrafts, handcrafts, outings, sporting, beach)

RSVP? For information and registration, see or contact Camp Manager Greg Clark on 9450 1296 (fax 9450 2689) to discuss suitability.

Camp Willing and Able, NSW Sport & Recreation, North Coast Region

What? This residential program enables adults with a physical and/or intellectual disability to participate in various games and recreation activities, with an emphasis on making friends and having fun. Activities may include kayaking, surf skiing, motor boat rides, charades, rugby league, indoor rock climbing, swimming, karaoke. Easter theme. Volunteer carers will support low needs participants. High needs participants must be accompanied by a personal carer.

When? 9.30am Saturday to 3pm Sunday. Adult (18 years and over) Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 February. Child (9-17 years) on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 March.

Where? Lake Ainsworth Sport and Recreation Centre, Pacific Parade, Lennox Head.

Cost? With / without Companion Card: adult $235 / $267. Cost includes all meals, accommodation, activities, coaching and support staff.

Info? Phone Heidi Duncan, Development Officer, Northern Region, Sport and Recreation, Communities NSW, on (02) 6618 0400 or email for an enrolment form.

Warringah Events for Youth

16 February: Northern Composure Band Competition Entries Close – for unsigned bands aged 19 and under

20 February: Northern Composure Band Competition Volunteer (photographer, gig reviewer, film crew) Applications close

20 February: All Ages Band Night: Ocean Glass with Local Supports - YOYOs Youth Centre 7-11pm - $15 ($5 discount with downloaded KALOF app)

8 March: Applications Close for Sister City Youth Exchange Program (8-14 April) - Free – 14 – 19yr olds.

For information, contact 9942 2681 or . Or see

Loosely Woven Concerts: “Waves”

What? The popular acoustic band and singers are performing their first concert of 2015.

When and where? Sun 1 Mar, 1pm at St David’s Uniting Church, St David’s Avenue, Dee Why

Fri 6 Mar, 7pm at St Andrews Uniting Church, Chisholm & Vernon St, South Turramurra

Sat 7 Mar, 4pm at Avalon Baptist Peace Church, 2 George Street, Avalon

Sun 22 Mar, 1pm - Humph Hall, 85 Allambie Road, Allambie Heights

Cost? Free, and donations are welcome for various causes.

Info? Phone Wayne Richmond on 9939 8802 or or see


Bradfield Park Carer Support Activities

Contact staff on 8920 0675 or before coming to any of these programs.

Thu 19 Feb, 9.30am-3pm – Men’s Group Tour of ANZ Stadium followed by Lunch. . For Male Carers.

Mon 23 Feb, 6.30pm-8.30pm – Public Forum, ‘Thriving with Mental Illness’ Seng La, an accountant with lived experience of mental illness, speaks about her journey and strategies. Light supper. Carers Consumers.